Three sightings in the last five days...
Thursday, 23rd, about 4:00 p.m.
A female was sitting on the ledge in the front of the Brodie Centre. I am guessing it was a female by the size, but she was facing north and I could not see her front side to see if it was Princess or one of the kids. Anyone know -are the female kids the same size as Mom or smaller?
I saw her there at 4:00, and by the spat marks below, she had been there for awhile. I came by again at 4:30, and again at 5:30 after supper, and she was still there.
Monday, 27th, 4:00 p.m.
Same spot as Thursday, but this time she was facing the street. I pretty sure by the light colouring and size, it was Princess.
This morning, 9:00 a.m. Dad is sitting on his favovite letter, J on the side of the Brodie Centre. (with spats all the way down the building)