Back home again, lots and lots of flapping.
At one point there were two on the ledge and two on the edge, one facing north, and the other facing south watching the two on the ledge.
Then there were two on the south edge and one of the ledge guys wanted back into the box. Well, darned if he didn't jump up and on right between the two on the edge.

Then someone, not sure who, decided to run/hop the length of the edge while flapping like a crazy birdie. He/she got to the north edge right beside the wall and started wingercising furiously.
Now, a little aside here before I finish tell you all the rest of the story. Do you remember last year when Tupper fledged and Tracy and I found him a few hours later trying to walk on the Radisson wall?
And he continued to try and wall walk for some time after that?
It seems this year we have a louver walker, no kidding.
The one on the north managed to launch itself straight up about 4 feet, tried to climb the louvers, and promptly jumped back into the nest box. Head popped up so all was well.
So it was a pretty good first morning of fledge watch for me.