Author Topic: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess  (Read 579028 times)

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Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3570 on: July 04, 2010, 17:11 »
Looks like 2 chicks in the nestbox, 1 near the ledge and 1 over in Ivy's corner. But I can't tell for sure, with all the jerking of the webcam.
Good mother-that-I-am, I forgot to mention how much my 15-year-old daughter loved being involved today.  She came along for the ride (and breakfast) and was easily coaxed from the car to see White and watch his rescue.  She had a great time, thought everyone was so nice, and plans to register as a member.
Yes, I really enjoyed meeting your daughter, susha and that's wonderful that she is going to join the Forum! :D

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3569 on: July 04, 2010, 16:57 »
Good mother-that-I-am, I forgot to mention how much my 15-year-old daughter loved being involved today.  She came along for the ride (and breakfast) and was easily coaxed from the car to see White and watch his rescue.  She had a great time, thought everyone was so nice, and plans to register as a member.

A parent just dropped off dinner and one chick (can't tell who) is scarfing it down before he\she has to share it ::)

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3568 on: July 04, 2010, 16:52 »
Hahahaha, if you only knew GCG, I can't type worth a darn. Hunt and peck the whole time and so very glad that it's easy to change something.
So, how about coming to a fledge watch some evening? You will meet some very wonderful people there.

Boy, can I attest to that!!  Not bccs's hunt and peck method, but to the wonderfulness of the people on the fledge watch team!  I arrived late, after all the work was done and got to watch the goings on, which were way better than any adventure movie!  Kinderchick and Des very kindly and thoughtfully came to find me after White got stranded on his roof-top.  I was wandering the streets and alleyways of downtown, looking for a parkade and would still be wandering if not for those two.  It was wonderful to meet those two angels of late lost phanatics as well as bccs, jazzerkins, Goddennis, and of course, Tracy, whose knowledge of all things Peregrine is supernatural.

And to see that beautiful falcon baby up close and personal is beyond words.

Looks like everybody's out on the ledge, soaking up some sun.  I'm going out to get some groceries and then heading back to check on little Mr. White.  See you soon, bccs (Congrats on the 5000, BTW) and anybody else who can make it! ;D ;D

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3567 on: July 04, 2010, 15:55 »
Hahahaha, if you only knew GCG, I can't type worth a darn. Hunt and peck the whole time and so very glad that it's easy to change something.
So, how about coming to a fledge watch some evening? You will meet some very wonderful people there.

Offline GCG

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3566 on: July 04, 2010, 15:49 »
 :-* My sincere thanks to Kinderchick and bccs for their very imformative updates. To read what was written was almost like being there. As well, thanks to all from the forum for being there and their support to the Peregrine team. Dennis, I am eagerly looking forward to today's photos. 5004 posts, congratulations, bccs. you must have very nimble fingers, not to mention, a memory to be extremely proud of. Forum, can there be a better Peregrine team? :-* :-* :-*

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3565 on: July 04, 2010, 15:41 »
Congrats. on the 5000 posts!  Will you get your other star Now? ???
Thanks you for the updates on Mr. White and the others.  Hopefully all will go well today and in the days to follow.  :)

Thanks Ellie, but I doubt a star will be forthcoming until TPC has a bit of "down time", which isn't likely soon. No worries, I'm just so very happy to be part of the whole peregrine experience. Like last year, lucky, lucky me.  ;D ;D
And the updates will continue, promise.

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3564 on: July 04, 2010, 15:36 »
Congrats. on the 5000 posts!  Will you get your other star Now? ???
Thanks you for the updates on Mr. White and the others.  Hopefully all will go well today and in the days to follow.  :)

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3563 on: July 04, 2010, 15:06 »
Thanks bcbird, and yup, a grand moment for me today was when he gave me his camera to take pictures of the event. Very honoured that he let me do that, although I got a very stern warning to put the strap around my neck  ;D ;D ;D

( that is one beautiful camera, thanks Bob :-* )

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3562 on: July 04, 2010, 15:01 »
How nice to get both a short and a long version of the morning's watch.  Thanks, Kinderchick, and thanks, Bccs.  
So Dennis was entrusted with the famous Home Depot bucket.  Any pictures of him playing hide and seek with Mr Yellow?  

PS congrats on the milestone, bccs!

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3561 on: July 04, 2010, 14:53 »
Holy macaroni, 5000, how did that happen? But thank you Jo.

Ok, so here comes the longer version. I got there about 5:15 and Des was already there. No birdies to be seen, but it sure didn't take long. Flap, flap, out to the ledge, back to the box. After about an hour, off goes Des to get a coffee, and then Dennis rolls up. Kids put on a magnificent display of wingercising and Dennis of course had his camera glued to his face.
Des came back, we were standing there watching and over comes an adult to the nestbox. It left very quickly and went over to the Manitoba Hydro building and was sitting on the top of the b.  Dennis yells "there he goes" and, boy did he go. He was trying to get to his parent and flew over the Rogers building and then tried to land on the windows of the Hydro building. Needless to say, he wasn't successful and he flapped on the way down as opposed to dive bombing. We knew he likely wouldn't have hurt himself, but now we had to find him.
Des was checking some streets and Dennis and I went to the hydro bldg to see if he was walking on the ground there. Nope, no luck. There's a parkade across the street, about 7 levels high and up we go to the top of it. Looked and looked, nope no luck. I was just passing by the now famous roof and Dennis said " You're going to walk right by him, there he is" and sure enough there he was. ( He will never let me live that one down ) ::) Des found us, Kinderchick and Jazzerkin found us and we watched and watched. Mr White was rather wet from a small pool of water on the lower level of the roof, but looked fine.
Called Tracy and she said that he'd be fine, just keep an eye on him. So we did.
Kinderchick went down to find Susha and brought her back and now there was a bunch of us watching.
Dennis called a friend and he brought a ladder and Dennis climbed up and got some wonderful pictures. Mr. White seemed very curious about Dennis and kept moving closer and closer to him.
There are 2 or 3 levels to this roof and the birdie was not being very sucessful flying up. It's not a wide roof, so there was no way for him to launch.
So called Tracy and now she's on her way. She got there shortly and Dennis went up the ladder again, sweater and bucket in hand to try and capture the escapee. It was almost comical how the bird would go behind the A/C unit as Dennis was coming around the other way. After about 5 or 6 minutes of this, Mr White bolted and flew to the MTS Centre, where we left him. It's a much better spot for him to get back to the nest box, much more open and lots of edges where he can take off from. He's about 3-4 stories up and very safe there.
So that's the story, all in all, about 6-7 hours of watching and watching.
Great to have company this morning, thanks ladies and Dennis.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3560 on: July 04, 2010, 14:40 »
Just got home after doing some errands and spending a little over 4 hrs. downtown with the "fledgewatch group" - dennis, bccs, des, jazzerkins, susha, susha's daughter and TPC. Arrived downtown around 7:30 AM to find the Mr. White had fledged about 15 mins. prior to my arrival. First spotted jazzerkins on Portage Ave. across from the Radisson, then managed to locate dennis, bccs and des in City Place parkade, watching Mr. White, who had landed on a lower roof, in between some taller buildings. bccs called TPC and along she came, armed with her Home Depot pail. After some thoughtful watching, TPC asked dennis to call a friend with a very long ladder. TPC will speak about this later, but I believe she felt that Mr. White mightn't have been able to maneouver his way up and out of the narrow passage between the buildings. After TPC checked in with the police to be sure that we weren't all arrested for trespassing, the ladder was extended to the rooftop where Mr. White had fledged to and up went dennis, armed with susha's sweater, attempting to corral and capture Mr. White. No such luck!  :P Mr. White then fledged down the narrow back alley and landed a little bit higher but still on a lower roof of the MTS building. When I left the group close to noon, TPC assured us that he would likely stay there for some time, but that he looked as if he was just fine... And as a postscript, none of the others had fledged when I left, but 2 were outside the nestbox, on the ledge, where we cannot see them from the webcam, although TPC says that she can see all the way down to the end of the ledge with her spycam. All in all, a very exciting morning! ;D The only disappointment of the day was for susha in that dennis was not able to capture Mr. White in her sweater!  ::)  She was really looking forward to having some "poop art" of her very own!  8) ;)
« Last Edit: July 04, 2010, 14:42 by Kinderchick »

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3559 on: July 04, 2010, 14:17 »
Thank you for the updates bccs & congrats on 5000 posts! Many thanks to TPC & all the fledge watchers.

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3558 on: July 04, 2010, 13:37 »

Thank you for the update bccs.  I just woke up from a nap and I had nightmares about them I was so worried!

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3557 on: July 04, 2010, 13:28 »
As part of a fledge team, I know how you at the cams feel.

but rest assured that your fledge watch team in Winnipeg and Tracy aare keeping a good watch.

I will not speak for Tracy, but the adults would not withhold food from the girls at this stage. They are not ready. 

Glad White is O.K. How far up is he bccs. I do not know your buildings

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Re: Radisson - 2010 / Ivy & Princess
« Reply #3556 on: July 04, 2010, 12:42 »
 ;D I just came home after grocery shopping. Very happy to see the return of one of the Royals. I read your updates, bccs, thank you so much for posting them. GCG :-*