Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Mississauga - Executive Centre - 2008-20

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The Peregrine Chick:
From Loriann & the CPF website ...

"For the past three days now, we have also been trying to find out additional details on an unbanded adult peregrine that was injured and rescued by the City of Mississauga animal services very close to the MEC nest site on May 22nd. Had it not been from a caller from the City of Mississauga alerting us of this rescue, we would have never known about it.

Unable to reach the CPF during the moment, a telephone message was left on a CPF mobile phone, the injured unbanded adult female peregrine falcon was picked up from the Mississauga Animal services by a wildlife rehabber from the Stoney Creek / Grimsby area in southern Ontario and then taken out of the district without any notification or knowledge or permissions from to the Ministry of Natural Resources.

By the time we tracked down the bird (and identified the rehabber), the fledge watch team out in the streets at the MEC nest site had quickly realized that there was no attending female, and that the resident MEC adult male was obviously doing over-time and in warp drive trying to attend to his new young hatchlings in the nest box by himself"

The whole entry is too long to post here without gettting cut off, so please check out the rest of the story:

As you might imagine (and Loriann did in a very succinct way  ;)) folks are disturbed by what happened when communication breaks down. 

We are fortunate in Manitoba in that the Project here is smaller than CPF's activities in southern Ontario(geographically smaller at least) and we try to talk to all the players (rehab, Conservation, building managers, phanatics & fans, etc) on a regular basis.  And even though, information can get lost in the heat of the moment, when the heat dies down, the news gets to the people it needs to pretty quickly.

As for Dad being home alone - the chicks were hatching out April 20th, so they are just about to fledge and one decent meal a day for each chick will keep them going, so if Dad can pull that off until the female returns or the chicks start hunting on their own, well, then everyone should be okay.  Chances are Dad will do better than that and hopefully he still has some food cached nearby to help him out.

The Peregrine Chick:
From Loriann ...

We have THREE CHICKS now..
Just a few days ago, this pair became the proud parents of the first peregrine hatch of 2012 and today ( april 20)  there was much to be seen on the monitor. A very determined female stood as best as she could over the wiggling pile of fluff beneath her and tried to contain them within the nest scrape. I was able to see two chicks for sure actively moving underneath her and suspected that there was a third. The presence of that third chick was confirmed by Marco of Oxford Properties and I can’t thank him enough for all of his assistance and efforts over the past few weeks as we have been trying to get the camera working once again. We are so excited for MEC and are working feverishly to get the camera up and running again as we continue to tackle the software issues that are causing the image to be inconsistent. Congratulations MEC and we await the hatching of the final egg!!! Check back shortly as we will post some pictures of the new family.

That's GREAT news!  :D

The Peregrine Chick:

From Loriann ...

Baby falcon hatches
The Greater Toronto Area's first successful hatch of a peregrine falcon egg has taken place in Mississauga.
Volunteers for the Canadian Peregrine Foundation (CPF) reported a hatch on Tuesday in the nest located at the Mississauga Executive Centre on Robert Speck Pkwy. in the City Centre.
CPF volunteer Tracy Simpson reported the hatch on Tuesday, noting that when she viewed the television camera monitoring the site, she could "just make out the small, white head poking out from under the adult female’s wing."
The CPF hopes to begin banding the falcon chicks in late May or early June.
The City Centre site is one of three active nesting locations in the city. A second long-standing site is located at the Holcim cement plant in Clarkson.
A third pair of falcons have taken up residence at a high-rise building on Standish Court, near Hurontario St. and Britannia Rd.

The Peregrine Chick:

Courtesy of Loriann ...

Activity at MEC; Two Eggs and Counting
March 30, 2011 - Mississauga - Executive Centre
Tracy Simpson Reports:

This afternoon I made my way out to MEC to check on our pair this year and was greeted with a tempting bit of pigeon at MEC 2 rooftop.  The tasty treat was not for me ( thank goodness, yuckers! ) but rather the unbanded male was courting and caring for his lady on the scene.  I scrambled to get the scope out and take a look as she had both legs in full view and of course, the minute I was ready, off she goes and into the nestbox.  I was able to get a glimpse of colour though and I am 99% sure that she is a Black over Red which coincides with observations last year and last week as well.  After abandoning the hope of actually getting alpha numerics off of the band, I made the climb to the control room to take a look at what she was up to.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that two eggs have already been laid and by the looks of her, all plump and dreamy, the third will be there tomorrow.  I then wandered over to MEC 3 and with the unwavering support of the security on staff, I was able to head up to the roof for another attempt at an ID on the female.  Once again, I had her in full view in the scope but to no avail as she had no intention of moving an inch and with her feathers draped around her band, I decided to leave her to her sleepiness and planned to try again in a day or so.


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