Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Mississauga - Executive Centre - 2008-20

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I checked with the person who told me today and they are confident of the situation - the date of death, no one can be sure, just an assumption.  They never allow anyone to take chicks out of the nest - ever unless it's a serious situation even in cases where people have begged them to, so he must have been confident it was the correct course of action.

Here is Franks post from his post on CMNH - He even knows the ID of the new female!:

I received this message from BIG FRANK regarding Tessie from the Cleveland Clinic nest site:

Today we have learned there is a new female at our Mississauga Executive Centre nest site,here in Toronto. She has been ID'd as Teffi,a 2007 bird from Clevland Ohio(somewhere). She wore band m/83 black over green. The resident female was found dead on a platform near the nest,hidden from view,at banding time. There are 3 chicks of the dead female there. Ministry Of Natural Resources reps decided when 2 of the chicks were found to be dehydrated one quite severly they would not be returned to the nest after banding. Teffi showed no interest in being surrogate mama to the other Peregrines chicks. The chicks were taken to our avian vet Dr Luckwell where one took 10% of its body weight in fluids. They were cared for and are now at CPF Raptor Centre getting care from our Raptor Mom Tracy. She will likely spend tonite with them. Our next move may be to foster them at another site in the city,I will keep the board gang apprised.

Just catching up on the sad news here about the female. :'(   I had checked in there yesterday and today and was wondering where the chicks were and if there was a spot where they could hide.  There has been an adult hanging around there this morning.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: carly on June 06, 2009, 05:42 ---Sorry didn't mean to stir up a hornets' nest.
--- End quote ---

You didn't  :-*  Just project coordinator curiosity, these kinds of puzzles occur from time to time - remember all the speculation about what happened to Mariah in New York earlier this year ... everyone sat down with photos and videos after the fact to try to fill in the missing pieces.  I'm just interested to hear how all the pieces fit together in Mississauga once the gang there gets a chance to do the same thing ...

thats why i was surprised when they said that mom had been dead for a few days/  the video CLEARLY shows a much larger bird feeding the kids.......  and yet they said she was not   I hope they have not jumped the gun in removing the chicks, but again. Mark knows best and we'll trust in him that he knows best for them.  As long as the little ones are okay, it does not change the outcome.    before they said that the third falcon see buzzing around was a juvinille bird but that was weeks ago.  None of the chicks from this nest survived last year, so can't be one of the kids..   

Didn't even know they had videos as I haven't had time to follow so many sites.    Maybe they are wrong about the date of mom's demise ...I dont' know much about how they tell those sorts of things.  Or maybe they observed something else we don't know or don't want to share at this time.  Sorry didn't mean to stir up a hornets' nest.



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