Author Topic: ON / Etobicoke - Bloor & Islington / 2008-21  (Read 115864 times)

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Offline sheltiegirl

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2008 / Screech, Sunny & Perry
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2008, 08:04 »
Silly me, if I had been thinking it would have occured to me that the babies were way too little!  ::) At least I know for future postings that I can get the link to show. Thanks Carly much appreciated
LuAnn(aka sheltiegirl)

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2008 / Screech, Sunny & Perry
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2008, 07:55 »
Sheltie, that is the Etobicoke web cam - the building I work in.  The 3 babies are all grown up now having fledged last month.  They run the video on the side now as the juvies aren't home much anymore.  You can still catch them though if you're lucky, on really hot days they will come to the nest box and chill out in the shade.  They are Screech, Sunny and Perry and they are beautiful!  I see them everyday flying around chasing each other and pigeons!

Offline sheltiegirl

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2008 / Screech, Sunny & Perry
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2008, 07:38 »
Im wrong looks like two chicks although it seems to be a rerunning video although it says live video feed

Offline sheltiegirl

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2008 / Screech, Sunny & Perry
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2008, 07:35 »
Another webcam in GTA in Etobicoke, mum and dad just left . Not the closest view but looks like one chick and perhaps an unhatched egg Not sure if I can post the link but will try.

Offline skygirlblue

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2008 / Screech, Sunny & Perry
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2008, 20:26 »
Thanks for the updates Carly.  

SGB, there's also that YouTube clip from the sites we were given in an old thread, showing the pair working together to get rid of an intruder.  

You are so right...I had totally forgotten about that!!!  thanks for the reminder..I'll tell short term memory ain't what it used to be...What's today?   :)

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2008 / Screech, Sunny & Perry
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2008, 20:03 »
Oh cool, I'll have to look that up!  Although I don't like to see our beautiful birds fighting each other, I don't like to hear when an intruder kills one and the other one just stands by and watches either.  I know nature is cruel but I like to delude myself and think they all get along  ;D

Just like I'm telling myself that my babies are going to fly south and live happily ever after...

Offline Liz

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2008 / Screech, Sunny & Perry
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2008, 19:33 »
Thanks for the updates Carly. 

SGB, there's also that YouTube clip from the sites we were given in an old thread, showing the pair working together to get rid of an intruder. 

Offline skygirlblue

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2008 / Screech, Sunny & Perry
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2008, 17:59 »
Carly, thank you so much for that update..I've really lost track of the comings and goings of that surprising to hear the little ones are coming back...must check them out on the far as the story about the female going to the defense of her injured mate, a similar situation occured this spring with the Rochester New York pair.  I'll have to go back and double check my story, but I believe the male was having extreme difficulty with an intruder..the female stepped in, took over, and drove the intruder out of the territory...

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2008 / Screech, Sunny & Perry
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2008, 16:40 »
So it's been over a month since our chicks fledged and right now I'm watching them on the nestbox!!  They usually go back between 3-5 pm when the sun is really high and strong.  I'm guessing there isn't much shade on the roof because I've been surprised to see them back home so often but here they are!  Sunny, the middle girl actually can be found sleeping right in the next box quite often which is strange but she seems to like it and I've even caught mom beak feeding her from time to time even at this late stage.  They are all doing well and flying strong but I've been on vacation all week so I haven't been out to see them...kind of cool though that I can log on to the web cam and check in on them!

As for the cheating peregrine in Port Colborne, dad has been around but not alot.  If you read the blog there, the poor little guy fledged and spent his first day being attacked by red tails and seagulls and no one was around to help him at all.  he did survive though but not many updates except to say he's doing ok for now.

Another interesting story is from the Burlington site, apparently a third male entered the territory and fought the dad there and injured him quite seriously.  The Mom peregrine apparently went after the intruder and tried to kill him...she drove him right out of the territory in defense of her injured mate which is unheard of as they usually don't interfere with the other's battles!  Go Mom!  Apparently dad is healing slowly and is now flying and hunting a bit but still not 100%.  The watchers there are surprised he survived but I"m glad he did and according to the blog there he is still helping with the juvies though they are faster than he is at this point but still it's been 10 days so I'm hoping that means he will eventually get back to normal just in case the evil inturder comes back.

Peregrines just cotinuously surprise me, everytime you think you know a bit about them they go and push that extra mile and leave you astounded!

Offline Enraptured

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2008 / Screech, Sunny & Perry
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2008, 00:55 »
What shocking  :o and juicy gossip! ;D  Your two days out and about with the Peregrines has certainly been eventful and interesting!!  I didn't know our 'mating for life' (at least in succession throughout their lives depending on who shows up each spring!) peregrine males could be so cunning! I just hope he's helping get food for his surviving chick -- that would be one redeeming quality, at least!

Thanks for describing so thoroughly what happened to the two rescued chicks. I was really interested in what had happened during the time away from mum and dad and the release, so thank you! You've also helped paint a fuller picture of what we miss from behind the computer screen -- all the interacting and guiding the parents do during this fledging time. What a treat to be able to see it in person. 

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2008 / Screech, Sunny & Perry
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2008, 23:49 »
Why that scoundrel, how could he cheat on his lady with a youngin to feed?

Offline Liz

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2008 / Screech, Sunny & Perry
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2008, 23:33 »
What a louse!   A heel!!  A CAD!!!

Hope Sunny, Perry and Screech had a dry night. 

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2008 / Screech, Sunny & Perry
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2008, 19:49 »
Well the weather cut short my bird watching today at about 2 pm.  Thunder, lightning and torrential rains on and off since then.  The weather didn't seem to bother mom and dad though, they were trying to entice the kids off the rooftops and were putting on quite a show today...they were gliding and just kind of hovering in was quite something to behold.  One young one did take the bait eventually and both he and mom were at one point gliding but he quickly retreated to the rooftop.  Hopefully they've done okay the rest of the day!  I'll get to seem them all day at work tomorrow but had to actually do some work at home today..hehe..unfortunately the house work doesn't do itself!!

And I have peregrine gossip...apparently the male in Port Colbourne has been two timing his mate!  While poor mom is on the nest raising their one surviving chick, he's been spotted at another site courting another female peregrine!!!  He's going back and forth between the two of them!  I was surprised but was told that one of the males at another site here in Toronto has been doing this for years...too much time around humans I guess!!

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2008 / Screech, Sunny & Perry
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2008, 07:10 »
Good morning!  Am already for another day of peregrine watching!  It's a nice sunny day so far but again they are calling for storms this afternoon, I don't know what it is this spring with all the violent storms but it's annoying!!

They kept the 2 juvies in a carrier box - it's like one of those kittie carriers but alot bigger - more like a medium sized bird cage in size so they aren't cramped together in a tight space.  I'm not sure where in the security area they are kept as I've never been into that part of the building - it's in the same building I work in.  I'm sure they are treated well though as security there loves the birds and they are always present at the bandings and over the years they've really been involved in helping rescue the little guys.

The little ones are not happy to be away from their parents and no doubt like most animals not too keen on being in any sort of confined space with funny looking creatures like us.  But the guys said they aren't showing fear, it's more like they are mad and just want to get the heck out of there!   At first they are a bit panicky obviously as they dont' know what's going on but they are given squirts of water to rehydrate them and it seems to calm them down.  I would imagine having your sibling with you makes it more comfortable as well since you know you're not in it alone! 

They were pretty happy to be home with mom and dad to say the least and pretty hungry as they don't get to eat while they're in there.  I was pretty releived to see them reunited as mom and dad were both pretty stressed all morning, one was lost and 2 were missing so they were both circling the area and calling out everywhere.  You could really see how relieved they were when the 2 were found again.  The parents really put on a great flying show today - boy they are beautiful when they fly.

Sunny made some really good flights after her release and mom followed her from building to building while dad sat guard on Perry who was quite happy to stay on the roof!  Then the parents took turns flying down to the missing Screech (who did eventually find her way home).  The parents had their hands full today, can you imagine how we humans would fare in such a situation  ;D

Offline Enraptured

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2008 / Screech, Sunny & Perry
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2008, 21:54 »
So neat to read your update, Carly, especially after having only read about the 13th earlier today...what a relief to hear releasing the two juvies went well! When they're kept in 'overnight' where do they keep them (I've read a few different postings on different sites mentioning rescues of juvies, but because of the late hour of the day, I guess, and not wanting any more adventures to occur just yet, the rescued peregrine has been kept in and taken 'home' the next morning... Did they mention where those two spent the night last night and how they fare being away from siblings and parents and in a strange location?....what a great opportunity you took go down and hang out with the team! I hope tomorrow is as enjoyable for you, if you go!!