Manitoba Peregrines > Bank of the West, Fargo, North Dakota

Fargo - 2008-2011 / Dakota Ace & Miracle

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This site has two camera views, main view is inside of nest box and smaller picture-in-picture view is of outside the nest box.

If you check out their video called "changing of the guard 2" between the 40-47 second of the video there is a little hanky-panky going on. ;)

The Peregrine Chick:

The folks in Fargo tell me that they are pretty confident their resident pair for 2010 are back again at the Bank of the West site in Fargo.  No word yet whether they will have a webcam this year, but they do keep trying so who knows, 2011 might just be that year!

Just a couple of notes, Dakota Ace was hack released in 1997 (that makes him one year younger than Trey) and appeared in Fargo in 2000.  In 2001, he was paired with Goldie from Omaha Nebraska who is the daughter of Winnie and Zeus, grand-daughter of T-Rex and Burnsie and great-grand-daughter of the pair that started it all in Manitoba, Pop and Maud.  In 2002, Goldie was replaced by Frieda who held the territory until 2008 when she didn't return and was replaced by Miracle.  We have had no reports on the fate of Goldie or Frieda.

The Peregrine Chick:
Here's the note from Friday ...

As of noon today, at least one of the young males has left the box and is on top of the BOTW building.  Couldn’t see the second male.  He may have been in the box but out of sight.  The web camera is temporarily off line so is of no assistance.  The female is notably less mature and she is still in the box.  Doubt she will leave before early next week.  Although it is time to keep our eyes open for trouble, so far everything looks good.

The Peregrine Chick:
Just got an email that the Fargo chicks are fledging!

Miracle looking beautiful as ever and the little one getting around so well




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