Manitoba Peregrines > Bank of the West, Fargo, North Dakota

Fargo - 2008-2011 / Dakota Ace & Miracle

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The Peregrine Chick:
Notice from the Fargo Project just a few minutes ago ...

Based on the web camera images, it appears that three of the four eggs hatched.  All of the young are doing fine.  They will be banded this morning at 11:00, so we will know more soon.  Not sure what notice has been distributed regarding the banding (I have been mostly out of town in recent days).  In any event, it will occur at the Bank of the West and is open to the public (just like previous years).

The problems with web camera access continue.  We may have a solution, but the installation of the necessary hardware has not been completed.  

Miracle watching over and now feeding


At least three chicks are visible at this nest. If this is Miracle, she is a beauty:





--- Quote from: Kinderchick on May 21, 2010, 22:07 ---Is that 3 chicks I see in your photo, kittenface? :-\
--- End quote ---

Yes SGB got that earlier today and she got the cutest video of dad having to give chick duty up to mom

Is that 3 chicks I see in your photo, kittenface? :-\


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