Manitoba Peregrines > Bank of the West, Fargo, North Dakota

Fargo - 2008-2011 / Dakota Ace & Miracle

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The Peregrine Chick:

Fargo volunteers emailed me to let me know that a female has returned to the nestbox in Fargo.  Though they haven't been able to confirm the band number, they are pretty sure that it is their resident female from last year.

Webcam Link:

nest location:  Bank of the West building in downtown Fargo

That is a wonderful story - I hope those guys are telling their kids and friends and everyone how wonderful the birds are, so everyone will want to follow them!

What a wonderful story!   :)

Two more human heros for the birds..

kind of rekindles your faith in your fellow man.

thanks guys ! 

An article today on the rescue of one of this year's juvies at Fargo. I'm glad they found her and were able to rescue her.

Peregrine falcon rescued from inside 40-foot-tall sign atop The Forum building

Michelle Rydell, The Forum
Published Wednesday, August 13, 2008
FARGO - One of Fargo’s three baby peregrine falcons was saved today after a Forum maintenance manager found it stuck in the newspaper’s 40-foot vertical sign on the roof of the downtown building.

The female bird, identified by its band numbers as Audrey Jean, squawked and nervously flew around the inside of the vertical column on which The Forum sign is affixed, while two Fargo employees tried to coax it near the opening.

The bird was found stuck in the sign Tuesday morning, when Maintenance Manager Dave Shasky was replacing lights in the sign. Shasky and Forum pilot Keith Corliss crawled into the sign Wednesday morning and worked for nearly an hour to free the bird.

After finding its way out the hole created atop the column, the bird flew up 13 stories and perched atop the Radisson Hotel Fargo on 5th Street. Corliss said there were no visible injuries on the bird.

The three young peregrine falcons – a species that was nearly extinct 30 years ago – were born in a manmade nest near the top of the 12-story Bank of the West building in downtown Fargo.


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