Manitoba Peregrines > Bank of the West, Fargo, North Dakota

Fargo - 2008-2011 / Dakota Ace & Miracle

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Thanks for the update TPC...very sad to hear another falcon lost!

The Peregrine Chick:
Update from Wick Corwin in Fargo this afternoon ....

As anticipated the young have left the box.  Unfortunately, we have lost one of them in the process.

Harrison, the lone male, was out of the box and on top of the bank building by Monday evening.  The next morning he was found dead on Main Avenue.  Presumably he had landed on the ground following his first real flight and was hit by traffic.

The two females, Crest and Sandy, were out the box and on top of the roof by Wednesday.  At least one of them is now reported at a different location in the immediate vicinity.

Therefore, things are progressing in a very typical manner.  Accidents do happen, and the first flights are usually the most problematic.  I will let you know if any further problems are reported.

My husband is already rolling his eyes when he sees Netherlands Italy and Ohio windows up on the computer monitor. He is interested though and will soon be a convert. The peregrines cannot be resisted!

Our computer screens are going to look like CNN  ;D, except we will call our network....TPN (The Peregrine Network)!!!!

YAY -- thanks, TPC! 

I think this year we're going to have to organize ourselves into 'watching groups', because we have so much to keep tabs on.  Everyone who will commit to watching a specific camera for a specific time period every day (or find a sub if you have a doctor appt), and post any news.  We'll split the cameras and time periods up between all volunteers.  Then, you post anything newsworthy in the place for it on the Home page, with a new topic for each date.  Then, we each only have to read the ones we're not looking at, instead of trying to watch all of them. 

Any volunteers? 

btw -- just kidding!   :P  Personally, I can't wait for all the camera-switching to start!  lol 


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