Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Calgary - U of Calgary - 2009-16

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--- Quote from: RCF on June 18, 2012, 23:26 ---A parent shows up with no food, the chicks aren't happy.  :-X  -  http://youtu.be/DUxGcHf_NWE

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Wow. They get loud when they are upset with their parents. It is like they are telling them next time you come to the nest make sure you have food lol.


--- Quote from: RCF on June 06, 2012, 14:15 ---Retrieval of non-viable egg and general clean up of nest area - http://youtu.be/l9jGIvKiRFk

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That is an awesome video. Like how the mom or dad were there long enough to get a picture taken of him or her. I also like how they were very protective on the nest by coming up to the edge of the nest to see if they are ok.


--- Quote from: RCF on June 06, 2012, 13:20 ---Callie drags the chick back to the scrape , but I think that's not what it wants to do.  ???
Baby does a walk-about outside the nest bowl. Followed by Callie dragging baby back to nest bowl by the beak!

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That is cute on how Callie brings back the chick to the nest and the chick is like talking about to it's mom. S/he is telling me that they don't want to go back to the nest with it's siblings.

Sad news about the first fledge.  :(

First fledge took place July 4th - 7:30 pm loc. time. Good results and other 2 siblings getting ready for their maiden flights, no doubt. July 6: D65 (first flyer - male) found dead. Likely broken neck from hit into window. A very sad day but that also happens. Pls. refer to home page (link below) for further details and other links.

Wow! What an incredible video of the banding! Very interesting watching the biologists squeeze through that small window to to the nest ledge in order to retrieve and replace the chicks as well as adjust the cameras. Was Callie ever mad - interesting to see her flying by.


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