Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Calgary - U of Calgary - 2009-16

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Apparently, in mid August, the female juvie at this nest site, K91, who is now referred to as "Louise" (AB0097) endured an accident, possibly hitting a building or window on campus. She has been in the care of a falconer, receiving rehab, to strengthen her left wing.  She will likely be released next spring, when she will be ready and able to be independent.

Yes, it is so sad about D65 (Jasper) - the first male that fledged  :'(

However so far it continues well for the other 2 siblings - A89 male and K91 female. I once read their names were Banff and Louise - unsure if official or not, but seems they prefer to call them by their band numbers.

This is a quote from the University of Calgary this morning:
Great news. July 11: both fledglings on Math Sc. south-east corner roof - and parent nearby on Soc. Sc. top window ledge.

"July 6th: D65 was found dead by Campus Security. I went to retrieve the body - his neck was broken, and since it was next to Soc. Sc. I am guessing it hit a window or ledge perhaps in pursuit of a parent who often goes to that bldg. Glass windows reflect the sky around, so that is always a concern. A very sad and tragic end to our young falcon's life, but it does happen."

Very sad news about the first fledgling.  :'(

Both the female and the remaining male fledged within hours of each other on July 7th. The female was spotted in a fir tree on July 8th, well hidden and safe. Male was found on a park bench, was rescued and returned to the lower roof area of Craigie Hall. Both were spotted on different campus buildings on July 9th and thankfully, seem to be doing well.

Elaine L:
I hope we do not lose any more fledgings here; one is enough.  And he seemed to be doing so well, at first.


--- Quote from: RCF on June 21, 2012, 20:22 ---University of Calgary Peregrine Falcons. Banding day and moving cameras around We have learned there are two males and one female.
--- End quote ---

I have noticed by reading all the forums that there is alot more males being born then females.


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