Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Calgary - U of Calgary - 2009-16

<< < (11/49) > >>

Great news about Callie's 1st hatch. :D But I am concerned about all the rain that is coming her way this weekend. :(

The Peregrine Chick:
Sure sounds like Callie and her mate might be getting a bit wet with 80-100mm of rain this weekend!  Their nest ledge looks like it has a really good overhang so it will be interesting to see how it performs under "big wet" conditions.

Very exciting for this site.  I also hope Callie can keep her chicks warm, the forcast doesn't look so good for the next few days.  In fact I noticed there is a heavy rainfall warning for the City of Calgary for this weekend :-\

City of Calgary
10:22 AM MDT Friday 24 May 2013
Rainfall warning for
City of Calgary continued

Total rainfall amounts of 80 to 100 millimetres.

A slow moving weather system continues to bring rain to much of Western Alberta. Rainfall from the system will gradually taper off through the weekend as the storm weakens. Total rainfall amounts of 80 to 100 millimetres are expected by the end of the event.

First hatch this morning.  :)

The camera view has been changed at this nest site to a much closer view. Since Callie laid her 3rd egg on April 21st and hard incubation began then, I'm guessing that chicks should be hatching any time now. According to my calculations, this is Day 31. The people on the chat board at this website are saying that 3 days of heavy rain are coming their way. Sure do hope Callie will be able to keep her chicks warm & dry.


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