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Hiding email address

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The Peregrine Chick:
If you check hidden for anything on this Forum, you will always be able to see your own and I will be able to see it as Administrator.  But no one else. 

And you did the right thing, ask away, the Phanatics will be able to answer any of your questions about how the Forum works - that's one of the reasons they are phanatics.  If you want to know who are Phanatics exactly, look the left of this box, and look beneath my user name (The Peregrine Chick) - where it says Administrator under my name it will say Phanatic under theirs ...

Thanks for checking, kinderchick.

Nope, can't access your e-mail address, bcbird. Says it's hidden.

You newbies are getting the hang of things quick!
I've wondered about the email hidden status before.
Kinderchick, would you please check mine, yours in
not available.  I'm hoping the same for me.

Yup! I don't have access to your e-mail address, gramma. It says your e-mail address is hidden... By the way, welcome to the forum, gramma! I love your name!!!


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