Love is in the Air

It can at times be difficult to know how spring reunions are going. New pairs can take it slow, or not. Existing pairs can require much more dedicated courting some years than others. And the birds all have their preferences for roosting, preening, sleeping, feeding – it is really a case of location, location, location. Monitoring courting in an urban environment is almost always a case of right place, right time and looking in the right direction.

Not so with Ella and Pip at the Radisson.

photo courtesy of T Maconachie

I thought last year when this happened, that it was because she wasn’t going to leave her new nestbox for so much as a minute. Not like she had any competition in town, she made sure of that! But no. She may glare at the cameras (she always has!) but they aren’t going to interfere with what she wants to do and where she wants to do it. Maybe not a bad thing given we intend to spy on her and her family in a very up close and personal way this year!