FINALLY A REPORT FORM mONDAYShe surprised us again , as with her early turn in the night before, we thought for sure she was gone.
Then we saw all the pigeons scattering.
She was having some fun.
After what seemed like a long while she came flying over to her building . We thought she was going to perch on the top ,but nope. Just a gentle touch and fly over . Then she flew over the area above us.
We had a lot of trouble getting some good shots as the sun was glaring. Do not let that sun floor you

She disappeared from sight again so I decided to see if she had checked in for the night . I was going to check behind the Newton apartments ,where she had been stooping, and up came the pigeons and Miss Radisson. She had some fun and then she flew over my head and landed on her favorite ledge on her building. Peter is motioning to me that he has her in view, but I fooled him, so did I

This is again why you need more than one person.
We watched her for a bit and off she went again behind Newton place stooping . I do not know if she was catching anything or just playing.
Peter went off for a bit (well O.K. for a coffee

He missed her as she flew in and landed on the Extension building across from us.Sorry those flying ones I did not get. She just appears so quickly and those darn binoculars could not get down quick enough.( that is the difference now. there is no cacking and no noise, she just flies in)
She just sat there and preened a bit and then looked out over the territory.
And then she spotted them- The pigeons on the back side of the parkade adjacent to us. And she is away, but the glare of the sun is too much to take any shots.
The pigeons just scattered and then up she came and quickly flew in font of the nest building and over the heart building.
We looked and looked for her and there she was , way over on the aerial of the Ed bulding. We made a call not to go there as she would soon be coming back.
Well she stayed there quite awhile, which surprised us , as it is past the time she has been tucking in. I guess this was her drinking it all in. and so was I.
At about 18:45 she flew off and quickly made her way over to dads building and then into her spot for the night. Peter tried to get pictures but they were too far away and not worth sharing.
At this point I am not sure what is up as this was later than it has been for awhile but then I am not a Falcon

We went and checked and there she was , snuggled in . Little did I know this would be the last time I would see her tucked in for the season.

Our pictures are not the best tonight. We really tried but the lighting was poor and I think I was just caught up in the moment.
You must excuse me, becasue i thought I was ready for this moment but now that it is here I am a blubbering idiot.
Now for pictures
these are of Radisson flying to her building and around