Two years ago I helped the female and her young ones cross a road here in St. Albert. the road is right by the Sturgeon river.
Well, I was driving by the police station and I saw the female in the air flapping her wings(quite low)
Now this is a 4 lane road(2 lanes in each direction)
When I looked there were about a dozen young ones crossing the road and they could not get up on the curb to go onto the grass and down to the river.
The mom was frantic. So she would fly back the other direction and the young ones would follow.
So I stopped my car and started to scoot the little ones to the curb and mom flew to the other side and was taking taking them down the bank . A few I had to help over the curb.
Another lady saw what I was doing and stopped and held her hands out to the traffic, to slow the cars down.
Of course a few people swore at me and I never saw the middle finger so much
I really did not think about the traffic. I could only see the poor things and the frantic female.
I later phoned my husband at the police station and told him that if they had any calls about the crazy lady that stopped traffic, it was me.
He is used to me by now.
I sure felt good though.