Author Topic: ME / BRI - 2009-16  (Read 77659 times)

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Offline Alison

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Re: Maine / BRI - 2009 / Big Sumo & Bree
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2009, 17:10 »
I just checked in on this webcam and it looks like they have changed the nest tray! Am I seeing things?

Thank you, birdcamfan! I've been trying to access the cam all day, with no luck! I was finally able to see the pic for a couple of seconds before it went black again, and it does look as if they have changed the nest tray! I wonder if TPC had something to do with this?

I can't tell how deep the new tray is, but I hope the birds now have 3-4 inches of gravel to work with.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2009, 12:58 by The Peregrine Chick »

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Re: Maine / BRI - 2009 / Big Sumo & Bree
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2009, 16:41 »
I just checked in on this webcam and it looks like they have changed the nest tray! Am I seeing things?

Offline skygirlblue

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Re: Maine / BRI - 2009 / Big Sumo & Bree
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2009, 21:37 »
A lot of us have been wondering the same thing...TPC has emailed or contacted someone over there to see IF anything can be done.

That's really great to hear...I'm sure the Maine biologist are agonizing over the was very obvious from the second egg on that there were gonna be problems...I'm sure they probably know what the pair can tolerate...and I know I probably have a very simplistic approach...but I just wonder if its not worth the risk...

Offline allikat

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Re: Maine / BRI - 2009 / Big Sumo & Bree
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2009, 21:26 »
A lot of us have been wondering the same thing...TPC has emailed or contacted someone over there to see IF anything can be done.

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Re: Maine / BRI - 2009 / Big Sumo & Bree
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2009, 21:18 »
I just thought I'd pop in for a glad to see you guys talking about this nest...I, like the rest of you, have been so worried...its actually painful watching "little dad" try and cover the 4 eggs...not much easier for mom...I wish I could remember where I read this, but I believe this nest has failed the past 2 years.  If the scrape was just deeper, then maybe that could help to prevent the egg roll it too late to just "rush in there", pick up the eggs, add more gravel, replace the eggs and get outta there?!  I know that's quite disruptive, but.......

Offline Alison

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Re: Maine / BRI - 2009 / Big Sumo & Bree
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2009, 13:00 »
Thank you so much for the reply, TPC. This sounds like a good solution and makes a whole lot of sense. I hope you will be able to contact the people responsible for the nest and that they will follow your suggestions. Fingers crossed for this falcon pair. It has been stated on the site that the reason the nest failed before is because of its northeast orientation, but many successful nest sites face in that direction. I do think fixing the nest tray problem could make all the difference. Meantime, the birds are really struggling to keep the eggs under them.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Maine / BRI - 2009 / Big Sumo & Bree
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2009, 12:47 »
Trays are a common "nestbox" in areas with overhangs for protection like this site.  The sides just need to be deeper.  I suspect that if they were going to do anything, they would have to build it, disturb the birds to install and fill with gravel and put the eggs in an artificially created (i.e., biologist digs small, shallow scrape with hand) and puts the eggs in.  Best if done no later than mid-incubation as the birds are committed by that point and the eggs can tolerate being uncovered for periods of time (surprisingly long periods in the sun or if its warm).  Depending on access to the site, difficulty to install, whole process could take between 10-20 minutes.

Question is, will/would they do it?  I don't know the birds, don't know how tolerant they are of disturbance or how aggressive.  But if I were comfortable that the birds wouldn't get driven off, I'd probably take the chance so long as I could remove the eggs and get them into an incubator if there was a problem.  No later than mid-incubation might mean the birds would try again, so even if they abandonned the first clutch, they might try a second and the first ones could be hatched out and fostered in another wild nest somewhere.  Its really a judgement call based on the adults.  Our West Winnipeg birds in 2007 were in exactly the same boat as well as being totally rookies so I've run this scenario in my head already, but I knew those birds ...

I will see about contacting the Maine folks and see what might be happening ....

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Re: Maine / BRI - 2009 / Big Sumo & Bree
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2009, 22:53 »
This looks very difficult for the incubating bird. I hope there is something that can be done to improve this site for future falcon parents and  their young.

Offline allikat

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Re: Maine / BRI - 2009 / Big Sumo & Bree
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2009, 20:27 »
let's all hope TPC has some great connections (I'm certain she does) to lend a helping hand....thanks to you!!!

Offline Alison

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Re: Maine / BRI - 2009 / Big Sumo & Bree
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2009, 20:22 »
Uggg..I saw this on your site earlier today Alison and my heart just went out to these poor falcons.  All this work to lay 4 eggs and it will probably end in heartbreak for them.  IF they can't do anything at this point, there may be a chance to fix it before a second clutch attempt maybe?

Kudos to you for asking TPC for help, she probably has connections somewhere there or knows someone that does.  You are a true friend to the falcons  :)

Thank you, Carly! TPC is so knowledgeable, I thought she might be able to come up with a way to help with this situation.

Offline carly

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Re: Maine / BRI - 2009 / Big Sumo & Bree
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2009, 20:08 »
Uggg..I saw this on your site earlier today Alison and my heart just went out to these poor falcons.  All this work to lay 4 eggs and it will probably end in heartbreak for them.  IF they can't do anything at this point, there may be a chance to fix it before a second clutch attempt maybe?

Kudos to you for asking TPC for help, she probably has connections somewhere there or knows someone that does.  You are a true friend to the falcons  :)

Offline Alison

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ME / BRI - 2009-16
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2009, 19:56 »

I don't have a clue where to post this, but I'd like to ask TPC about some problems with a nest in Maine. The cam is a new one this year; the nest tray was installed last year by Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. The nest has failed for the past two years. The tray provided has a very shallow area for gravel. A number of people have been contacting/e-mailing those responsible for this nest to request that they at least provide more gravel, but nothing has been done.

Now the female has laid four eggs, and is finding it impossible to keep them under her. I realize that at this stage there is probably very little that can be done, but would like to ask if there is any way at all to improve this situation. Perhaps their biologists might listen to another biologist.

The link to the site is:

This is what the nest looks like:



Any help or advice on this would be much appreciated.