Well, I have been staying away from posting, beca use of all the emotion here. But I guess I will break down and tell you what I saw tonight. I was going to pm someone else , but it is not fair for them to relay what I saw.
Peter and I went down at about 6:50pm and left at 8:25pm
Everything was still and quiet. No one in sight. We went behind where we saw the male raven and no cigar. I could see no one was in the nest box.
We saw a raven fly over the parkade from the south at about 7:15pm but no sound. It just headed west
Then at 7:30pm we saw first one falcon soaring high around the Newton apartments and then it went in behind and it looked like it stooped a pigeon.
Then we saw the other falcon come in. They looked so nice just soaring above, in concentric circles.
They kept getting closer and closer to the clinical science building. They both just soared over the top of the building and then over the top of the heart building. No sounds heard.
I think they were looking around.
They soared the area for a bit and then they soared over their buildings, the College plaza and Windsor place.
The male briefly landed on his tower and then he came down and sat on the left corner of Windsor Place and the female landed and perched on the left corner of the College plaza.
They just sat facing east. They were right across from us.
Peter watched them and I watched the nest site.
All of a sudden a black head perked up on the top of the clinical science building. I know it was the female. She is smaller. She then perched on the cam(it is between a tower and the roof. Well protected.) She started to make a bit of noise. It was quiet for awhile and then the female raven went down from the cam to the white spiral on the platform nest to the box. Then she went into box, and I could see her sitting. She started to call and then went out on the perch and started to call(looking right at where the falcons were.)
Then she went back inside and then out and up onto the roof. She flew off the side and all of a sudden the female falcon was flying swiftly over to the nest building and chased the raven.
Thefemale falcon , came back and soared around a bit and then her and the male soared around theri buildings again and the female perched where the male had been and the male flew off and turned in for the night.
I looked over and saw the female raven come back. She did not go back to the box and then we saw her no more. She either left or is lying down by the cam on the roof.
The female falcon finally turned in and we looked back and no one was in sight at the nest building.
So it was very quiet and I believe there is only one raven(the female). That is all we saw and usually if she calls the male is there. We usually see him looking out on top of the buildings.
We looked and saw the female falcon tucked in for the night in her usual place, so I would think it is RAdisson.
We may go tomorrow late in the morning. I was not going to go today but I was looking at the cam off and on and felt I should go and look around.