Author Topic: IN / Fort Wayne - 2009-18  (Read 13997 times)

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Offline carly

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Re: Indiana / Fort Wayne - 2017 / ? & ?
« Reply #55 on: August 07, 2018, 15:58 »
I know this is a topic from last year but I found some related news to share and I wanted to ensure Alison saw it in case she is not on Facebook:  This falcon is the son of Freedom and Roosevelt!

Peregrine Falcons Southeast Michigan

Corey VanStratt, MDNR has solved the mystery of the identity of the resident male at University of Detroit Mercy. For many years, Kariann Reno Anderson, Christine Becher and Barb Baldinger were only able to read the 9 on the top of the bi-colored recovery band. The tower is so tall, that the rest of the band was either hidden by a ledge or just blurry. Corey said the band was faded and the lettering only showed on part of the band, but he did it! This 16 year old Peregrine Falcon is named Kekionga (black/green, 9/*R). He hatched in 2002 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Thanks, Corey!

Offline Cooper

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Fort Wayne - 2013 / Jamie & Moxie
« Reply #54 on: March 27, 2013, 14:47 »

New parents here with their first eggs!   :)

From the AEP website:

Moxie and Jamie hatched their first set of four chicks in 2013. The pair first got together in 2012, but the IDNR tells us that Moxie was too young to lay eggs that year. We're looking forward to another great year in 2014.

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #53 on: June 03, 2010, 19:10 »
So sweet!  No eggs for three years, but still together!  Do the Peregrines in Indiana migrate? 

Freedom and Roosevelt don't migrate - they may be seen visiting their nest all year. Freedom likes to spend the night in her nest box during most of the year. She can often be seen coming home when it is getting dark, and settling in the back left hand corner of the nest box for the night.

Bonding at the nest box today: Freedom is on the right.


Offline susha

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #52 on: May 30, 2010, 17:05 »
So sweet!  No eggs for three years, but still together!  Do the Peregrines in Indiana migrate?
« Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 17:25 by The Peregrine Chick »

Offline carly

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #51 on: May 25, 2010, 20:17 »
Boy, she's a real beauty  :-* :-*

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #50 on: May 25, 2010, 20:07 »
Freedom surveying her territory:

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #49 on: May 23, 2010, 15:36 »
Roosevelt looking particularly handsome at the nest today:

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #48 on: May 21, 2010, 22:12 »
What beautiful looking peregrines! I guess Roosevelt & Freedom have earned their retirement wings! ;)

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #47 on: May 21, 2010, 20:30 »
Freedom                                                                                Roosevelt

Freedom in front, Roosevelt at the back:

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #46 on: May 18, 2010, 19:11 »
There are no eggs at this nest for the third year in a row. It seems that Freedom and Roosevelt have now retired from laying eggs and raising chicks.

With or without eggs, they are a wonderful falcon pair to watch. They have now been together for fourteen years, and their bond is as strong as ever.

Roosevelt at the nest today:

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #45 on: April 15, 2010, 18:36 »
Roosevelt relaxing at the nest today:

                                                                                     You can read his band in this pic: R/*4.

Time for a nap

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Fort Wayne - 2013 / Jamie & Moxie
« Reply #44 on: March 22, 2010, 21:18 »
American Electric Power Building
Fort Wayne, Indiana

nest is couple of floors from the top where there is a narrow ledge (photos from LoopNet & Froona's blog)

For almost two decades, peregrine falcons have made their homes in a nest high atop the 26-story AEP Building in Fort Wayne, Indiana. You can watch nesting families of this raptor species via webcam, thanks to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), Soarin’ Hawk Avian Rescue, and Indiana Michigan Power.  

webcam link:

The nestbox is on the 26th floor.  Check out the "falconcam" tab/link on the above link, its a very nice and informative introduction to the Fort Wayne peregrines, the project and AEP's corporate citizenship involvement in environmental projects in addition to the peregrines.

AEP Building location on map - click on "satellite" and zoom right in, you can actually see where the nestbox is ...

Resident Pairs
  • 2014 - (fingers crossed)
  • 2012-2013 - Jamie & Moxie
  • 2010-2011 - Roosevelt & Freedom

how could anyone resist this little contortionist?  ::)  
« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 20:44 by The Peregrine Chick »

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #43 on: February 26, 2010, 18:36 »
Beautiful Freedom at the nest today: she returned just before dark to settle in her favourite corner for the night.


Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #42 on: February 05, 2010, 17:19 »
Has it been raining in Fort Wayne today?  Looks like raindrops on the camera ... might be why the pigeons are hanging out in there so much, despite the death and nibbling-on of one of their compatriots .... Got to be cold if its raining in Fort Wayne in February, I'd hang out in the box too!

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #41 on: February 05, 2010, 17:16 »
The pigeons had taken over the nest box this afternoon:

But on the next refresh, there was Freedom with a pigeon:


The next pic showed an empty nest box. A little while later, a few pigeons returned.

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #40 on: February 02, 2010, 20:48 »
I hadn't seen Freedom lately, but she came home for the night this evening. It isn't a good pic, but I can't do anything about the blobs on the lens. I was just glad to see her there.

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #39 on: February 01, 2010, 20:47 »
So much antipathy towards the poor pigeons! I don't think the pigeons are stupid at all; I think they know that the peregrines normally go after them only when they are in flight. I also think that they can see whether a peregrine has a full crop, and realize that they are safe for a while. Unlike humans, peregrines don't hunt for so-called "sport".

Also, pigeons are not the only birds to approach peregrines. I remember seeing a little mockingbird go dancing along a branch towards Newton, the female at the I-90 Bridge site in Ohio. The little bird went right up to her, and started singing. When he finished his song, he danced back along the branch and left. Newton just looked at him.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #38 on: January 22, 2010, 21:17 »
Actually, the pigeons are pretty smart in those photos - with a falcon there, no other predator can get them.  If the falcon gets the munchies, it has to take off and come back, which gives the pigeons time to bolt for cover.

Not so stupid ... good peregrine chick brain food perhaps ... still flying kraft dinner though  :D

Offline sami

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #37 on: January 19, 2010, 12:01 »
Really does show how stupid pigeons can be, doesn't it? ;D ;D

Offline bev.

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #36 on: January 18, 2010, 23:50 »
That is such a hoot, with Freedom and all the pigeons ;D ;D

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2010, 20:45 »
Freedom and Roosevelt do have a very strong bond. I hope they will still be together for a long time.

The Supervisor:


The peregrine left, and the pigeons came closer and closer to the nest.


Offline allikat

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #34 on: January 14, 2010, 09:51 »
You're right, it's wonderful to see these two with their very strong bond.  It's actually very cute and sweet. 

Offline carly

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #33 on: January 14, 2010, 04:57 »
Very happy to hear they are both still here.  I think it's a great opportunity to see how older falcons behave.  Even though they aren't reproducing anymore (not yet anyway!), they still have a strong pair bond and their home!  It's like they are an old married couple enjoying their twilight years together  :D

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #32 on: January 13, 2010, 23:06 »
Sounds like it is her - will be nice to see if her patterns have changed any between last year and this - can't really tell with her feathers slicked down in the November photo and puffed up today!  :D 

I tried to find a few pics of Freedom in a similar pose from last year, for comparison:


                                                                                     close up of Freedom

Roosevelt has also been seen at the nest this year -- haven't seen him personally, but there is no question that it is him.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #31 on: January 13, 2010, 22:42 »
Sounds like it is her - will be nice to see if her patterns have changed any between last year and this - can't really tell with her feathers slicked down in the November photo and puffed up today!  :D

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #30 on: January 13, 2010, 22:38 »
Okay, asking again Alison (sorry  :-\) are we assuming its Freedom back? or have we seen some band numbers?  Considering how good this camera is, wouldn't surprise me if you (or someone has)!!

I didn't see her band numbers today, but I have seen them fairly recently. This is definitely Freedom (band number U/sideways eight). Here is one pic from November with her band visible: for some reason if I enter the band number with an asterisk, I get an emoticon.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2010, 22:30 »
Okay, asking again Alison (sorry  :-\) are we assuming its Freedom back? or have we seen some band numbers?  Considering how good this camera is, wouldn't surprise me if you (or someone has)!!

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2010, 21:58 »
Lets all hope there will be eggs in that nestbox this year. 

That might be a lot to ask -- Freedom will be 16 this year, and Roosevelt will be 15 years old. They have already made a huge contribution to the peregrine population.

Offline allikat

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2010, 20:39 »
Lets all hope there will be eggs in that nestbox this year. 

Offline Alison

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Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2010 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2010, 20:28 »

Freedom came home late in the day to settle in for the night. When it was almost completely dark, she moved into the nest box.


Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2009, 20:46 »
Freedom, home for the night in her favourite corner of the nest box:

Offline allikat

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2009, 23:45 »
Oh, he is a Beauty for sure....  <insert whistle icon> :P

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2009, 19:32 »
Beautiful Freedom                                                            Handsome Roosevelt

Offline allikat

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2009, 22:22 »
e-chup, e-chup, e-chup.......... :P

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2009, 19:25 »
Freedom and Roosevelt reaffirming their bond                       I love the wistful expression on Freedom's face after Roosevelt left

Roosevelt waiting for Freedom                                            And she came back

Offline carly

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2009, 19:13 »
They've still got it  ;)  I love that second to last almost says 'what are you looking at eh  :P

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2009, 19:01 »
Freedom and Roosevelt both spent time at the nest today.

Roosevelt was there earlier:

Then Freedom, looking just a touch cranky.  "Get away from me, I'm moulting":

Offline allikat

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #18 on: July 24, 2009, 20:55 »
I hope Freedom and Roosevelt have eggs next year!!!! 

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2009, 20:34 »
Maybe next year - they are such a great pair.

Roosevelt was back again today:

Offline kittenface

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2009, 11:31 »
I was wondering what happened at this site this year. I watched for eggs but eventually got caught up in all the other action around the world. Thanks for posting this.
No eggs this year for these two lovebirds,  it would have been wonderful if these 2 could have at least fostered this year as they are the greatest of parents, maybe next year if they can't have their own they might be able to foster there are 2 of the most wonderful people that watch this pair like a hawk and always have,maybe they can get the ball rolling to get them as foster parents next yr

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2009, 09:57 »
I was wondering what happened at this site this year. I watched for eggs but eventually got caught up in all the other action around the world. Thanks for posting this.

Offline allikat

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2009, 09:36 »
Oh Mr. Roosevelt, you're one beautiful tiercel!

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2009, 23:21 »
Freedom and Roosevelt did not have eggs this year, but their bond is as strong as ever.

Roosevelt looking very handsome this evening:

Offline allikat

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2009, 20:27 »
All those years together, the love and bond is still so strong!  Again, falcons amaze me more and more every day!

Offline carly

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2009, 20:25 »
Wow..that is really nice that after all this time they are still together and caring for each other.  I love to hear stories like this of long time pairs that are still together.   I look at Rachel and Hunter and how long they've been together with no successful nests- I know their situation is different- but I like that they don't desert each other.  I will keep hoping for this pair, maybe they are just enjoying a well deserved break after years of having kids in the house  ;)

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2009, 20:18 »
...well I'm wondering if maybe ovulation becomes a bit sporadic in some older falcons like it does in humans..I know apples and oranges but hey you never know!!??  

They are still together and bonding so that's good, perhaps they will have young again and surprise everyone!  They certainly still look young and spry  ;)

They do both look good. Freedom is 15 and Roosevelt is 14. With older birds (not just falcons) it can happen that fewer eggs are laid, and the hatch rate can drop somewhat, but that doesn't by any means always happen.

And if they don't have eggs, they have already made an incredible contribution to the peregrine population over all the years they have been together.

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2009, 20:14 »
It isn't too late for them to nest at this point, but with every passing day the likelihood becomes more remote. They are a great pair, and have had many babies in the past.

Here they are bonding yesterday. Freedom had had a very big meal:

Freedom                                                                        Almost glowing in the dusk, before leaving for the night

Offline allikat

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2009, 20:10 »
You're right Carly...never give up hope!

I just wasn't sure if it's too late to nest this year or is there still time?

Offline carly

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2009, 20:08 »
Alison, when Emma came last week with Falon the Falcon and we discussed Quetesh, she told me that Quetesh lost her desire to mate at about age 14 or 15.  Of course after that she was part of the CPF teaching program so they never tried to breed her again.  But remembering this comment and reading about those senior falcons that didn't mate for a few years and then suddenly did...well I'm wondering if maybe ovulation becomes a bit sporadic in some older falcons like it does in humans..I know apples and oranges but hey you never know!!??  

They are still together and bonding so that's good, perhaps they will have young again and surprise everyone!  They certainly still look young and spry  ;)

Offline allikat

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2009, 20:04 »
I was wondering what was going on at this it too late for this pair to nest?

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2009, 19:55 »
There are still no eggs at this nest. It looks as if this will be the second year in a row for Freedom and Roosevelt to have no eggs, with no apparent reason. Both falcons continue to spend a lot of time at the nest and continue their bonding behaviour.

Freedom at the nest today:


Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2009, 19:13 »
Still no eggs at this site. Freedom and Roosevelt did not have eggs last year, although they have raised many chicks in the past. I still think there may be eggs this year. I don't feel that age is a factor, and don't know why last year they had no eggs.

This year, Sir James and his mate Elizabeth at the James River Bridge in Virginia are incubating four eggs. He is 19, and the oldest known breeding male. Her age is unknown, since she is unbanded.

Roosevelt at the nest today                                                  Freedom

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2009, 08:03 »
Wonderful pictures of this handsome pair, thanks.   It is great to hear about their history. 

Offline Alison

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Re: Indiana - Fort Wayne - 2009 / Roosevelt & Freedom
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2009, 00:13 »
Freedom and Roosevelt are one of the great falcon pairs. Freedom was born in Indiana in 1994, and Roosevelt at the Rhodes Tower in Columbus in 1995. He is the older brother of Buckeye at the Terminal Tower in Cleveland. Freedom and Roosevelt have been together since 1997.

Roosevelt                                                                       Freedom

Both in the nest box (Roosevelt on the left)

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IN / Fort Wayne - 2009-18
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2009, 13:47 »

This is an interesting site to watch.  The resident pair, Freedom and Roosevelt have been very active at the nest during the past two days.  The view here can also be very amusing as several times I have seen pigeons hunkered down on the ledge just outside the nestbox.  They may be O.K. while they are there but I have to wonder how safe they are when they are coming and going. Looks like there shouldn't be a shortage of food here.