Here's something else to help I hope ...
Barring any last minute changes, we will be banding the Brandon chicks on Monday, June 23rd starting about 11 am.
Now, before anyone thinks they will be able to see the chicks, we don't band like you will have seen on some of the webcams. We band on the roof to minimize the time we stress the birds (both the adults and chicks). If you do want to come down to the McKenzie Seeds building, we can certainly get you set up with the best view of what is happening from the ground (or the nearby parkade) so that you can watch the adults while we are banding the chicks. Best I can promise y'all I'm afraid folks. Dennis Swayze (
PhotosbyDennis) will be joining us again as our official photographer, so there will be photos and yes, I will be posting time right after the banding.
If you think you will be coming down, let me know here on the thread or via private message, just so I know. And please, do not contact McKenzie Seeds directlly, they are great hosts for the Brandon Birds but there are safety concerns with going on the roof so we don't take "guests".
Any changes or updates, will let you know.