Author Topic: But Where in West Winnipeg?  (Read 18711 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: But Where in West Winnipeg?
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2011, 10:27 »
Just thought I would update this thread a bit ...

2007 - Lucy and Ivy were the resident pair in this territory - they tried to nest in a poor location and lost all three eggs before we could help them out.

2008 - Lucy didn't return but Ivy did and he found himself a new lady who we have named "Jules".  We don't know who Jules is because we cannot read her leg band - its a ring band and it looks like a washer and if there are any identifying marks on it, we can't seem them.  So ring led to jewelry led to Jules.  Ivy and Jules did not nest this year opting instead for a long courtship.  Their favourite spot is the building where Lucy's and Ivy's nest failed last year.

2009 - Jules and Ivy came back and decided to try their luck on the unlucky building from 2008.  'Fraid they weren't any luckier than Lucy and Ivy were even with the installation of a tuppernest.  Though not apparent when the tuppernest was installed the damage to the eggs must have already occurred.  Within the first week after installation, Jules and Beau discarded the remaining two (of three) eggs indicating that they were not viable.

2010 - Ivy has defected to become the Radisson resident male but Jules was not alone for too long before she found her "Beau" a captive-bred bird released in Manitoba a couple of years earlier.  The unlucky building was abandonned for a nestbox on a building in another part of their territory and despite rain and hail and windstorms, Jules and Beau successfully raised three young - Annie, Aggie & Nero.

2011 - Jules and Beau came back but unfortunately the 2010 nestsite was unavailable due to massive construction/renovations on the building.  Jules and Beau opted out of using the other nestbox in the territory and dashed back to the unlucky building of 2007 and 2009.  Took us awhile to find them but we did and when we did we found four eggs - unfortunately 2 were damaged but two were not.  We installed another tuppernest and cameras to keep a close eye on this pair while they try to hatch out their two remaining eggs ...

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: But Where in West Winnipeg?
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2011, 20:45 »
In 2010 we had two cameras on the nest but they were not for broadcasting to the internet, rather they were just to provide the Project with the ability to monitor Jules & Beau without disturbing them.  As new parents (and first-time parents) we wanted to minimize disturbance as this site, particularly since Jules had lost her nest in 2009 half-way through incubation.

To answer the inevitable question, "will we ever have a public webcam on this nest?".  That will depend on who the birds are, where they nest, what technology we can/do use and whether we can afford the web-side of a webcam (they are expensive).  But most importantly, if it won't impact the birds negatively. 

If and when we have a webcam on this nest (by no means a surety), we will let folks know.

The Peregrine Chick

Offline Holly-Birdeze

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Re: But Where in West Winnipeg?
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2009, 13:01 »
I'll be "ROOFING" for the Falcons too!  and the good folks who are helping!

And Dennis....U dah Man!  great photo's!  
« Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 20:12 by The Peregrine Chick »

Offline BirdLover

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Re: But Where in West Winnipeg?
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2008, 20:31 »
I'm rooting for this pair too! :-X


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Re: But Where in West Winnipeg?
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2008, 20:23 »
Hear, Hear!

Peregrine recovery and safety are absolutely our first concern!

Thank you Tracy for reminding us all.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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But Where in West Winnipeg?
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2008, 15:36 »
Not going to tell you I'm afraid.  The problem is that the birds are hanging out on some buildings that are perfect for them but their presence is not always so easy for building management or building occupants.  Also, if it is Lucy and Ivy or one of them with someone new, they are a new pair and so far the track record in this part of town has not been great.  What is great is the location and the willingness of the people involved to welcome the birds and all the necessary "baggage" that comes with them.  So, in order to give the birds and the people a break, we are keeping the locations anonymous for the time being.  Will happily keep everyone informed on the birds' and their maybe babies progress though!

While I would love to share everything about all of our birds with everyone, the peregrines, their safety and the recovery effort take precedence.  I hope everyone understands the reasons for the Project's decision, even if you don't necessarily agree with the decision.