I am very disappointed here. I wish they wold give us the facts and not wishy washy. sorry for being candid but this is does not weigh right with me.
They could have put in dummy eggs. all sorts of possibilities.
Shut up now BEV
And maybe we will hear more. It is possible that the eggs are being incubated and they are going to wait and see what happens. Putting dummy eggs in the box when its just the male is hard to justify since he will keep putting his health at risk to keep incubating what he could believe are real eggs. No one would want to continue to subject the bird to more physical stress. It is very hard to tell what birds are going to do in cases like this. They go off pattern. When the biologists have a better idea of what he's going to do, if another female turns up, if, if, if.
The last point to make is that just because there is a webcam doesn't mean that anyone is responsible to share all the details with the viewing public. Elk River does provide some information on the goings on, but they aren't like the Columbus site or the CPF sites or even this site where we have chosen to share more details. But its a double-edged sword, being more forthcoming is time-consuming and from time to time its hard to justify the problems that can arise.