Author Topic: Non-Resident Sightings - 2020  (Read 65066 times)

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Offline carly

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2008
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2008, 09:07 »
Well my birding day has gone bust and it's only 10 am!!!  I woke up at 6 am (on a Sunday no less!!!) and thought I'd get ready and get out there because the best viewing is in the morning and it's a 1.5 hour trip by subway/bus for me. 

Of course is was so cloudy - like pea soup thick, cloudy!  So I waited and waited and actually washed my floors while I waited to see if it cleared up.  Of course now at 10 am it's clearing up but if I left now I'd be there close to lunch and then have to head back mid afternoon so I've decided I don't have the energy to do that  >:(  I should have just went but I was afraid it would stay cloudy and I'd be out there all alone in an area I don't know....*sigh*

Honestly, I think my reluctance also stems from the fact that I don't want to see them go.  I'd rather it was Spring and I was watching them all come back.

Offline maggieblue

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2008
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2008, 17:05 »
I am very excited for you. ;D I hope that you see some peregrines  ;D

Offline carly

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2008
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2008, 15:30 »
Just checked my email and Frank sent me an email last night, they saw peregrines yesterday at the raptor watch!!!  In fact he says there were at one point 3 playing tag together and grabbing talons AND 2 were juvies and 1 was an adult!!!  So ha!  Maybe sometimes the parents do go with the kids or they're just very friendly with each other!!!

I'm going out tomorrow so I'm praying I'll see peregrines..Will post when I get back and let you alll know..I'm so excited!!

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2008
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2008, 13:50 »
I seem to have messed up the link  :-[ ... so I will try again, this time with the home page for Oak Hammock Marsh

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2008
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2008, 13:35 »
I checked out the Oak Hammock Marsh site to see if they had any migration information on peregrines.  There is a little information in the bird sightings and summer bird census.   I can't recall where, but I believe that Tracy mentioned that marshes were the equivalent of malls for the juveniles to hang out in.  I guess that this particular marsh doesn't appeal to them.   ::) You can check out summer bird census and bird sightings at the link below.
For those of you not from Manitoba, Oak Hammock is a major migration staging area for shorebirds and waterfowl.  The first migration count of the year for waterfowl was yesterday morning and, holy moly, the numbers are high in comparison to previous years.  Must be that cold weather up north this week.  Maybe we should start thinking about our own migration south.

Here is the link:

Offline Liz

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2008
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2008, 20:41 »
I could, if someone has room in their vehicle.  (car - transmission shot - care of my fledging.  As some of you know.)  That sounds fascinating!

Offline maggieblue

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2008
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2008, 11:33 »
There are some blogs in other parts of Canada and the USA that post results of raptor watches (or hawk watches as they are also called) from key raptor migration points.  I don't know if we have a blog or website like this here in Manitoba, but since I've been asked about this a couple of times here on the forum and via email, I'll pass along the sightings as I hear them. 

And for those of you who would like to go to one of our hawk watch locations to watch the birds, I'll see if I can find out when some of our local experts are heading out and if they would mind some company ... they know when the birds should be passing through and they are very quick at identifications, and counting!

The Peregrine Chick

Thank you Tracy.  I didn't mean to create more work for you!  I can't go out myself to one of the hawk watch locations but I would like to hear about anyone else's experiences.  The closest that I get to a hawk/raptor watch is keeping an eye out for the Kestrel that hunts in my neighbourhood. And of course there is the Portage Ave watch spot ;D

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Non-Resident Sightings - 2020
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2008, 00:30 »

There are some blogs in other parts of Canada and the USA that post results of raptor watches (or hawk watches as they are also called) from key raptor migration points.  I don't know if we have a blog or website like this here in Manitoba, but since I've been asked about this a couple of times here on the forum and via email, I'll pass along the sightings as I hear them. 

And for those of you who would like to go to one of our hawk watch locations to watch the birds, I'll see if I can find out when some of our local experts are heading out and if they would mind some company ... they know when the birds should be passing through and they are very quick at identifications, and counting!

The Peregrine Chick