Well my birding day has gone bust and it's only 10 am!!! I woke up at 6 am (on a Sunday no less!!!) and thought I'd get ready and get out there because the best viewing is in the morning and it's a 1.5 hour trip by subway/bus for me.
Of course is was so cloudy - like pea soup thick, cloudy! So I waited and waited and actually washed my floors while I waited to see if it cleared up. Of course now at 10 am it's clearing up but if I left now I'd be there close to lunch and then have to head back mid afternoon so I've decided I don't have the energy to do that

I should have just went but I was afraid it would stay cloudy and I'd be out there all alone in an area I don't know....*sigh*
Honestly, I think my reluctance also stems from the fact that I don't want to see them go. I'd rather it was Spring and I was watching them all come back.