Author Topic: Non-Resident Sightings - 2020  (Read 55873 times)

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Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2010
« Reply #98 on: October 10, 2010, 13:25 »
10 October 2010 (Winnipeg)
...Drum Roll Please ..... its Luck, 2009 wild hatch female from Brandon, chick of Hurricane and Zeus.  A granddaughter of Trey and Princess (Radisson) and Mufasa and Phoebe (Brandon).  Her band number is 13 over X, hence her name, lucky number 13.  Silver band on her other leg - originally we put green electrical tape on that band but she has managed to get it off by this point.  Luck's sibs are Fate, Karma & Kismet and no, we haven't had any reports on them to date...

WOW! :o 8)

Offline Rose

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2010
« Reply #97 on: October 10, 2010, 13:24 »
RE Luck: She was the last of 2009 bunch to fledge but only by one day, she was also the biggest of the four and seemed to be a loner like her mother, she was also the prettiest. Glad to hear that she made it there and back and back here again, the same as Ty  ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2010
« Reply #96 on: October 10, 2010, 13:13 »
10 October 2010 (Winnipeg)

Dennis and I had a play date this morning (half past way too early   ::)) but we were rewarded ... one bird where there had been two briefly yesterday.  The sun came up and gave us more light but we were far away and could really only hope to appreciate the beauty of the bird and the lovely morning.

When Dennis got home ... don't get ahead of me here folks  ;D ... lo and behold, our little shutterbug extraordinaire had managed to catch the band number in one of his 200 images ... we already knew that it wasn't a bird from this year, adult plumage and all that.  Also knew it wasn't Ivy (our only black banded adult in town this year) because the black band was on the right leg, not the left.  So, could have been Trey who has a black band on his right leg but with Sandy and Ty playing on the Radisson, I would be surprised to find Trey elsewhere.  So who else could it be?  ???

Drum Roll Please ..... its Luck, 2009 wild hatch female from Brandon, chick of Hurricane and Zeus.  A granddaughter of Trey and Princess (Radisson) and Mufasa and Phoebe (Brandon).  Her band number is 13 over X, hence her name, lucky number 13.  Silver band on her other leg - originally we put green electrical tape on that band but she has managed to get it off by this point.  Luck's sibs are Fate, Karma & Kismet and no, we haven't had any reports on them to date.

If you want to see a baby picture of Luck ...
And yes, when the Turkey Daze Pandemonium has quieted down, I will post photos in our gallery  :D

Oh Wow!!  That is the greatest news about Luck, our golden girl from Brandon.  ;D  :-*  Sure am glad you and Dennis where out this morning  :-*  and I can hardly wait to see the photo's. 8)  ;D

« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 14:01 by Rapidcitymbfan »

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2010
« Reply #95 on: October 10, 2010, 12:46 »
9 October 2010 (Whitewater Lake)

Some local birders took advantage of our amazing weather and made a trek out to Whitewater Lake south of Brandon to do some viewing and although they saw a variety of waders (herons, egrets) and waterfowl (ducks, geese), shorebirds, they also found a peregrine sitting patiently on a fence post near the lake for "someone" to make a mistake and become lunch.

For those who don't know Whitewater Lake (and most folks, even Manitobans, don't) it is a large prairie lake with, I believe 1 tree on its shores, or sort of on its shores.  Its flat, open and a mecca for waterbirds through the year but very much so at this time of the year.  When its very hot in the summer we have problems some years because the water heats up (its a very shallow lake) and avian botulism becomes a major killer of those same waterbirds that are taking advantage of it now.  Two extremes, paradise or pond-o-death.  This day, it was paradise for all concerned ... well, except for the prey of that peregrine waiting patiently on the fence post.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2010
« Reply #94 on: October 10, 2010, 12:36 »
10 October 2010 (Winnipeg)

Dennis and I had a play date this morning (half past way too early   ::)) but we were rewarded ... one bird where there had been two briefly yesterday.  The sun came up and gave us more light but we were far away and could really only hope to appreciate the beauty of the bird and the lovely morning.

When Dennis got home ... don't get ahead of me here folks  ;D ... lo and behold, our little shutterbug extraordinaire had managed to catch the band number in one of his 200 images ... we already knew that it wasn't a bird from this year, adult plumage and all that.  Also knew it wasn't Ivy (our only black banded adult in town this year) because the black band was on the right leg, not the left.  So, could have been Trey who has a black band on his right leg but with Sandy and Ty playing on the Radisson, I would be surprised to find Trey elsewhere.  So who else could it be?  ???

Drum Roll Please ..... its Luck, 2009 wild hatch female from Brandon, chick of Hurricane and Zeus.  A granddaughter of Trey and Princess (Radisson) and Mufasa and Phoebe (Brandon).  Her band number is 13 over X, hence her name, lucky number 13.  Silver band on her other leg - originally we put green electrical tape on that band but she has managed to get it off by this point.  Luck's sibs are Fate, Karma & Kismet and no, we haven't had any reports on them to date.

If you want to see a baby picture of Luck ...
And yes, when the Turkey Daze Pandemonium has quieted down, I will post photos in our gallery  :D

Offline des

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2010
« Reply #93 on: October 09, 2010, 17:03 »

Quote from TPC
"Dennis has been watching the bird(s) at HSC more over the last week as it is the start of migration and it is one of our migration roost sites.  Both of these birds he spotted earlier today there (which is what prompted me to hit the sky and box cams when I should be doing chores).  And yes, of course he has photos.  I'm going to make a wee comparison and then hopefully do some posting so everyone can play along."

Question from des...
I did drive-by's at the sites I have seen peregrines this afternoon - no luck.
Where have you all seen birds  at HSC - exactly - I drove round and round - and wasn't even sure just where they have appeared there.
Help, please.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2010, 17:07 by des »

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2010
« Reply #92 on: October 08, 2010, 08:30 »
They are still here.....

Looks like Princess, but I might be wrong,  sitting on Ivy's favorite letter R at HSC this morning at 8:00 a.m.

One of them spent alot of time here yesterday too...saw one at 11:30, 12:30, 4:00 and 6:00. 

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2010
« Reply #91 on: October 01, 2010, 14:10 »
Dad is on his favorite letter "R" at HSC at 1:30 p.m. today.

there still here..but how much longer???

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2011
« Reply #90 on: September 09, 2010, 12:18 »
Me too Cooper, me too!  :'(

Offline Cooper

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2011
« Reply #89 on: September 07, 2010, 16:44 »
Probably a little early for multiple peregrines, particularly on the wing Cooper, though we do at times see them in those kinds of numbers occasionally as they come north in the spring.  Both Dennis and I have photos of buildings with up to 7 peregrines on them. Downside is that they don't stay long ... we'll see them at 8pm and by 4am the next morning all but one will be gone and not seen again.  If I had to hazard a guess, I would be inclined to say there were crows in the mix.  More than once I have seen young peregrines chasing/harrassing/being harrassed by crows - they are the same body size and from a distance the same density of colour.  There are a few other raptor species that have been seen in towns and in groups - saw 5 red-tails together (all adults) last week which was a first for me so it could have been something else buzzing through at a different altitude.

Of course, just my best guess as I wasn't there beside you when you saw them.  I can say that we haven't had increased numbers at any of our migration roost sites, or more sightings and there hasn't been an noticeable increase in the number of peregrines spotted at migrations hawkwatch sites, so no indication that migration has begun, so ... but then, who knows  ;)

Thanks for a plausible explanation TPC. I'm just going to have to let it go with that. But I sure do wish you had bee beside me to see what I saw.

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2011
« Reply #88 on: September 07, 2010, 16:44 »
Oh wow cooper, maybe the key word should have been tolerate, not love

Offline Cooper

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2011
« Reply #87 on: September 07, 2010, 16:41 »
Is he not the most idiotic boy-bah-boy you have ever met Cooper?. Gotta love him, because if ya kill him you'll go to jail :-* :-*

Gee, are those the only options Barb? Love him or kill him or kill him... ??? ??? :)

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2011
« Reply #86 on: September 07, 2010, 16:39 »
Finally, some one sticks up for me :o :o :o  Thanks cooper :-*

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2011
« Reply #85 on: September 07, 2010, 16:38 »
Okay, at the risk of looking like the rube of the forum, I have to ask the question above.  

Put the bottle down Cooper, the double vision has set in.  No more lunches with Barbara.

ROFL  I said rube not rubby! And Barb was no where around.  ;D

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Re: Non-Resident Sightings - 2011
« Reply #84 on: September 07, 2010, 16:28 »
Is he not the most idiotic boy-bah-boy you have ever met Cooper?. Gotta love him, because if ya kill him you'll go to jail :-* :-*