Author Topic: NE / Lincoln - 2021-22  (Read 9321 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2022 / banded male & unbanded female
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2023, 15:25 »
more sad news out of Lincoln, Nebraska ...

The remains of a familiar Capitol peregrine falcon found in Lincoln yard
Jazari Kual / Nebraska Examiner / 6 Nov 2022

The peregrine falcon, 19/K (Courtesy of Joel Jorgensen, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission)

LINCOLN — A longtime feathered friend of the State Capitol, 19/K, has been confirmed dead.  A Lincoln resident recently discovered the remains of a male peregrine falcon in a yard.  Nebraska Game and Parks NonGame Bird Program Manager Joel Jorgensen confirmed that it was 19/K, who had been a fixture at the Capitol nearly 20 years before going missing in 2020.

“We’re not tracking them all the time,” Jorgensen said. “So that’s what made this kind of unusual is to find the remains after such a long time.”

The peregrine falcon and a mate named Ally began nesting at the Capitol building in the early 2000s. In 2005, their stay took an unprecedented and sentimental turn when they became the first resident pair to produce young, the only pair at the Capitol to have done so successfully.  They fledged numerous eyas during their residency at the Capitol.

After 19/K went missing in 2020, he was presumed dead, having surpassed the lifespan of the average peregrine falcon.  Someone found Ally with a broken leg northwest of Lincoln and she was taken in by the Raptor Conservation Alliance in Elmwood.  More recently, a new male peregrine falcon, or tiercel, was spotted at the Capitol but has not yet attracted a female.

The peregrine falcon’s population decreased dramatically in the middle of the 20th century, primarily due to DDT, an insecticide used in agriculture. In 1970, they became endangered under the Endangered Species and Conservation Act of 1969. After the EPA banned DDT in 1972, efforts were launched, such as the Peregrine Fund, to revive the population.  In 1999 the peregrine falcon was removed from the endangered species list.

The Capitol’s peregrine falcon nest box can be watched on the Nebraska Game and Parks constant livestream.


Offline carly

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2022 / banded male & unbanded female
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2022, 14:51 »
Such sad news :(   

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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NE / Lincoln - 2022 / banded male & unbanded female
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2022, 09:45 »
Sad news out of Lincoln

29 Apr 2022
I received this message from Carri Friday morning.
"A peregrine was recovered last evening and brought to me by Animal Control. The bird was discovered on the roof of the business portion of the Cornhusker Marriott Hotel by a maintenance worker. I got the call from animal control around 6:30 and received the bird by 8:00. The peregrine was dead upon arrival and has been given to the UNL Diagnostic Lab this morning to be tested for HPAI. The falcon had no apparent injuries so now we wait for test results. Just so thankful that the raptor was discovered and that the individual cared enough to box the bird and seek getting it help through RCA."
She also told me that it was a young unbanded peregrine that was recovered. Of course I can not confirm for sure but chances are it was the female we had been seeing at the Capitol. I have not had a sighting of her on the cams since early Thursday morning. I will continue to monitor and watch for her but chances are they are one in the same. Fortunately as I posted earlier the male has made a couple appearances and seems ok for now.
Carri will keep me posted on the test results from UNL Diagnostic Lab.
Thanks to Carri for letting me know and keeping us informed of the results when they get them.

9 May 2022
Just a quick note to let you all know I just heard from Carri and our young female that was active at the Capitol and found deceased did test positive for HPAI. Fortunately, it appears our male is ok at this point, so hopefully he stays that way and as you have seen he has also been trying to entice a new unbanded adult female. I am still positive we will end up with a new couple at this box and have more families here in the future.

Thanks to RCF for passing along the information from BCAW and the Lincoln Peregrines Facebook page

That is the second resident female in Nebraska to die of HPAI (highly pathogenic avian influenza).  Interestingly enough, looking at the tracking data posted by the various agencies - APHIS, CDC, USGS, etc - there are reports of other raptors confirmed to have died of HPAI but no peregrines.  Same here in Canada and I haven't heard anything contrary to this on this side of the border.  I wonder if it just a case of lots of results to confirm or if the prevalence of the disease in wild birds (mostly waterfowl) has dropped, or if there are other reporting rules ... hopefully we will eventually hear - and what kind of hit the peregrine population took this year. 

Snowy Owls took a beating, interesting given they are mostly mammal hunters and they would have been heading north when waterfowl were heading north so I'm not sure of the overlap.  Not the species I was expecting to see so frequently in the list - eagles, ravens, crows, yes, snowy owls, no.  Red-tailed hawks & broad-winged hawks were also on the list - both are mostly mammal hunters like snowies but birds are included in their menu - but waterfowl and waterbirds aren't major contributors, if contributors at all.  Curiouser and curiouser. It will take months if not years to hear more, but it will be interesting when it comes out - and hopefully more comes out and not just about peregrines.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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NE / Lincoln - 2022 / unbanded male & unbanded female
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2022, 13:00 »

Offline RCF

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2021 / banded male & unbanded female
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2021, 06:16 »
A coloured band or just a silver band RCF? Do we know yet?

It's a silver band. The Admin from the face book page thinks it may be one of the Woodman chicks. They were banded with only the silver band last year as they did not do colored bands due to Covid.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2021, 06:40 by RCF »

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2021 / banded male & unbanded female
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2021, 23:48 »
A coloured band or just a silver band RCF? Do we know yet?

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2021 / banded male & unbanded female
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2021, 16:27 »
There's been a pair of peregrines visiting here. The male has a band on the right leg only and he looks young. The female is not banded.


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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2021 / banded male & unbanded female
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2021, 16:49 »
The Nebraska Game and Park web site has an updated link to the cams.

Offline RCF

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2021 / banded male & unbanded female
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2021, 18:44 »
From the Peregrine Falcons Lincoln Ne  Fb Page

Hello and welcome to the 2021 Peregrine nesting season. As we all know our Capitol couple whom we all love and follow is probably no more. Mama is in rehab with an uncertain future and Papa has not been seen since mid January. We may never know what happened to Papa but we all know this day was bound to come. Mama being 16 and Papa being 19 we can relish in the fact that they both had a nice long life together here and raised many offspring some of which we can still keep track of.

So, now we wait and watch and see if we get a new couple that takes up residence in this prime location, if not this year then maybe next year as I know lots of Peregrines migrate through and we have seen many intruders in the past so I am confident some lucky couple will end up here eventually.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2021, 19:10 by RCF »

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2021 / banded male & unbanded female
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2021, 12:38 »
Update on 19K

 Here I sit watching for Papa again. No sighting yet. I am feared he may be gone for good. I guess time will tell. I will continue to watch for him or any Peregrine activity.
Also when NGPC gets the falcon cams back up we will be able to watch and see if the nestbox entices any new tenents. Who knows what the future holds for this prime real estate.

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2021 / banded male & unbanded female
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2021, 10:03 »
Jean says 19K hasn't been seen since January 17 2021.  Also the camera's have been down, so no way to check if he's been there.

Update on Alley ~

2-28-21. Update from Carri on our Mama (Alley).

"Good afternoon Jean, I asked about Mama yesterday and here’s what I know.  She continues to be housed indoors as the weather has been so extremely cold. Though eating well she continues to be a bit thin.  As the weather warms up she will again be placed outdoors and evaluated.  Always hopeful but we must be realistic too.  It might be time for a new era at the State Capitol here in Lincoln.   Hoping that Papa turns up and that he’s just out looking for Mama.🤞🏻"
« Last Edit: March 04, 2021, 16:19 by RCF »

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2021 / banded male & unbanded female
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2021, 21:15 »
Update on Alley

1-17-21. Update on Mama from Carri...
Good evening Jeanne, I asked Betsy the latest on our mama today and here’s the tale. . .
She was placed in a variety of enclosures this fall but seems to be reluctant to get back to flying.  Seeing as how she is the special lady that she is, she has been moved to a stall barn enclosure for the winter and will return to an outdoor flight cage come Spring in hopes of better results.  We all know that since she is not a young bird, it’s baby steps for the old girl.

Offline RCF

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NE / Lincoln - 2021-22
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2021, 13:13 »

From Facebook

Mean Jean shared a link.

New links to the cameras 🙂 If you go to the old link it directs to these new links on you tube!  I have updated the links on the pinned post at the top of the page as well.
Thank you NGPC 🙂

Nebraska Game and Parks