Author Topic: ON / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-20  (Read 18431 times)

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Offline Alison

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Re: Ontario / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-19
« Reply #98 on: May 16, 2015, 13:01 »
The resident female at this nest is Rhea Mae, a daughter of the great Mariah and Kaver of Rochester, New York. She was born in 2006.

The resident male is Tiago, who took over this nest some years ago from his father, the legendary Windwhistler.

Rhea Mae and Tiago have their first chick.

Offline RCF

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Re: Ontario / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-19
« Reply #97 on: January 07, 2015, 09:44 »
Toronto Sheraton juvenile - (named Trout) - Solid Black band W over 79 with Yellow Tape has been sighted in Florida USA on December 12th - 2014

More info and photos at this link

Offline carly

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Re: Ontario / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-19
« Reply #96 on: May 11, 2014, 05:52 »

Tiago and Rhea Mae are still here and have two hatches so far as of last night.  The babies and eggs are out of cam view so it's been a challenge to see anyting.

Offline SusanE

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Re: Ontario / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-19
« Reply #95 on: May 01, 2012, 07:44 »

First hatch this morning, shortly before 8 a.m.


Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Ontario / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-19
« Reply #94 on: June 05, 2011, 12:17 »
June 2 - The night shift, - and still on guard duty!
A rare moment at midnight, one of the resident adults stands on guard on the nest ledge.

June 3 - Lots of activity on the nest ledge these days! The kids are in the house!!
I caught this picture of the eldest female (can’t quite tell between green & blue tape on cam) showing off her wings this morning. Aren’t they just magnificent!

June 5 - What do you think that big open space is?
I managed to snap this shot via the web cam at 5 pm. French time.  My, how they have grown.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Ontario / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-19
« Reply #93 on: June 05, 2011, 12:16 »

May 3 - Two hatchlings!! Actual hatch date May 1st or May 2nd!!! - actual hatch date of the first chick is May 1st!!  As we suspected, and now confirmed after a detailed look at the photos yesterday from Eileen & Edna of the single hatchling that they captured in their photos, it was obvious that the hatchling pictured was in fact older than a day old. The hatchling was photographed with it neck and head being held completely upright with mouth wide open. This is not a day old hatchling!!  Day old hatchlings are not able to hold their heads up in this position for any length of time!  As such, it is believed that the FIRST TORONTO HATCHLING was actually hatched on May 1st or May 2nd!  The crappy cold rainy blustery weather over the past week has had ALL of the resident females hunkered down tight on the nest trays and as such, has made any detailed observations very challenging.  Now, with the addition of Carol’s additional photos and observations of a second hatchling later in the same day, this would confirm our suspensions and support our conclusion that the first chick did in fact hatch a day or two earlier (May 1st or May 2nd).

May 4 - And now there are THREE!!!
The updates are coming in fast and furious!!! Moments ago we just received a recent update with a great photo of “THREE” hatchlings as of today!!  Again, a huge thank you to Eileen for sending in this update and new snapshot taken from the new CPF colour web camera.  Its peregrine season!!!!!!!

May 5 - And now there is four!!
Tiago just brought in some supper and there are definitely 4 eyases! One is clearly much younger, but quite active, though Rhea Mae had to move it back into the pile before brooding them.  Just finishing Dinner - A quick check of the Sheraton Web Cam caught this image of the young ones just finishing a meal.  I think today would be their first experience of sunshine. Beautiful day to be out watching the birds.

May 6 - Feeding time for the fab four!
Just received an update from Zoe and a good picture of the four young hatchlings being fed some lunch. Great shot indeed!  Thanks Zoe!

May 12 - Afternoon Snack?
I was fortunate enough to catch this lovely moment via the web cam (from France).  The four young ones look very alert.

May 13 - The Fab Four morning feed
I arrived in time for the first time to see a feed. I quickly grabbed my camera and crossed my fingers that equipment was not obstructing my camera view. WONDERFUL! I also captured some live video. So sweet, but I don’t know what is causing them to look toward the wall. Perhaps the shadow of Tiago flying past the nest ledge. Late this afternoon I checked the web cam and a split second I caught the second image. The little one looking directly at the camera. Hmmm, I wonder if they know we are watching.

May 15 - Toooo big - and Toooo Small!!
Captured some great shots moments ago with Tiago very confused and frustrated while he is trying to figure out how he can cover and brood his hatchlings from the fowl weather conditions today,, with high gusty winds, cold temps, and more rain!!  Seconds later, RM also attended (see in the top left part of the photo) to give him some instructions and direction as to how its to be done. Still, the hatchlings are just to big to actually cover them all at this age, so the best plan of action is to try and shelter them from the cold blowing winds and driving rain. Toronto’s weather today is terrible, with unreasonably cold damp conditions, driving rain and blustery winds!

May 24 - A different view of the banding - knowing that the banding for the four Toronto Sheraton peregrines was set for this morning, I logged in from France at about 4:15 our time (10:15 Toronto time).  Shortly after I logged in, I saw the first of the chicks being removed from the nest box.  I was so enthralled by the view, I wasn’t smart enough to capture the picture!  I stayed “live” for the duration and managed to get some interesting ledge shots,  particularly of one somewhat ticked off parent.  I hope you enjoy them.  Thanks to Wendy Rickey at Osler for providing me with the banding info.

May 29 - They are very mobile and lots of ledge to explore!
They eyases had a late supper today on the far end of the ledge. My favorite capture is Cinnamon heading for bed with a FULL crop!

May 30 - Breakfast on Monday
Little Cinnamon looks as though he is making sure he gets his share.  Snapped via the web cam at 1:50 p.m. France time.

source: CPF Toronto Sheraton Centre

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Ontario / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-19
« Reply #92 on: June 05, 2011, 11:53 »

April 1 - Is this an April 1 trick?
Around noon, the adult finally stood up from the eggs.  Unfortunately, the reflecting glare was on the camera so I cannot be sure that we have egg four.  I cannot say for sure there is a shape to the far side of the visible three, but it is 48 hours since number three arrived.  Hope springs eternal.  Mid-afternoon break - The adult took a break off the eggs at 3:30 and it seems there are still only three.

April 2 - NOW there are four
As the adult took a break at 11:35 Toronto time, I managed to snap this photo via the web.

April 3 - Still four
I have been checking the web cam throughout the day and finally at around 11:35 Toronto time, the adult had left the nest box.  Very clear photo of the four eggs.  Perhaps a fifth tomorrow?

April 04 - Change-over at the nest box
Watching the web cam at 1:55 Toronto time, I spotted a change-over at the nest box.  Sadly, I was too slow on the draw to snap a photograph.  I wonder, then, if this implies we are now in to incubation and there will be no fifth egg.  Just a question…

April 17 - Holding Tight
Rhea Mae and Tiago are holding tight to the eggs the past two days, due to the weather. High winds and rain yesterday, had them move the eggs closer to the camera and out my live view. Today more rain,snow showers and just plain cold. They weren’t moving for anything. Hopefully tomorrow with sunshine we’ll get a better view.

April 24 - Easter Eggs
A quick stop at the Sheraton, and Rhea Mae and Tiago gave me only a brief look at the eggs. They are holding tight to the nest. Expect a hatch early May.

April 25 - Almost there, almost! Camaras and computers
Working feverishly over the last couple of days while refocused back on the CPF web cams, it seem that we get one step forward and fall two steps behind. We have been working behind the scenes at several of the nest sites on both the computer systems and cameras in an effort get them all up and running before a hatch, so please bear with us. Plagued with internet service disruptions, broken connections, a new camera install, and two crashed computers to deal with along with all of the usual “now what the heck is going on”, we are still working behind the scenes to get them back on line. You know what they say, when it rains, it pours!! Well, it pouring!!!  As you all know, we are usually stressed at the best of times given our typical financial shortfalls to deal with the surprises with the equipment, and it’s always a hurry up and wait for donations and contributions to come in to assist us with these expensive and time consuming equipmant challenges. In the interim, we are getting some great nest site observations with LOTS of activity, and we are watching very closely to keep you updated.

April 30 - Sheraton Hatch?
Yesterday Zoe, captured an image from the web cam with evidence that we may have had a hatch. Small fluffs of down can be seen in the image. I visited the nest site this morning with a quick look through the view port. Only a few fluffs of down remain, and what appears to be small fragments of egg shell. Keep checking the web camera and perhaps someone will witness food come to the nest tray.

source: CPF Toronto Sheraton Centre

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Ontario / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-19
« Reply #91 on: June 05, 2011, 11:40 »

March 1 - Territorial activity is heating up!
A quick update with a report of our activities yesterday- (March 2nd), when the CPF head office received a call from the Solar Window washing team of a downed peregrine on the roof of 144 Front St. west here in Toronto, that had been injured after colliding with a building across the street. Mark was dispatched to meet with the building management and one of he staff from Solar who quickly got him to the roof inspect the injured raptor. Upon his arrival, the raptor was quickly identified as an adult male Sharpe-shinned hawk that was actually hiding on the flat top roof of the building under some large cables in the south east corner below the roof retaining wall. Further investigation of the happening, it appears that the male Sharpie may have been pursued by one of the territorial adult peregrines (likely from the Toronto Sheraton Centre nest) and driven into the building face in an effort to escape from the peregrine(s).

The Sharpie was then able to make it to the roof top across the street at 144 Front Street, and was laterally grounded (and hiding) from the adult female peregrine who was perched on another roof top two buildings over,, (obviously on guard). An effort was made to capture up the Sharpie to examine the poor bird for any injuries, but we are happy to report that as we approached the Sharpie, it quickly ran across the roof top to the north side and quickly took flight up and over the roof retaining wall. The Sharpie then dove down to almost the street level where it quickly flew north west with a very strong flight until it was out of our roof top view. The Sharpie flew in the opposite direction and behind another building obviously in an effort to conceal its escape from both us and the adult peregrine that was still steadfast on the watch on another roof top.  Fortunately the peregrine missed the Sharpie’s escape and there were no further incidents to report. Sadly we were unable to identify the identity of the adult female peregrine as we did not have binoculars at hand.

March 13 - Back on the ledge! It’s getting close to egg production!
I just spotted 2 Pefas’ on the Sheraton nest ledge this evening, although it’s quite dark and impossible to be sure it’s Rhea Mae & Tiago, I did manage to capture a few shots from the nesst cam. The season is upon us!
Photos captured Sunday evening at approx. 6:30pm.

March 23 - A First Egg?
Can’t be too sure at this time until I get a visual confirmation, but the activity at the Sheraton nest tray is indicating we are close to a first egg.  Last evening I checked the camera before the snow fall. One adult was in the tray and then sitting on the edge of the tray.  This morning a bird was lying down in the nest tray with all the snow around. Around 9:30 the bird moved and was seen sitting on the far end of the nesting ledge, sitting on the other camera frame. She later returned to lay down in the nest tray. She has returned this evening. I captured one shot late this afternoon / early evening and I can’t see an egg in the tray, but the adult peregrine has returned to the tray. Could she be keeping the nest warm with anticipation of the first egg? Please see pictures captured from the tray camera. Please be aware with the spring time change the clock on the camera did not adjust for the spring time  change.  More news tomorrow when I make the trip to the viewing port. Hopefully I’ll have coloured pictures to show as well.

March 24 - No Eggs yet
No eggs yet at the Sheraton Toronto. When I visited this morning, both adults were not in my view. But they did leave foot prints in the snow. The play of light on the snow, leaves a smiley face.

March 26 - First Egg Toronto Sheraton
A wonderful surprise this morning when the first egg for the 2011 Sheraton Centre was discovered. Tiago held tight to the nest tray and after about an hour waiting he finally got up and revealed the first egg of the nesting season.  Rhea Mae flew to the ledge but did not come to the tray while I was there.  Expect the second egg Monday or Tuesday.

March 28 - EGG # 2!
Many Thanks to Jan, in France , who happened to be watching the webcam at the perfect time to see the second egg. She captured the image from the webcam and sent it to CPF.  THANKS JAN! Sure helps when we have eagles eyes on another continent watching the cameras.

March 30 - And then there were 3!
I kept my laptop on the coffee table while I went about my business for the last two hours and it finally paid off.  Almost exactly at the same time as two days ago, the adult stood off the nest box, and there were three eggs beautifully displayed.

source: CPF Toronto Sheraton Centre

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Ontario / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-19
« Reply #90 on: June 05, 2011, 11:34 »

February 13 - Both Adults in the area
A quick spot check on the 3 downtown nesting locations, had both adults on site.
Today, both adults were sitting on the east side of 120 Adelaide St, across the street from the Sheraton Centre Hotel.

source: CPF Toronto Sheraton Centre
« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 11:40 by The Peregrine Chick »

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Ontario / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-19
« Reply #89 on: June 05, 2011, 11:28 »

Our very busy TO forum member Loriann is keeping us updated on this site this year.

Thanks Loriann!!
« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 11:31 by The Peregrine Chick »

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Ontario / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-19
« Reply #88 on: May 28, 2010, 12:33 »
I really like those names! :D Do you know how they chose the names, carly?

Offline carly

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Re: Ontario / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-19
« Reply #87 on: May 28, 2010, 12:31 »
Sheraton banding happened this morning - and we have 3 boys, Scribe-star, Lorenzo, and Legacy!

Mariah has three new grandsons! 

Offline Alison

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Re: Ontario / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-19
« Reply #86 on: May 23, 2010, 17:37 »
The chicks being fed:


A pile of chicks:


Offline Alison

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Re: Ontario / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-19
« Reply #85 on: May 18, 2010, 19:06 »
The three chicks today, looking well fed and growing fast:

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Ontario / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-19
« Reply #84 on: May 14, 2010, 16:50 »
Very nice looking bird ...