Author Topic: NY / Syracuse - 2009-15  (Read 5909 times)

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Offline Alison

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Re: New York / Syracuse - 2015 / George & Pigott
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2015, 21:20 »
I caught this pic of Pigott just before the camera showing the inside view of the nest went down. It will be down at least until banding. At the moment, incubation continues.

Offline RCF

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Re: New York / Syracuse - 2015 / George & Pigott
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2015, 17:01 »
Pigott is also the sister of Durand who is the resident female at the Columbus Ohio nest.  :)

Offline Alison

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NY / Syracuse - 2015 / George & Pigott
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2015, 14:17 »

The resident female at this nest is Pigott, born at the Hamilton nest in 2011, a daughter of the great Madame X and Surge.

The male this year is new, and he is unbanded. He has now been named George.

Pigott spend several years in Rochester, New York, where the resident male, DC, divided his time between the resident female, Beauty, and Pigott. Beauty had a nest box; Pigott did not, and she was never able to raise chicks in Rochester.

Last year she made the good decision to move to Syracuse, where she found a nest box and a mate of her own. They raised two chicks.

The webcam disappeared when the company which provided it was taken over. However, the new company decided to install a new webcam. This cam came online on Tuesday of this week. A second, exterior cam was added on March 19.

Pigott                                                                                     George

webcam link =

Offline Alison

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Re: Syracuse - State Tower - 2010 / Groucho & Fancy
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2010, 19:46 »
In fact, there are four chicks; two males and two females, who have now been banded and named.

The males are Pilgrim and Chinook, while the females are Hiawatha and Chase.

Syracuse's baby peregrine falcons are healthy

Syracuse, NY - Groucho and Fancy, Syracuse’s resident peregrine falcons, are the proud parents to two sons and two daughters: Pilgrim, Chinook, Hiawatha and Chase.   The four falcon chicks — technically called eyases — were taken from their nest near the top of the State Tower Building in Syracuse on Thursday to be examined and banded by state Department of Environmental Conservation biologists. All got a clean bill of health.

“It was refreshing to see two males because the past couple of years we’ve seen mostly females,” DEC spokeswoman Diane Carlton said.

There is a short video of the banding with the article:

Chase at banding:

And the four chicks being fed at the nest today:



Offline Alison

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Syracuse - State Tower - 2010 / Groucho & Fancy
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2010, 19:12 »

Fancy and Groucho have at least three chicks, and the chicks are already getting big:


Offline Alison

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NY / Syracuse - 2009-15
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2009, 20:33 »

The falcons at this nest are Fancy and Groucho, who had four chicks this year. From time to time one of their juvies ventures north to Canada; Juliet and Thunder are two who have done so.

I don't normally see them at the nest this late in the year, but one adult was at the nest today. They do migrate: about four blocks away, to their favourite spot to spend the winter.