Author Topic: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17  (Read 27850 times)

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Offline burdi

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AZ / Phoenix - 2016 / ? & ?
« Reply #107 on: June 08, 2016, 02:01 »,4349.msg102081.html#msg102081

Thank you for the above reply, TPC. Your thoughts are appreciated and well taken.

There’s probably a few things I failed to make clear; for instance, my main concern at this time (and since the death of the chick) is Dad - who I last saw with his deceased chick during an “excessive heat warning” (:'( as seen in photos on Alison’s post at 19:18 :'(). Dad is an older falcon and I need to see for myself that he is alive and well (or at least confirmation of a sighting would be helpful).

I noticed while reading through comments (on the cam page) it appears that numerous people are under the impression that Dad was sighted, but perhaps they missed reading the word "later" in the following statement from AZGFD: "In the hour that was spent looking, the female was seen perched on a high-rise close by at around 9:30 am. Another bird was seen perched later but was too far away to get an ID on which adult it was."

If I would have heard that Dad was well I likely would have better accepted the situation … but at this time I still don’t know how he's doing.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2016, 02:58 by burdi »

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #106 on: June 07, 2016, 09:21 »
I've tried to understand why they left the camera facing outwards, but still haven't come up with a good enough reason.

Do you mean facing the camera away from the nestbox Burdi? 

Yes, I mean facing the camera away from the nestbox, TPC; in other words, we are currently viewing what the falcons see when they look out the door of their nest.

Thanks for the clarification Burdi.  I have absolutely no inside knowledge of the Arizona folks' decision but I do understand taking the camera view off the box, we've done it ourselves.  For some the sight of the empty nestbox and parents perched on the edge of the box is traumatic.  The parents may not be coming back to the nestbox and showing an empty nestbox isn't much of a view either.  I can say that here, after we have lost chicks, Maud & Pop, Madame & T-Rex, Madame & Trey and Princess and Trey very occasionally returned to the nestledge after they lost eggs/chicks.  A few times over the first few days and mostly to just sit looking outwards or to do a bit of scraping like they do pre-nesting.  When Princess and Smiley lost their eggs, they did try to incubate the eggs for a few days but they eventually realized that it was a lost cause and they just shifted into post-nesting behaviour.  Can't say that this is what is happening in Arizona but likely.  And perhaps they'll move it back if the birds settle into a routine - or enough viewers ask them to of course.

So why not leave the camera on the nestbox to see all of this?  Because we are humans and we tend to apply human responses to the peregrines' behaviour.  Its just what we do, neither good nor bad nor really something any of us can avoid doing.  Even folks who work with peregrines, we just tend to remind ourselves more often that we have absolutely know way of physically, intellectually or emotionally comprehending the world the way a peregrine does and to assign human motivations is likely minimizing their experience and I don't think anyone wants to do that great a disservice to the peregrines we all admire so much.

My two cents at least ...

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #105 on: June 06, 2016, 22:05 »
I've tried to understand why they left the camera facing outwards, but still haven't come up with a good enough reason.

Do you mean facing the camera away from the nestbox Burdi? 

Yes, I mean facing the camera away from the nestbox, TPC; in other words, we are currently viewing what the falcons see when they look out the door of their nest.

Perhaps my earlier post (at 18:02 yesterday) was a little clearer:

"The chick was a male, they've determined.

Mom was seen this morning, but they're uncertain which falcon was seen later. I'm thankful they've shared their sightings, but would appreciate if the cam was facing the nest (rather than outwards), as I prefer being able to see how the parents are coping with the situation.

I'm particularly concerned about Dad now, since he persevered through an extreme amount of stress yesterday."

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #104 on: June 06, 2016, 08:58 »
I've tried to understand why they left the camera facing outwards, but still haven't come up with a good enough reason.

Do you mean facing the camera away from the nestbox Burdi? 

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #103 on: June 05, 2016, 22:06 »
A few pics of Dad desperately trying to help his chick:

Dad stayed with his chick for a long time, but he has now left the nest. I am so sad that we have lost this precious little chick.  :(  :(

That's the most heartbreaking thing I've seen on cam  :'( :'( :'( :'(

I agree Carly, it's extremely heartbreaking. :'( I really need to know how Dad is doing. :'(

I've tried to understand why they left the camera facing outwards, but still haven't come up with a good enough reason.

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #102 on: June 05, 2016, 20:55 »
Many of us are grieving the death of this special little chick. I believe he has embedded himself in so many hearts during his very short life, and I'm certain his memory will live on in all of those he has touched.

We all go through various stages of grieving, though not necessarily in the same sequence, or the same amount of time. I'm probably in a mix of all the stages preceding acceptance, and it's difficult to move on. I miss him so much. :'(

Fly high and free now, sweet boy ... your daddy and mommy love you so dearly.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 21:24 by burdi »

Offline carly

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #101 on: June 05, 2016, 20:22 »
A few pics of Dad desperately trying to help his chick:



Dad stayed with his chick for a long time, but he has now left the nest. I am so sad that we have lost this precious little chick.  :(  :(

That's the most heartbreaking thing I've seen on cam  :'( :'( :'( :'(

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #100 on: June 05, 2016, 18:02 »
The chick was a male, they've determined.

Mom was seen this morning, but they're uncertain which falcon was seen later. I'm thankful they've shared their sightings, but would appreciate if the cam was facing the nest (rather than outwards), as I prefer being able to see how the parents are coping with the situation.

I'm particularly concerned about Dad now, since he persevered through an extreme amount of stress yesterday.

Update from Arizona Game and Fish Department:  

For those wondering, at the examination yesterday it was determined the nestling was a male. AZGFD went to the nest site this morning to see what the parents might doing. In the hour that was spent looking, the female was seen perched on a high-rise close by at around 9:30 am. Another bird was seen perched later but was too far away to get an ID on which adult it was.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 19:10 by burdi »

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #99 on: June 05, 2016, 18:00 »

Thank you for all of your answers, pics, and updates regarding my concerns here yesterday. They were very helpful.

Offline RCF

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #98 on: June 04, 2016, 19:46 »
From their FB page

Arizona Game and Fish Department

After receiving a positive examination earlier this afternoon, the downtown Phoenix peregrine chick was returned to the nest. Unfortunately, it appears the trauma of the fall, combined with the unseasonably high temperatures, proved too much for the chick, which has died.

Earlier the chick underwent a physical examination, was hydrated and underwent X-rays to check for any broken bones. It was found to be well enough to be returned to the nest. It's likely the chick succumbed to an internal injury that was not evident during its exam earlier today.

We wish to thank viewers around the world that came along with us on this uncharted journey. It is our hope that, despite the outcome, you gained an appreciation for our wildlife and the many challenges they face. Participating in an unfiltered view of wildlife offers an unpredictable glimpse into the real-time joy and drama facing these peregrines, 40 percent of which don’t survive their first year.

Offline Alison

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #97 on: June 04, 2016, 19:44 »
Posted by AGFD seven minutes ago:

After receiving a positive examination earlier this afternoon, the downtown Phoenix peregrine chick was returned to the nest. Unfortunately, it appears the trauma of the fall, combined with the unseasonably high temperatures, proved too much for the chick, which has died.

Earlier the chick underwent a physical examination, was hydrated and underwent X-rays to check for any broken bones. It was found to be well enough to be returned to the nest. It's likely the chick succumbed to an internal injury that was not evident during its exam earlier today.

We wish to thank viewers around the world that came along with us on this uncharted journey. It is our hope that, despite the outcome, you gained an appreciation for our wildlife and the many challenges they face. Participating in an unfiltered view of wildlife offers an unpredictable glimpse into the real-time joy and drama facing these peregrines, 40 percent of which don’t survive their first year.

Offline Alison

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #96 on: June 04, 2016, 19:27 »
I think the wildlife people are aware of what has happened. The cam has now been turned to face away from the nest.

Offline Alison

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #95 on: June 04, 2016, 19:18 »
A few pics of Dad desperately trying to help his chick:



Dad stayed with his chick for a long time, but he has now left the nest. I am so sad that we have lost this precious little chick.  :(  :(

Offline RCF

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #94 on: June 04, 2016, 19:15 »
This was posted on the chat by someone replying to a question.

AZGFD rescued Rocky today, brought him back up to nestbox from rooftop he fell on abt 12:47 PM PST. As far as they could tell he was fine but not knowing he had internal injuried. AZGFD were closed and made this special trip. Seems from observation Rocky died abt 2:00 PM PST was not breathing or moving anymore. He fell backwards and slipped off onto rooftop abt 8:35 AM PST when trying to get back into nestbox. AZGFD did all they could and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts.

Offline RCF

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #93 on: June 04, 2016, 18:59 »
The chick hasn't moved in over an hour, I am pretty sure it has passed.  :'(   I watched while the male parent was hovering over it and I could not see the chick breathing.  Anyway, it is pretty sad considering what the chick had already been through and how well it was doing.  :(