Author Topic: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17  (Read 25714 times)

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Offline Alison

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2017 / ? & ?
« Reply #122 on: March 31, 2017, 15:50 »
When I checked the site today, I found this:

Thank you for visiting the Phoenix peregrine falcon live-streaming camera page. The peregrines did not select the nest box this season so there will be no live feed this year. We would have loved to witness their nesting behavior and care of the young. Check back with us next season.

They don't say whether the peregrines have chosen any nest site or not. I wish only good things for this pair.  :(

Offline Alison

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AZ / Phoenix - 2017 / ? & ?
« Reply #121 on: March 20, 2017, 21:03 »
The webcam is still not online, but I came across this:

Air Conditioning Planned For Phoenix Peregrine Falcon Nesting Box

By Kerry Fehr-Snyder

If any peregrine falcons decide to take up residence in the nesting box above downtown Phoenix this season, they could be in for a cool surprise.

Arizona Game and Fish Department wants to add air conditioning to the box atop a Maricopa County building at Third Avenue and Washington Street. The air-conditioning unit is pending approval.

“We don’t anticipate there being any problem [with approval],” said Randy Babb, Arizona Game and Fish Department’s watchable wildlife manager.

The department is modifying the falcon nesting box in hopes of preventing a repeat of last season in which the only chick that hatched fell out of the nest and later died. It also was believed to be too hot for the chick, known as an eyass.

Officials temporarily turned off the live camera feed of the falcons’ comings and goings after the accident in mid-May. Babb said workers expect to turn the camera, which was upgraded in 2016, back on in the next few weeks.

“We are very excited for this,” he said. “It’s like a soap opera, right?”

Babb was referring to whether the male and female will successfully breed and whether any eggs laid will hatch.

Officials have been consulting with peregrine falcon experts to determine the best way to assure a successful breeding season, which usually begins in late March. Breeding pairs have been using the box on the county building for about a decade, but only two birds have ever survived to the age of fledgling, according to Game and Fish.

Among changes workers have made is adding caulk inside the nesting box and lowering its lip so it is closer to the edge to help the chicks enter and exit. It also plans to add an air-conditioning system to the outside of the box.

The peregrine cam in Phoenix is one of two livestream cameras maintained by Game and Fish. A webcam of sandhill cranes in southern Arizona typically runs from October through March or early April.

Babb said the peregrine livestream has drawn interest from many viewers.

“We hear more from the peregrine cam than the cranes cam,” Babb said. “Everybody is super engaged.”

There are also photos of work being done on the nest box with the article.

We shall see if the air conditioning actually becomes a reality.

Offline mspeach

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016 / ? & ?
« Reply #120 on: June 13, 2016, 20:34 »
Talked to some of the education staff today at Liberty Wildlife about Arizona peregrines.
For the most part they don't migrate like their artic brethren, they are in Phoenix year round.
The females are 700 - 750g and don't have that layer of fat needed for colder climates.  We did have a female from California we rehabbed for years that was 900 - 1000g.   
For drinking water there are rivers (not like WPG rivers!!) and lakes and ponds in parks and golf courses.  Many fountains also.  They nest on several buildings, on ledges above lakes and in the Grand Canyon.
On LW rehab side we have peregrine foster parents with I think 3 chicks presently.   On the education side we have 2 very popular birds.   We did have a female that lived 19 yrs. and a male that lived to the ripe old age of 24 yrs.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016 / ? & ?
« Reply #119 on: June 11, 2016, 12:49 »
That was a nicely concise, empathetic and encouraging note from the Arizona folks. 

They weren't cavalier and didn't downplay or dismiss the emotional attachment cam-viewers have for this peregrine family but they also gently reminded folks of how tough it can be to be a peregrine.

Good things do come out of bad though - now they have a bit of extra time (in already busy lives) to consider how they might tweak the nestbox if they are so inclined. 

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016 / ? & ?
« Reply #118 on: June 10, 2016, 18:05 »
Arizona Game and Fish Department Update:
"Everyone at Arizona Game and Fish appreciates the outpouring of support and emotion from our peregrine-cam family. We have heard from people across the country and share the disappointment felt by all at the failure of this year’s nesting attempt. By not interfering with the nesting birds and letting nature chart its own course, we strive to bring you an uncensored glimpse into the daily lives of truly wild animals. We know that many people find this distressing. We feel that constant intervention and meddling with the workings of the nest serve only to lessen the educational value of the experience, presenting a sanitized version of reality.

The naturally high mortality rate for the young of these birds presents great obstacles for every chick. This nest, like so many others around the world, was unsuccessful this year. We will be discontinuing the peregrine live feed for the season this Saturday, June 11.

We expect the birds to use the same nest box next year and will begin the live stream when they return (likely in late Feb. or early March). We hope to once again share the experience with you, and we hope you will join us.

The department works with more than 800 wildlife species, several of these are endangered or threatened species. We are happy to share our efforts with all who care about conservation and the future of wildlife resources. No matter how you came to this page, we're grateful for your support, and we hope you will continue to stay in touch through either personal contacts or our publications and programs. Check our website ( frequently for new program offerings."

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016 / ? & ?
« Reply #117 on: June 10, 2016, 02:55 »
I look forward to hearing more about the parents - Dad in particular.  In our experience with pairs who have lost chicks/nests is that their pair bond remains intact, sometimes becomes even stronger and we don't notice any change in their behaviours after the loss - by that it looks like the behaviour of adults whose chicks have fledged with a few extra visits to check out the lost nest in the first few days after the loss.  They don't abandon the site, the don't in general leave any earlier than usual and their interactions with one another appear as per other year's after the chicks are fending for themselves.

This year's chick was older so Dad certainly couldn't remove him from the nestbox which our birds have done.  His behaviour after the chick died - trying to protect the chick is as I would have expected, they are devoted parents as we all know and they don't give up on their chicks easily.  But because I don't know about this male's individual behaviours (where he likes to rosy, how often he was in the nest, etc) nor do I know anything that might have happened to him when the chick first fell or when the chick was returned or when it was retrieved from the box after it died. And in the absence of being injured during one of these events I would expect Dad to shift into independent chick mode within a few days and return to a routine similar to what we see when the adults return in the spring and before they get down to serious courtship.  The wild card for me is the high temperatures and if he (and/or she to be fair) have been impacted by the temperatures as well.  Without a chick to protect they could have left for a cooler location and returned later.  Or if they had cooler places or water nearby they could have spent more time there but with a chick they weren't leaving until there was no point in staying.  Not only am I glad we don't have those kinds of temperatures here but also that our Manitoba birds insist on nesting virtually on the doorstep of rivers!

Thank you Burdi for keeping a close eye on this site - difficult as it has been in recent days.  I look forward to hearing more and learning more about the challenges faced by peregrines in much hotter and drier climates than ours.

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016 / ? & ?
« Reply #116 on: June 10, 2016, 01:34 »
I contacted AZGFD not long before they closed on June 8, and I’m very thankful the cam was turned to face the nest shortly after my call.

Unfortunately, there still hasn’t been a confirmed sighting of the male parent. I’m sorry I can’t go into what was said right now, but might add a bit another day.

After all that AZGFD has done to provide a quality viewing experience for us, and all they have done to help the poor chick, I can understand the great loss they are feeling at this time - along with so many of us.

« Last Edit: June 10, 2016, 01:37 by burdi »

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016 / ? & ?
« Reply #115 on: June 10, 2016, 01:14 »

I've tried to understand why they left the camera facing outwards, but still haven't come up with a good enough reason.

Burdi, I don't know whether you have had a chance to check, but today the webcam is showing the view of the nest box again. The nest box is empty at the moment, but I will check from time to time in case either parent shows up for a visit.

Alison, thank you for your reply, and I hope that you will be able to spot a parent. Unfortunately, I think that opportunity would have been better within the first day or two after the chick was removed. It might help if the nest view was wider - but not too far away (or we won’t be able to identify the parents), though I haven’t even heard the sound of a falcon in the last two days.

Offline Alison

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016 / ? & ?
« Reply #114 on: June 09, 2016, 11:56 »
How terrible this all has been.  Phoenix was so happy to have their first cam,  and it was very popular.
I was out of town last week and missed everything until it was over.
I was at Liberty Wildlife volunteering on Monday and talked to a friend who is with AZFGD.
She did not know anything official, but her opinion was that due to the spike in heat there were many early fledges here.   We had 80 intakes on Saturday and 70 on Sunday, bird orphans and injuries.
(last year we had around 7,000 intakes).
Anyhow, devastated about Rocky!!!     So sad.

It was so very sad to lose this beautiful and courageous little chick, mspeach.

Thank you for the information about there being many early fledges due to the heat. What a huge number of admissions to rehab in only two days.

Offline GCG

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016 / ? & ?
« Reply #113 on: June 09, 2016, 11:52 »

Offline Alison

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016 / ? & ?
« Reply #112 on: June 09, 2016, 11:51 »

I've tried to understand why they left the camera facing outwards, but still haven't come up with a good enough reason.

Burdi, I don't know whether you have had a chance to check, but today the webcam is showing the view of the nest box again. The nest box is empty at the moment, but I will check from time to time in case either parent shows up for a visit.

Offline mspeach

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016 / ? & ?
« Reply #111 on: June 09, 2016, 11:13 »
How terrible this all has been.  Phoenix was so happy to have their first cam,  and it was very popular.
I was out of town last week and missed everything until it was over.
I was at Liberty Wildlife volunteering on Monday and talked to a friend who is with AZFGD.
She did not know anything official, but her opinion was that due to the spike in heat there were many early fledges here.   We had 80 intakes on Saturday and 70 on Sunday, bird orphans and injuries.
(last year we had around 7,000 intakes).
Anyhow, devastated about Rocky!!!     So sad.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016 / ? & ?
« Reply #110 on: June 09, 2016, 10:39 »
Thanks for all the information Burdi and I will admit that I'm not going to check out the comments until after the nesting season just because I'm on the "other" side of the equation. ;)

Personally I think webcams have a purpose and I recognize that there is a need to keep the conversation going with fans of webcams but it is labour-intensive when it first gets started and there is a steep learning curve in terms of the relationship between the two "sides".  A case in point being, that a very popular osprey (or perhaps eagle) cam decided not to continue streaming to the internet this year because they (the "other side") - biologists, partners - were getting harassed so badly by the public over what was or wasn't happening in the nest.  I'm sorry I didn't make note of which cam it was, but there was a very good interview with one of the folks involved on CBC Radio just before our cam went live I believe.  They (biologists) still use the cam to keep track of what is going on, but because of their public's response, it was more work/trouble than it was worth to continue sharing it publicly, which is the sad part of this.  What happens to the folks who were "enjoying" watching?  They have lost the opportunity now.  What happens to all the folks who were harassing the staff?  Do we think they have learned anything from the loss of the cam or are have they just found another cam to torture?  I can't say that I heard how long they had been streaming, but I can say that it happens to every webcam to varying degrees at varying times.  I think what makes our cam (and at times cams) different is that we started a long time ago and you all have "grown up" with the webcam.  Or maybe it helps that we aren't as popular as others in the grand scheme of things.  Whatever the reason, mostly our cam community is congenial and informed and long may that continue to be the case.

And yes, I'll see if I can't find that interview or some information about the cam in question ... its the other side of the coin, one that none of us thought would come quite so soon, but given the popularity of webcams I guess it was inevitable.  The more something is "liked" it seems the faster it attracts problems.

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016 / ? & ?
« Reply #109 on: June 08, 2016, 02:50 »
I should mention that I phoned the Arizona Game and Fish Department, but since the biologist wasn't in, I'll have to call again. The receptionist was very pleasant and seemed talkative when I mentioned the falcons - so I asked a couple questions (just in case she happened to know), but no luck. Hopefully they will post another update in the meantime, though it might not be what I want to hear.

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016 / ? & ?
« Reply #108 on: June 08, 2016, 02:34 »
The cam link below includes the “comments” I referred to in my previous post (although I haven't participated in them), and this is also where people named the lone Phoenix chick "Rocky". I prefer not to use a name that isn’t official. However, since this precious chick is now deceased (without a band or a name), I suppose it is fine if we call him Rocky.

You will probably notice squabbling in the comments, but you might find some very interesting information along with how the life and death of Rocky has affected so many - considering that all deaths and injuries are heartbreaking.

Offline burdi

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AZ / Phoenix - 2016 / ? & ?
« Reply #107 on: June 08, 2016, 02:01 »,4349.msg102081.html#msg102081

Thank you for the above reply, TPC. Your thoughts are appreciated and well taken.

There’s probably a few things I failed to make clear; for instance, my main concern at this time (and since the death of the chick) is Dad - who I last saw with his deceased chick during an “excessive heat warning” (:'( as seen in photos on Alison’s post at 19:18 :'(). Dad is an older falcon and I need to see for myself that he is alive and well (or at least confirmation of a sighting would be helpful).

I noticed while reading through comments (on the cam page) it appears that numerous people are under the impression that Dad was sighted, but perhaps they missed reading the word "later" in the following statement from AZGFD: "In the hour that was spent looking, the female was seen perched on a high-rise close by at around 9:30 am. Another bird was seen perched later but was too far away to get an ID on which adult it was."

If I would have heard that Dad was well I likely would have better accepted the situation … but at this time I still don’t know how he's doing.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2016, 02:58 by burdi »

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AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #106 on: June 07, 2016, 09:21 »
I've tried to understand why they left the camera facing outwards, but still haven't come up with a good enough reason.

Do you mean facing the camera away from the nestbox Burdi? 

Yes, I mean facing the camera away from the nestbox, TPC; in other words, we are currently viewing what the falcons see when they look out the door of their nest.

Thanks for the clarification Burdi.  I have absolutely no inside knowledge of the Arizona folks' decision but I do understand taking the camera view off the box, we've done it ourselves.  For some the sight of the empty nestbox and parents perched on the edge of the box is traumatic.  The parents may not be coming back to the nestbox and showing an empty nestbox isn't much of a view either.  I can say that here, after we have lost chicks, Maud & Pop, Madame & T-Rex, Madame & Trey and Princess and Trey very occasionally returned to the nestledge after they lost eggs/chicks.  A few times over the first few days and mostly to just sit looking outwards or to do a bit of scraping like they do pre-nesting.  When Princess and Smiley lost their eggs, they did try to incubate the eggs for a few days but they eventually realized that it was a lost cause and they just shifted into post-nesting behaviour.  Can't say that this is what is happening in Arizona but likely.  And perhaps they'll move it back if the birds settle into a routine - or enough viewers ask them to of course.

So why not leave the camera on the nestbox to see all of this?  Because we are humans and we tend to apply human responses to the peregrines' behaviour.  Its just what we do, neither good nor bad nor really something any of us can avoid doing.  Even folks who work with peregrines, we just tend to remind ourselves more often that we have absolutely know way of physically, intellectually or emotionally comprehending the world the way a peregrine does and to assign human motivations is likely minimizing their experience and I don't think anyone wants to do that great a disservice to the peregrines we all admire so much.

My two cents at least ...

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #105 on: June 06, 2016, 22:05 »
I've tried to understand why they left the camera facing outwards, but still haven't come up with a good enough reason.

Do you mean facing the camera away from the nestbox Burdi? 

Yes, I mean facing the camera away from the nestbox, TPC; in other words, we are currently viewing what the falcons see when they look out the door of their nest.

Perhaps my earlier post (at 18:02 yesterday) was a little clearer:

"The chick was a male, they've determined.

Mom was seen this morning, but they're uncertain which falcon was seen later. I'm thankful they've shared their sightings, but would appreciate if the cam was facing the nest (rather than outwards), as I prefer being able to see how the parents are coping with the situation.

I'm particularly concerned about Dad now, since he persevered through an extreme amount of stress yesterday."

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #104 on: June 06, 2016, 08:58 »
I've tried to understand why they left the camera facing outwards, but still haven't come up with a good enough reason.

Do you mean facing the camera away from the nestbox Burdi? 

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #103 on: June 05, 2016, 22:06 »
A few pics of Dad desperately trying to help his chick:

Dad stayed with his chick for a long time, but he has now left the nest. I am so sad that we have lost this precious little chick.  :(  :(

That's the most heartbreaking thing I've seen on cam  :'( :'( :'( :'(

I agree Carly, it's extremely heartbreaking. :'( I really need to know how Dad is doing. :'(

I've tried to understand why they left the camera facing outwards, but still haven't come up with a good enough reason.

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #102 on: June 05, 2016, 20:55 »
Many of us are grieving the death of this special little chick. I believe he has embedded himself in so many hearts during his very short life, and I'm certain his memory will live on in all of those he has touched.

We all go through various stages of grieving, though not necessarily in the same sequence, or the same amount of time. I'm probably in a mix of all the stages preceding acceptance, and it's difficult to move on. I miss him so much. :'(

Fly high and free now, sweet boy ... your daddy and mommy love you so dearly.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 21:24 by burdi »

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #101 on: June 05, 2016, 20:22 »
A few pics of Dad desperately trying to help his chick:



Dad stayed with his chick for a long time, but he has now left the nest. I am so sad that we have lost this precious little chick.  :(  :(

That's the most heartbreaking thing I've seen on cam  :'( :'( :'( :'(

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #100 on: June 05, 2016, 18:02 »
The chick was a male, they've determined.

Mom was seen this morning, but they're uncertain which falcon was seen later. I'm thankful they've shared their sightings, but would appreciate if the cam was facing the nest (rather than outwards), as I prefer being able to see how the parents are coping with the situation.

I'm particularly concerned about Dad now, since he persevered through an extreme amount of stress yesterday.

Update from Arizona Game and Fish Department:  

For those wondering, at the examination yesterday it was determined the nestling was a male. AZGFD went to the nest site this morning to see what the parents might doing. In the hour that was spent looking, the female was seen perched on a high-rise close by at around 9:30 am. Another bird was seen perched later but was too far away to get an ID on which adult it was.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 19:10 by burdi »

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #99 on: June 05, 2016, 18:00 »

Thank you for all of your answers, pics, and updates regarding my concerns here yesterday. They were very helpful.

Offline RCF

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #98 on: June 04, 2016, 19:46 »
From their FB page

Arizona Game and Fish Department

After receiving a positive examination earlier this afternoon, the downtown Phoenix peregrine chick was returned to the nest. Unfortunately, it appears the trauma of the fall, combined with the unseasonably high temperatures, proved too much for the chick, which has died.

Earlier the chick underwent a physical examination, was hydrated and underwent X-rays to check for any broken bones. It was found to be well enough to be returned to the nest. It's likely the chick succumbed to an internal injury that was not evident during its exam earlier today.

We wish to thank viewers around the world that came along with us on this uncharted journey. It is our hope that, despite the outcome, you gained an appreciation for our wildlife and the many challenges they face. Participating in an unfiltered view of wildlife offers an unpredictable glimpse into the real-time joy and drama facing these peregrines, 40 percent of which don’t survive their first year.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #97 on: June 04, 2016, 19:44 »
Posted by AGFD seven minutes ago:

After receiving a positive examination earlier this afternoon, the downtown Phoenix peregrine chick was returned to the nest. Unfortunately, it appears the trauma of the fall, combined with the unseasonably high temperatures, proved too much for the chick, which has died.

Earlier the chick underwent a physical examination, was hydrated and underwent X-rays to check for any broken bones. It was found to be well enough to be returned to the nest. It's likely the chick succumbed to an internal injury that was not evident during its exam earlier today.

We wish to thank viewers around the world that came along with us on this uncharted journey. It is our hope that, despite the outcome, you gained an appreciation for our wildlife and the many challenges they face. Participating in an unfiltered view of wildlife offers an unpredictable glimpse into the real-time joy and drama facing these peregrines, 40 percent of which don’t survive their first year.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #96 on: June 04, 2016, 19:27 »
I think the wildlife people are aware of what has happened. The cam has now been turned to face away from the nest.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #95 on: June 04, 2016, 19:18 »
A few pics of Dad desperately trying to help his chick:



Dad stayed with his chick for a long time, but he has now left the nest. I am so sad that we have lost this precious little chick.  :(  :(

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #94 on: June 04, 2016, 19:15 »
This was posted on the chat by someone replying to a question.

AZGFD rescued Rocky today, brought him back up to nestbox from rooftop he fell on abt 12:47 PM PST. As far as they could tell he was fine but not knowing he had internal injuried. AZGFD were closed and made this special trip. Seems from observation Rocky died abt 2:00 PM PST was not breathing or moving anymore. He fell backwards and slipped off onto rooftop abt 8:35 AM PST when trying to get back into nestbox. AZGFD did all they could and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #93 on: June 04, 2016, 18:59 »
The chick hasn't moved in over an hour, I am pretty sure it has passed.  :'(   I watched while the male parent was hovering over it and I could not see the chick breathing.  Anyway, it is pretty sad considering what the chick had already been through and how well it was doing.  :(

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #92 on: June 04, 2016, 18:40 »
I'm not sure how long between the time chick fell and when put back in the box, TPC. However, my post saying they were panning for chick was at 13:34, and post saying they put chick back was at 14:50 (so not very long, but there may have been a vet nearby).

I haven't seen the mother yet, so I'm still worried about her, but can't watch much longer.

I hope someone will post the AZGFD update here if they see it.

I don't know what fhe time frame was. The chick was not visible when I went to the site this morning. Had the cam up much of the day, but did not actually see the chick until after he/she was back iin the nest.

I have not seen Mom today, but she is a strong falcon.

It is still 113 degrees in Phoenix.

I read elsewhere that when the chick was found, she was on her back and not moving. Then, she moved her head and stood up. I cannot guarantee that this information is correct.

I have pics of Dad with the chick, but can't post as I am not able to get into Photobucket.

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #91 on: June 04, 2016, 18:16 »
I'm not sure how long between the time chick fell and when put back in the box, TPC. However, my post saying they were panning for chick was at 13:34, and post saying they put chick back was at 14:50 (so not very long, but there may have been a vet nearby).

I haven't seen the mother yet, so I'm still worried about her, but can't watch much longer.

I hope someone will post the AZGFD update here if they see it.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #90 on: June 04, 2016, 18:07 »

Thank you for posting the update from AZGFD, Alison.

I have not joined Facebook, and because I've been browsing there too often, I'm getting blocked a lot.

That update doesn't clearly specify who examined the chick though.

You're welcome, Burdi. I don't know who examined the chick; they did not say. I don't do Facebook either, nor do I intend to. For about the last two weeks, they appear to have blocked all public pages.

I was able to read that update, and also the comments. Many people have now posted there that they believe the chick is dead.  :(

Dad is still with his chick. He has tried over and over to revive the little one, but no response.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #89 on: June 04, 2016, 17:51 »
Dad is still in the nest, attempting to brood the chick, but the chick has been unresponsive. I have only seen the chick's white down feathers move slightly in the breeze.  I have seen no sign of breathing.  :(

No official update so far.

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #88 on: June 04, 2016, 17:48 »

Thank you for posting the update from AZGFD, Alison.

I have not joined Facebook, and because I've been browsing there too often, I'm getting blocked a lot.

That update doesn't clearly specify who examined the chick though.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #87 on: June 04, 2016, 17:34 »
Does anyone know if the chick was checked by a vet after that dangerous fall???

I'm not seeing any movement in the chick, and getting very worried.  ???

Just feeling very sad right now....

It sounds as if the chick was taken to be checked out.

As you may all know, this morning the peregrine chick fell from the nest. Earlier this afternoon, it was recovered and taken for an examination. It appears to be in good health and is expected to to be returned to the nest later afternoon.

When I checked the site a while ago, the chick was back in the nest and was being protected by Dad. Dad spread his wings completely over the chick at one point.

Dad has been panting heavily. However, I have not seen any movement from the chick. I am very concerned. I hope the Wildlife people are monitoring this situation.

Hoping for the best.

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #86 on: June 04, 2016, 17:32 »

I have no doubt the extreme heat has contributed to what happened, but hopefully the parents will survive the heat, along with their stress.

Mom hasn't come by yet, at least as far as I've seen. This is terribly  heartbreaking.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #85 on: June 04, 2016, 17:18 »
I haven't been on the Phoenix cam - how long was it between the time he fell and when he was brought back to the box?  Long enough to get checked out by a vet?  And shock is not something you can see on an exam or x-ray but it can kill birds later on.  

Looking at the temperature forecast posted earlier on this thread, I think that would be a greater concern - peregrine chicks rely on getting all their moisture from the food their parents bring them, so dehydration would be a big concern.  Heck, I worry about our chicks at the Radisson in the hot afternoon sun but fortunately, by the time the sun starts to really get hot in June, the chicks are able to move in/out of the shade in the box, their parents are good about providing shade and it fortunately doesn't last long and when it is gone, the chicks can hang out/sleep out on the balcony and catch whatever breeze there may be.  And it isn't much easier for the adults, they can only pant to thermoregulate so they tend to hang out in the shade, preferably shade and a breeze or they end up having a bath somewhere which does cool them down but I can't say how easy that kind of bath might be possible in the Phoenix area ....

Hopefully there will be an update later ...

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #84 on: June 04, 2016, 16:45 »
Dad looks like he's grieving. :'(

Wouldn't it be standard procedure to have a chick Vet checked after a hard fall like that?  ???

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #83 on: June 04, 2016, 16:24 »
Does anyone know if the chick was checked by a vet after that dangerous fall???

I'm not seeing any movement in the chick, and getting very worried.  ???

Just feeling very sad right now....

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #82 on: June 04, 2016, 15:27 »
Thank you for your comment regarding the solo chicks, TPC. I also hope the box will be redesigned as you suggested.

Perhaps even a small adjustment with a ledge that extends outwards would have helped, and then some boxes also have ramps to help prevent accidents.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #81 on: June 04, 2016, 15:18 »
Chick appears ok after the fall.  :)

The poor parents are definitely not looking comfortable today ... it's way too hot for everyone!

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #80 on: June 04, 2016, 15:08 »
They just put the chick back in the box. 

That is excellent news!

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #79 on: June 04, 2016, 14:50 »
They just put the chick back in the box.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #78 on: June 04, 2016, 14:30 »
One of the problems with solos is that they tend to try to follow their parents not having siblings to anchor them in the nestbox.  We've had this problem a number of times.  Sherpa (our little climber) was our scariest - not dissimilar to this chick - he climbed out of the nestbox and I managed to snag him from the ledge before he went anywhere.  Solos also tend to fledge way too soon.

Hopefully they will look at redesigning that nestbox some to prevent the chick from accessing the ledge until it can fly.  Or at least that is what I would be looking at and that pre-supposes that there wouldn't be a technical difficulty doing so.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #77 on: June 04, 2016, 13:34 »
The poor chick fell, and AZGFD were panning/zooming the cam around in search of the the chick on roof below. We will have to wait for an official update from them.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #76 on: June 04, 2016, 04:19 »
The chick has been on the lower ledge most of the night, but I hope he/she will be back in the nest by daylight (footsteps sound close now). It's been worrisome though, as I've seen how this chick sometimes flops around or sprawls out while sleeping in the nest, and that could be very dangerous on a narrow ledge.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #75 on: June 03, 2016, 19:54 »
Chick seems to have become a pro very quickly. He/she did it again - down, then quickly up again - no problem!

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #74 on: June 03, 2016, 19:36 »
Copy of Update from AZGFD:

"It was quite an afternoon for the Phoenix peregrines. While its parents were out foraging, the peregrine chick climbed up onto the ledge of the box and jumped down to another small ledge a few inches below. The chick was able to make its way back into the box and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the chick has figured out how to get down there, it’s likely to try this again… being a Peregrine–Cam fan is not for the faint of heart!"

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #73 on: June 03, 2016, 19:35 »
Thanks RCF, I watched while AGFGD zoomed cam around to monitor chick, and was happy when it turned out well - as that ledge is not very wide. Chick came up on left side of nest, and I think the step was helpful.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #72 on: June 03, 2016, 18:29 »
Looks like a bit of a step that can be used to get back in...the chick may or may not use it.

On the ledge, probably goes all the way around the building.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #71 on: June 03, 2016, 16:58 »
Mom is panting, and chick is now sprawled out in the nest. The excessive heat warning continues today:

"Temperature: highs 112 to 118 degrees on the lower deserts today through Sunday, with peak heat likely to occur on Saturday. Slightly cooler Monday with highs 109 to 111 degrees."

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #70 on: June 03, 2016, 16:41 »
Chick made it back to nest! I'm happy again. :)

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #69 on: June 03, 2016, 16:31 »
Chick went off ledge about 20 minutes ago!

Thankfully AZGFD is monitoring situation. Looks fine but not sure if chick has enough strength to get back up - without falling back down, so don't know what will happen. I really cannot stay around much - just happened to peek in, but now worried. :(

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #68 on: June 01, 2016, 18:31 »
Poor birds are panting in Phoenix. There's an "Excessive Heat Warning" for the next few days:

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #67 on: May 31, 2016, 11:46 »
Today this family gets to listen to more loud speeches and entertainment from below; not sure if they're enjoying it though ...

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #66 on: May 29, 2016, 11:13 »
Might be that the chicks feather growth is a bit delayed but from what I can see, that looks like a male ... if the feather development has been delayed, it could just be a smaller female making up for lost time ... a bit like Mistral (and no, haven't heard anything about her since she fledged)

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #65 on: May 29, 2016, 09:19 »
Three weeks old today. :)

Offline susha

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #64 on: May 25, 2016, 20:19 »
I know!!  I just checked and there's that little chubby body! ;D

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #63 on: May 25, 2016, 19:55 »
Now that I recall, chicks have seemed to go missing on other cams and were just out of camera range.  Maybe she/he is under the ledge, in a food coma...?

Yes, the chick likes to hide under the ledge where you can't see him/her.  :)

The chick has moved since you posted.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 19:59 by RCF »

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #62 on: May 25, 2016, 19:33 »
Now that I recall, chicks have seemed to go missing on other cams and were just out of camera range.  Maybe she/he is under the ledge, in a food coma...?

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #61 on: May 25, 2016, 19:28 »
I just took a peek at this site and the nestbox is empty! ???

Can't seem to find any news anywhere of what happened or might be happening...

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #60 on: May 23, 2016, 17:59 »
What a great video of the little one.  Thanks, RCF, for posting the link.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #59 on: May 23, 2016, 16:08 »
386 grams isn't bad for 13 days old ... chick is half-way to banding age so if s/he doubles in weight, chick will be pretty standard for a female at banding, bit tubby if it turns out to be a male.  Either way, it is good news  ;)

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #58 on: May 23, 2016, 14:53 »
They made a video of the checkup. They said the eyas now weighs 386 grams and think it's female.

Great news! Arizona Game and Fish Department checked on the peregrine chick this morning in its nest box on a @maricopacounty high rise. The chick was having a hard time using its legs; small splints were fitted, but today the chick showed huge improvement. The splints are no longer needed. The chick is healthy and expected to fledge!

Check out the video, pretty feisty chick -

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #57 on: May 23, 2016, 13:22 »
Arizona Game and Fish Department have removed the remnants of the splints and put gravel in the box.

Looking at chick - not quite as fuzzy and white as ours might be at this age but it seems chick is in the growing-out-of-first-feathers stage and they all look a bit nude.  Having said that chick looks pretty darn alert, strong and well-fed.  I think tot could do well so long as something else unexpected doesn't happen.  And that gravel will make it so much more comfortable for the chick - cooler as well I suspect, even in the Phoenix heat.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #56 on: May 23, 2016, 12:03 »
Arizona Game and Fish Department have removed the remnants of the splints and put gravel in the box.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #55 on: May 22, 2016, 10:51 »

He didn't want any more.  :)

Mom was chasing his beak.  ;D

Full up  :)

Going into food coma

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #54 on: May 19, 2016, 09:23 »
From RCF's photos I realize that the chick is sitting on astroturf or that stiff indoor/outdoor carpeting.  That cannot be comfortable for the wee thing ...

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #53 on: May 18, 2016, 19:27 »
I caught a feeding around 6:30pm. He got lots, plus Mom left and then came back to give him more.  :-*

Big crop  :)

Looks full

Mom came back to give him a little more.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #52 on: May 18, 2016, 14:37 »

Thank you to AZGFD Watchable Wildlife Program Manager Randy Babb and AZGFD Wildlife Education Program Manager Mike Demlong for a very informative chat session, along with live video. What great people!

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #51 on: May 18, 2016, 12:41 »
Dad just came in. Chick got up, and looked so much better. It's still rather quiet in the nest, and appears peaceful.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #50 on: May 18, 2016, 12:08 »

Baby has been sleeping quietly for quite a while.  :)

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #49 on: May 18, 2016, 11:37 »
Cam is live here again!  :)

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #48 on: May 17, 2016, 20:28 »

For those of you curious how the peregrine chick is doing - here's a peek inside the nest during a feeding this afternoon. Want to learn more? Tune in right here from 11 a.m. to noon Wednesday (2 p.m. EST) as AZGFD Watchable Wildlife Program Manager Randy Babb answers your questions live.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #47 on: May 17, 2016, 14:38 »
Updates keep coming from AZGFD - now there is a video of the chick.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #46 on: May 17, 2016, 12:54 »
Link to AZGFD again with same update, also pic alone that can be enlarged though still not very clear.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2016, 14:28 by burdi »

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #45 on: May 17, 2016, 12:12 »
Update from Arizona Game and Fish, with photo.

Facebook post & photo

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #44 on: May 16, 2016, 23:36 »
Have not been able to get to the computer today until now.   I volunteer at Liberty Wildlife along with people who work for Az. Fish and Game Dept., so this morning I had one of them call to find out what was going on.  The reply was bands on the baby and more gravel.   That's all I know, but looks like you guys know more than I do.
Hope it all works out for the little guy. 

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #43 on: May 16, 2016, 18:40 »
Great news! Thanks for all the updates burdi!  :)

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #42 on: May 16, 2016, 18:03 »

Lately, while trying to tend to other things this poor little chick has remained on my mind. It's such a relief to hear the chick was examined and treated, and that no other serious issues were found.

Thank you to RCF and all others for voicing their concerns, and thank you to Arizona Game and Fish Department for taking action. I'm hoping for a good outcome.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #41 on: May 16, 2016, 17:41 »
Thank you for the information regarding my question on gravel, TPC. It's very interesting, and I'm confident that falcons choosing to nest in Manitoba are in very good hands.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #40 on: May 16, 2016, 17:01 »
Another update from Arizona Game and Fish Department:

Monday 2:45pm: From Randy Babb, the head of our peregrine-cam team:
"The chick has been examined and is back in the box. It has no other issues except perhaps it needs a little better nutrition. The legs have been “splinted” to rectify the splay leg syndrome. A new substrate, brown AstroTurf, has been supplied. We will keep the video feed down for the next few days to monitor the situation. The chick will have some trouble adapting to the braces so it will fall over a lot for the next while. It should adjust to the leg restraints quickly and we can return the feed to viewers then."
We're guardedly optimistic and monitoring progress closely. More information when it becomes available!

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #39 on: May 16, 2016, 16:07 »
Good news from the Arizona Game and Fish Department:

We've temporarily stopped the live camera feed from the peregrine nest in downtown Phoenix. We're consulting with international, national, and local peregrine experts on the health of the chick, and assessing its condition to determine an appropriate course of action. We hope that ultimately the chick can remain with the parents to be raised as a wild bird, and we’ll know more after examination later today. We will continue to give you information as it becomes available.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #38 on: May 16, 2016, 12:55 »
Well, the cam is down at the moment, hopefully they are going to intervene. The poor chick is bug infested and he was having difficulty trying to get food from the parent. There were a lot of people voicing their concerns about the situation. I was one of them!  Not sure if they turned off the cam so they could curb the complaints or they are doing something for the chick. I hope for the later.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #37 on: May 16, 2016, 10:32 »
TPC - You mentioned earlier that Smiley "had a nice bowl shape impression about 1-2 inches deep and the right circumference and nice slope on the walls", but how many inches of gravel do you find works the best for their nest boxes? Also what about the tupper nests - do they get the same depth of gravel? 

We use about the same amount - 4+ inches depending on the type of box - want to be able to keep the chicks up out of a couple of inches of water (not necessarily a huge concern in Phoenix but never say never).  We add more perhaps than other locations because the gravel freezes in the winter and with a bit more (we use about 6 at the Radisson & WW) then the top has thawed by the time the males get home and want to start scraping.  Don't want them heading off to other places just because the gravel in the box is still frozen.  That too may not be an issue in Phoenix.  We also rake/turn over our gravel in the fall to make sure anything in the gravel (and yes, everything ends up in the gravel) gets frozen hopefully to death before the birds return in the spring.  We change the gravel every 4-5 years depending on how messy the pair are.

The Arizona folks could add gravel at any time, it isn't difficult.  Pick up chick, add gravel, make bowl shape depression in gravel, place chick in bowl shape depression and back away from the nest.  I'm being a bit facetious, but only in I don't know what the state's rules are about "visiting" nestboxes and how accessible is accessible - gravel is heavy and if there is any climbing involved it exponentially increases the time involved.  If the site were like at the Radisson, it would be a 90 second job.  If it were like McKenzie Seeds, a 20 minute job.  In terms of the process however, it is easy and I have slipped gravel and nestboxes under eggs and under newly hatched chicks with nary a problem other than really pissed-off parents but plan it/do it right and you can be in and out very quickly.

Having said all that, the chick is going to be sitting on his rump by next week and starting to scoot around so it may be that they are just adding "more gravel" to their pre-nesting season to-do list for next year. 


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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #36 on: May 16, 2016, 03:00 »
;) CHIRP  ;D

 ;D Actually TPC, I really ... well, it just seemed to work! :D

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #35 on: May 16, 2016, 02:51 »
TPC - You mentioned earlier that Smiley "had a nice bowl shape impression about 1-2 inches deep and the right circumference and nice slope on the walls", but how many inches of gravel do you find works the best for their nest boxes? Also what about the tupper nests - do they get the same depth of gravel?

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #34 on: May 16, 2016, 02:43 »
I checked the cam and chick was sleeping but legs appeared less splayed while resting on a few more stones. Perhaps since chick has been moving around the nest more the stones are being shuffled all around the floor. Baby was much worse during feedings in the daytime, as you can see in the video by RCF.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2016, 22:29 »
RCF, I totally agree with your description that the chick looks like it is "swimming on the floor of the box". I mentioned that I’d like to see more gravel in this box and cannot understand why someone who oversees this site has not attempted to correct the problem by now. They must be watching - so it doesn’t look hopeful that they will.

The problem might not be noticed if watching briefly, but if you look at the size of the egg (which is about 2 x 1.6 - 1.9 inches, I read), and compare the egg to the open floor area of their scrape (which is usually about 2 x 9 inches), then also consider that only a few pieces of pea gravel are usually seen on this open floor - and you might agree. I read that falcon nest boxes require an average of 4 - 6 inches of pea gravel, and from what I can see I have to wonder if there is even one full inch in that box. Adult falcons have long talons which should not be flat on the floor of their nest while sitting on eggs or chicks, and the chick really needs something to grip! The floor seems to appear extra slippery at times. I certainly hope it doesn’t actually have an extra smooth surface! (Maybe it just seems that way since the chick tries so hard to get itself up.) Otherwise, the new box looks great, and if this pair did have a successful clutch in the older box (as the article I posted mentions), then perhaps it was prepared in a better way. I’ve heard of falcons nesting successfully on rooftops or gutters, but maybe there was a little something more for a chick to grip - such as dirt and weeds, though I’m just guessing.

There have been quite a few flies in the nest as well, though flies are constantly attracted to these nests (and normally without problems). However I'm also aware of very serious problems that certain flies are able to cause in birds (and other animals). Some of these problems tend to occur if the animal is on the ground, fairly still, or happens to have an open wound (even if the wound is very small).

This particular site is accessible, but I imagine it's too late for gravel alone to help without treatment. Besides there might be another type of health condition causing the weakness, though so far chick is still vocal and eating well. Whatever the cause, I still feel the lack of gravel (on what appears to be a very slippery surface) has contributed to a noticeably uncomfortable and stressful situation for parents and chick.

Hopefully someone with more insight will add their opinion, as well. This little  chick is weakening further from so much struggling, I believe.  :'(

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2016, 22:06 »
News article about Phoenix nest from April 11, 2016 - includes a video of chick rescue from 2015. They mentioned that a new couple took over the site in 2015 and hatched 3 chicks. I think they’re saying that the current pair has nested successfully before.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2016, 11:05 »
The chick here isn't doing so well. It has splayed legs and can't sit up when mom comes with food. She still feeds him but the chick looks like it is swimming on the floor of the box. The box does not have enough gravel in it,  so mom can't scootch her feet under the chick properly when brooding. I think this is why it has splayed legs.  :(

Here is a short video I took this morning of part of a feed.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2016, 10:14 »
 ;) CHIRP  ;D

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2016, 14:16 »
Mspeach - I really haven't been able to contribute as much as I'd like to, but I'm pleased if my postings were helpful. I find it interesting to see how these birds will cope under various conditions (such as the heat in Phoenix), and greatly appreciate the opportunity to watch this beautiful pair.

I'm thankful for your observations as well, Mspeach! It's great to know that you live in the area, and I look forward to any further information you're able to provide.

On this forum - I feel we're all here because of our sincere interest and concern for falcons, and I greatly appreciate all that is shared ... as all posts are helpful. Above all, we are most fortunate to have The Peregrine Chick - who will often chirp in - and attempt to set us straight. :D

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2016, 20:31 »
Burdi,  you are doing an excellent job of covering this site.
Sad only one egg hatched.

And by the way, you get use to the heat sorta, kinda.  You just do things WPG in winter.  I played golf here today in 102 degree heat.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #27 on: May 13, 2016, 16:34 »
Check out the forecast in Phoenix:

Hmmm, poor folks in Phoenix  ;) ... its too bad their weather can't be more like ours today ...

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #26 on: May 13, 2016, 15:06 »
I'd sure like to see more gravel in their box! :(

Mom took the food away and Dad checked in on the chick, but Mom came back quickly ... and I won't be able to watch much more today.

Check out the forecast in Phoenix:

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2016, 14:33 »
Sorry, that looks like the mom feeding. I couldn't see the chest, and the male has a white chest.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2016, 14:27 »
Dad feeding chick again - right now. :)

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2016, 20:33 »
Dad is feeding chick right now. ;)

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2016, 20:28 »
Remember that it's HOT in Arizona - and much hotter way up high - where the falcons like to nest!

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2016, 20:21 »
Video about location and installation of nest box by Arizona Game and Fish Department:

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2016, 19:14 »
Dad was allowed to feed their chick today (while Mom supervised), and he did an excellent job! :-*

Mom sat silently watching - until deciding she wanted to continue herself, so Baby was very well fed. ;D

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2016, 18:57 »
I noticed this warning (under the Arizona cam) brings attention to just a bit more than some others I've seen.

Notice to Viewers:

Please remember that these are wild animals and, like all wildlife, are subject to the unpredictablity of nature.  It is not uncommon for one or more of the young birds to die before reaching fledging age.  It is the intention of the department not to interfere with these nesting birds.  While you are viewing the camera, you may witness a variety of behaviors that may seem cruel, including predation on other wild birds and even the young of the nesting peregrines themselves.  It is important to remember, wild animals are neither cruel nor kind, good nor bad, but merely animals that are the products of countless years of evolution.  An intimate view into the lives of wildlife is a rare privilege, and we hope that you enjoy and learn from this experience.

Link to cam with above notice:

Offline mspeach

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2016, 09:32 »
Yippee!!!   First (and very vocal) little chick born on Mother's Day.
Nest tally:  one chick, one egg.

Can't tell if second egg is trying to hatch.
Flying insects are quite bothersome to mom.

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2016, 23:18 »
Thanks for posting, RCF. I'm glad you were watching too. :D

Happy Mother's Day to this beautiful Mom!

She's probably hungry after refusing numerous offerings from Dad today. Hope she will rest well tonight ... and eat well tomorrow.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2016, 21:39 »

Video just after hatch, mom eating eggshell.

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2016, 21:28 »
Poor little chick was likely exhausted from such a long struggle!

I'm so happy for this pair. :D

Offline burdi

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2016, 21:14 »
Chick hatched and eggshell is being eaten, but I can't clearly see if chick is ok. I'm hearing lots of healthy little peeps though! ;D

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2016, 20:17 »
I've been watching this cam on and off for a couple days and there's definitely been a lot of peeping.  

One chick appears to be struggling to get out of its shell right now.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2016, 23:03 »
Could only see 2 eggs tonight.   She keeps looking at the eggs.....they must be making noises!!

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2016, 21:35 »
Last week it looked like one of the eggs was crushed. :'(

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2016, 20:53 »
Thanks so much for your reply, TPC !!!!   Helped me understand more about our peregrine "stars" here in Phoenix, and stop being such a worry wart.  I heard we have many nest sites in Arizona, especially around the Grand Canyon.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2016, 14:16 »
Just about every time I check on this nest there is an egg on the side.   This morning there are two!   The temperature here is 61 degrees F.
I wonder if more gravel or larger rocks in the box would help as the scrape seems to be down to the floor of the box.

The eggs are probably fine - and probably not the same egg each time.  When I had a look just now, it looked like it has been raining and though I don't watch this site much, it seems like Mom is on the eggs and everyone is tucked up nice and safe.  I'm willing to hazard a guess and say it is Dad who is having trouble keeping the kids under control - they are smaller and 4 eggs is alot of real estate to keep covered if you are a male.  A bit of time uncovered - up to 1/2 hour if the temperatures are favourable doesn't seem to cause a problem in our experience here - Madame used to get off all the time and leave her eggs uncovered.  Don't know the layout of the box, but it could be warmer in there than the ambient temperature recorded - sun shining on the box isn't really cooler, just shadier. 

As for more gravel - lots of birds don't like deep gravel - its like walking in soft sand which is not what the peregrines are looking for - and more gravel doesn't a better scrape make.  For the last 2 years, Smiley has sucked at making scrapes at the Radisson, he had good form but his scrapes did not.  This year, he had a nice bowl shape impression about 1-2 inches deep and the right circumference and nice slope on the walls.  Fits an adult peregrine just perfectly but holds the eggs safe from rolling around/away.  As for bigger rocks - do you mean bigger gravel?  If that is what you mean, then no, the size gravel they have there is perfect - bigger means harder to move and potentially more dangerous for fragile eggs - and has to be more uncomfortable for adults and chicks.  The scrape also won't stay where it is right now, as the eggs are incubated and even a bit after the chicks hatch the scrape will migrate somewhat as the adults tuck in under the eggs/chicks and with changes in weather or whatever.  Bigger gravel would be a problem for this.

Your last comment was about that the scrape seemed to be on the floor of the box - it is a different box design where there is a box up front for the adults and chicks to use but which operates like a barricade for the chicks when they are young.  It also allows for the box to be bigger - often boxes have to be higher to give the birds access over a lip or retaining wall on a building - this design lets them get more room inside by dropping the inside floor.  It also helps provide the birds with more shade which at some sites is more of an issue than at others and much much more protection from rain/snow.  We have a design like this for the nestbox on the roof at McKenzie Seeds.  The nestbox at West Wpg is a variation on the same theme with the bottom of the box being almost the height of a peregrine below the edge of the building.  The low ledge we have around the edge of the box allows the chicks to get up and look around when they are old enough so they can get used to the higher winds in this area.  If they were to go straight from the bottom of the box to the roof edge, we'd have more chicks fledging prematurely at this site.  As it is, the chicks can now get up on that ledge after banding age and then they tend to go down the ramp onto the roof for a couple/three weeks then they start visiting the roof edge regularly and then they are off.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2016, 11:14 »
Just about every time I check on this nest there is an egg on the side.   This morning there are two!   The temperature here is 61 degrees F.
I wonder if more gravel or larger rocks in the box would help as the scrape seems to be down to the floor of the box.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2016, 18:31 »

Depends on the ambient temperature whether that's a problem.  Would be a problem here now, but it is 35C/95F in Phoenix, so it shouldn't be a problem for them unless it is for an extended period of time.  We used to have birds that left eggs uncovered in the afternoon heat quite regularly when the weather was very warm and no harm ever came of it.

Good to know. I have been noticing the occasional escaping egg too. Usually, it is not too long before the egg is tucked back under.

An egg check shortly before daylight this morning. The eggs were covered again almost immediately, but one escaped.


All eggs covered; much later in the day, another escapee.


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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2016, 17:02 »
There are now 4 eggs being brooded by the mister and missus in downtown Phoenix.
My concern is usually one of the eggs squirts out from underneath the parent when they are settling down and is not being kept warm enough.   Hopefully all is well.

Depends on the ambient temperature whether that's a problem.  Would be a problem here now, but it is 35C/95F in Phoenix, so it shouldn't be a problem for them unless it is for an extended period of time.  We used to have birds that left eggs uncovered in the afternoon heat quite regularly when the weather was very warm and no harm ever came of it.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2016, 14:38 »
There are now 4 eggs being brooded by the mister and missus in downtown Phoenix.
My concern is usually one of the eggs squirts out from underneath the parent when they are settling down and is not being kept warm enough.   Hopefully all is well.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2016, 19:09 »
 Two eggs as of yesterday.   Both parents are taking turns on the eggs.   Nest is on the 10th or 11th floor of the building.

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2016, 10:24 »
Egg #1 has arrived

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Re: AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2016, 11:04 »
Thanks for this link RCF!  Great cam view.    :)

Offline GCG

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AZ / Phoenix - 2016-17
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2016, 08:32 »
Thanks for posting this new site RCF! I have bookmarked it. You can never have too many live cams following the day to day activities of the PF's.