2009 NESTING SEASONI have a question for TPC about the Nipsco nest in Wheatfield, Indiana. During the breeding season, the cam was focused only on the exterior perch. A pair of adult peregrines were observed visiting the perch. but it was not possible to tell whether there were eggs since the cam view did not change.
Last year the cam was focused on the inside of the nest, but no peregrines visited.
This year, in June, I caught a few pics of a juvie on the edge of the nest, so I believe that there was at least one chick.
According to Kittenface, she had contacted Nipsco and received this reply:
Thank you for contacting NIPSCO. Currently, no falcons have nested where our falcon-cam is located. If you're interested in more information about our falcon program, please contact the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.One of the adults in February of this year. The indoor/outdoor carpet covering the perch had come loose, and blew iin the breeze quite a bit:

A few of the pics I saved of the juvie on June 18:

link to cam: http://www.nisource.com/enviro/falcon.asp