Has there been any interest in this site? There will be no nesting pair? Inquiring minds want to know. 
I don't know. I can't tell if Hart is going to have a girlfriend and if he does where he's going to nest. He is concentrating most of his time at West Wpg but he does come back regularly (almost daily) to Logan. West Wpg is Ella's old stomping grounds and she seems to want to keep stomping there which I think may be screwing up Hart's chances there. Ella has spent time at Logan with Hart over the years (remember, these two spring date every year!!) but never seen her near/on the nestbox. So will he nest here. If he gets a girl who's interested enough, he's going to have to choose with potential interference from Ella at West Wpg or moving back to Logan with his new girlfriend. Most recent girlfriend is an unbanded hatch from somewhere last year, and it may be that she's just not going to stand up to Ella, or at least not this year. Not our only other female that has been in town though - there is/was a right banded female at one point and we know there is an older unbanded female around too. All three have visited with Hart at West Wpg enough that they hopped on camera at least once - I made sure to grab screen captures to be sure!
So inquiring minds, don't know. Have to wait and see. Might be we don't know until/unless an egg suddenly appears in one nestbox or the other.