Author Topic: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur  (Read 39750 times)

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Offline dupre501

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #107 on: July 14, 2017, 23:53 »
The story at the top of the previous page only hinted the chick was from a nest in or near the city. Since we have eyes on the Radisson and I've seen all four chicks in West Winnipeg, I think Doreen was trying to determine if Bristol & Sundance are parents, if Spencer settled down with a mate and nested, or if there are others in the area we haven't heard about. I've wondered as well, but didn't want to be the first to ask. I do understand if they don't want to release that info.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #105 on: July 14, 2017, 12:56 »
This happy story's at the top of this page, Doreen  :)

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #104 on: July 14, 2017, 12:14 »
Tracy where did the foster chick come from?

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #103 on: July 14, 2017, 11:26 »
Have seen Joli and Hart this morning - both at the nest-tray.  Have definitely seen the Logan boy and the foster chick near the nest.  Saw two more birds that were farther away but my sense was that it was one or both of the Logan sisters but I can't be sure ... will keep looking though. 

Haven't been able to take any photos this morning because part of the site is in shade, part in bright sun, the birds are in the shade and they just look black.  Will need to wait for the sun to move further to the west and see who might be around to catch on camera ...

Offline BirdLover

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #102 on: July 10, 2017, 16:48 »
Wonderful news, TPC.  Thanks for setting the scene.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #101 on: July 10, 2017, 15:55 »
All the Logan chicks have fledged and are very quickly getting the hang of flying.  They have been back to the nest and higher than the nest and all without the lure of food to drag them around.  The foster chick hasn't really shown much interest yet in flying, quite a patient bird which is kind of cute to watch.  Today all the Logan chicks have come back within seconds of my checking out the camera - and they all come to visit the foster chick - another rather cute thing to watch. Very glad this fostering seems to working out well.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #100 on: July 07, 2017, 10:11 »
Second fledge yesterday, one of the two remaining Logan females.  She did not badly until she didn't.  Don't worry she was fine.  Got herself caught in a place where she needed to a) be rescued or b) figure out how to work her way out.  She did the latter and more power to her - she managed to not only get grounded, then up but managed to get most the way back up to the height of the nest before she needed to take a nice long break.  She was there for most of last evening.  She didn't make it back to the nest to sleep so far as we can tell last night but it may be she was just off camera.  We do know that second Logan female, foster female and little male hung out with Joli last night right at the nsetbox.  It was cute - they were four little statues all sound asleep for hours.  Then off went Joli, Logan female started her morning flap and landed on sleeping brother, who looked bemused for a few minutes to have lost his lovely napping spot (see photo below) and flew off.  Then Logan female went running off camera and I can't find her so not sure if that mans she's fledged - reasonable given her age and that her sister has gone - or if she's gone to hang out on a ledge around the corner where our cameras can't reach.  Only time will tell.  At the moment, foster sister is perched on the edge of the nestbox looking very much like a grown up peregrine (she's lost a lot of fuzz from yesterday) napping and not looking too interested in following her foster sibs wherever they may be.

So far so good, will keep folks in the loop!

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #99 on: July 05, 2017, 14:46 »
So glad she's fitting in.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #97 on: July 03, 2017, 16:42 »
This is a happy beginning for this chick. It could have had a sad ending if not found, checked for injuries and placed with an obvious inviting family. Thanks for sharing, TPC! When will all the chicks be named?

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #96 on: July 03, 2017, 16:25 »
When did that happen :o

Glad everything turned out!

Chick came down on Friday, checked out on Saturday while we made plans to foster, dropped off with Joli & Hart on Sunday and napping with a cousin right now (Monday)  ;D

Offline dupre501

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #95 on: July 03, 2017, 14:39 »
When did that happen :o

Glad everything turned out!

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #93 on: July 03, 2017, 14:00 »
Great news, TPC!