Author Topic: West Winnipeg - 2018 / A Death in the Family - Beatrix (2011-2018)  (Read 69157 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Beatrix Rescued in Texas
« Reply #152 on: November 02, 2017, 22:52 »

I aM Late donating but want to donate to BEatrix. I cannot seem to find link just for Beatrix.( bev)

You can donate from anywhere on the site Bev and just include a note that the donation is for Beatrix - just that simple!  When you donate online there is a space for comments, add your message there.  If you prefer to mail in your donation, just include a note on the donation form indicating that you are donating for Beatrix. 

And just so folks know, a portion of all the donations (ie not just those directed to help Beatrix) will be going to help keep her fed and for her treatments.  So even if you forget to specify that your donation is for Beatrix, you'll still be helping her.

Offline newchick

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Re: Beatrix Rescued in Texas
« Reply #151 on: November 02, 2017, 08:33 »

Offline bev.

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Re: Beatrix Rescued in Texas
« Reply #150 on: November 01, 2017, 18:36 »
It sure has been a long drawn out progress.  Hopefully, She'll be in shape for next spring.  Can you post details or where to find info to send donations?  Thanks.   ;D

Your timing is excellent - we are just about to put in our third order of quail - at about $2.50 per bird including taxes & shipping, they are expensive meals.  Our next order is for 200 quail, so a bit over $500 for the shipment.  If you would like to donate, you can do so here - How to Help Beatrix .  I'll be updating the page and donations tally this weekend!

I aM Late donating but want to donate to BEatrix. I cannot seem to find link just for Beatrix.( bev)

Offline Dagny

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Re: Beatrix Rescued in Texas
« Reply #149 on: October 15, 2017, 12:01 »
TU  TPC for all the info about quails.  I've been wondering about this for years.   :)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Beatrix Rescued in Texas
« Reply #148 on: October 15, 2017, 11:35 »
I'm just curious.  I've seen other peregrine org's also feed quail to their injured birds.  What makes quail such a good meal source?


Lots of places use quail for injured food, if they can access it at reasonable rates.  In fact, it is not unusual for falconers and breeding facilities to raise their own quail for their birds.  In our case, the quail we access is raised for their eggs and meat and when its available, we can get quail for our peregrines.  As for what is a reasonable rate, I would suppose that depends on the rehab organization and what percentage of their guests could use quail in their diet and if their finances make it feasible to purchase - keep in mind, they have similar purchasing decisions to make for all their other guests - some of whom may have equally interesting "preferences".  And I should say its a preference because not all raptors eat birds, some are more mammal hunters so mice and rats are another choice - for peregrines to but they can often get fussy about it (or not depending on the bird). 

In terms of maximizing recovery, having a food source that is as close to wild game as possible seems to make a difference - or at least we hope so.  Birds in care often have pale feet, like chicks do, its a function of what they are eating.  I don't know specifically what chemicals or compounds or ratio of this to that will do it (and likely someone has looked at it but I don't have that information) but it has always seemed to me that it is "wild" food - not just the eating of wild food but the wild acquisition of food.  Peregrines in care often don't get to go through the motions of acquiring their food until they get closer to release.  Peregrine chick feet are very pale when they are young, get a bit more yellow as they grow so by the time we band them they are more yellow but not nearly as golden yellow as their parents.  The feet of birds in care often pale some while in care.  Captive-bred chicks often had pale feet too and like injured birds released, they "yellow-up" after they fledge and get hunting.  Birds that have been in care - chicks and adults - can have paler feet as well, but they too darken as they get better or as they shift into a captive life with balanced long-term meal plan that simulates their wild dietary needs.  And quail, though raised, is more of a gamebird than chicken or turkey (excluding wild turkeys which are a whole other kettle of feathers).  The quail we purchase come with feathers on them, (good for keeping her digestive system clean) are about the size of a pigeon which is the right size for a peregrine to munch on.  Given that our goal is to help Beatrix recover, reducing her stress in care and maximizing the benefit of her calories is important - and if quail does that for her and we can access/afford if for her, then quail it is.  A couple of other peregrines have had short stays this summer as well and they have benefited from our some access to Beatrix's larder as well.  And it helps the rehab folks spend more of their money on food for their other patients/residents.  Win-Win-Win.

Now all of that is just my observations over the years.  Falconers, rehab folks and breeders have much more experience and would like have a great range of observations - some agreeing, some probably countering.  As with all things, there are more shades of grey (or yellow in this case) the more access one has and my access in this particular area is not as great as many others so I'm just recounting what I have observed.

Hope that helps answer the question to some extent.  :)

Offline Alison

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Re: Beatrix Rescued in Texas
« Reply #147 on: October 13, 2017, 20:22 »
Recovery from Bumblefoot is notoriously long and it is no different for Beatrix.  She has had a whole whack of surgeries to clear out infection and at the moment that seems to perhaps done the trick.  Now we have to get the wounds to heal - which sounds easy but as anyone who has had wounds (not just cuts and scrapes), the skin needs to heal across the wound not just heal and that takes time.  At the moment she is doing well and PWRC is working on getting the wounds to close up.  Once that happens, we are ready for flight rehab and then we can start to see the end at the end of her tunnel. 

We will be buying more quail for before the end of the year, so if folks want to collect pennies or loonies in a jar I'll be putting out a request for donations end of the month/into November.    We are trying a new thank you gift for donors this year - but more on that this weekend - something to look forward to   ;) ;D

Thank you for the reply, TPC. I do realize that Bumblefoot is extremely difficult to eradicate completely. I am sorry that Beatrix has had to have numerous surgeries for this. That must be very hard on her. I hope she will heal completely this time around.

Offline Dagny

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Re: Beatrix Rescued in Texas
« Reply #146 on: October 13, 2017, 17:02 »
I'm just curious.  I've seen other peregrine org's also feed quail to their injured birds.  What makes quail such a good meal source?


Offline newchick

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Re: Beatrix Rescued in Texas
« Reply #145 on: October 13, 2017, 08:23 »
Just sent you $ to help out.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Beatrix Rescued in Texas
« Reply #144 on: October 12, 2017, 15:06 »
It sure has been a long drawn out progress.  Hopefully, She'll be in shape for next spring.  Can you post details or where to find info to send donations?  Thanks.   ;D

Your timing is excellent - we are just about to put in our third order of quail - at about $2.50 per bird including taxes & shipping, they are expensive meals.  Our next order is for 200 quail, so a bit over $500 for the shipment.  If you would like to donate, you can do so here - How to Help Beatrix .  I'll be updating the page and donations tally this weekend!

Offline newchick

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Re: Beatrix Rescued in Texas
« Reply #143 on: October 12, 2017, 08:23 »
Recovery from Bumblefoot is notoriously long and it is no different for Beatrix.  She has had a whole whack of surgeries to clear out infection and at the moment that seems to perhaps done the trick.  Now we have to get the wounds to heal - which sounds easy but as anyone who has had wounds (not just cuts and scrapes), the skin needs to heal across the wound not just heal and that takes time.  At the moment she is doing well and PWRC is working on getting the wounds to close up.  Once that happens, we are ready for flight rehab and then we can start to see the end at the end of her tunnel. 

We will be buying more quail for before the end of the year, so if folks want to collect pennies or loonies in a jar I'll be putting out a request for donations end of the month/into November.    We are trying a new thank you gift for donors this year - but more on that this weekend - something to look forward to   ;) ;D

It sure has been a long drawn out progress.  Hopefully, She'll be in shape for next spring.  Can you post details or where to find info to send donations?  Thanks.   ;D

Offline carly

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Re: Beatrix Rescued in Texas
« Reply #142 on: October 06, 2017, 07:24 »
Thank you for the Beatrix update TPC.  Happy to hear she is hanging in there.  I'm sure she'll be as happy as us when she is finally able to fly the skies again.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Beatrix Rescued in Texas
« Reply #141 on: October 05, 2017, 11:18 »
Recovery from Bumblefoot is notoriously long and it is no different for Beatrix.  She has had a whole whack of surgeries to clear out infection and at the moment that seems to perhaps done the trick.  Now we have to get the wounds to heal - which sounds easy but as anyone who has had wounds (not just cuts and scrapes), the skin needs to heal across the wound not just heal and that takes time.  At the moment she is doing well and PWRC is working on getting the wounds to close up.  Once that happens, we are ready for flight rehab and then we can start to see the end at the end of her tunnel. 

We will be buying more quail for before the end of the year, so if folks want to collect pennies or loonies in a jar I'll be putting out a request for donations end of the month/into November.    We are trying a new thank you gift for donors this year - but more on that this weekend - something to look forward to   ;) ;D

Offline Alison

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Re: Beatrix Rescued in Texas
« Reply #140 on: October 05, 2017, 10:26 »
It has been some time since there has been an update on Beatrix on the forum. I also check the Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre site regularly for updates, but have found none. Beatrix has been in care for such a long time; as time goes by, it seems progressively less likely that she will be released. I hope that is not the case.

I would appreciate any news on how Beatrix is coming along.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Beatrix Rescued in Texas
« Reply #139 on: June 21, 2017, 13:53 »
June 2017 Update

She's still coming along - bumblefoot can be a tough nut to crack at times.  PWRC is looking at some supplemental therapies to help with the healing but so far, so good.  She's being a peregrine which is good.  Not out of tricks in our bag yet and she's miffed but not in any risk of anything at the moment ... other than getting bored :)

They have food for the moment and we just paid a couple of months work of medications, vet care and surgery.  For those wanting to support her care, you can hang onto your donation until we call for donations OR just include a note on your donation - there is space on all the donation pages online to include a note if you wish.  Or you can mail it in (don't forget to include a copy of the donation form). 

I have to update some information on the page, but Beatrix has her own page on our website if you want to check it out - the links to donate are at the bottom of the page.

Offline bev.

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Re: Beatrix Rescued in Texas
« Reply #138 on: March 29, 2017, 01:36 »
well I am willing to help out in  that department