When we were there yesterday one fellow came out of one of the buildings, opened the gate and motioned for us to go inside, so we did! He was asking us about the peregrines and if they were still around. I am pretty sure they know when we go check out the place....I guess it's like stalking or casing the joint.

Apparently their cameras can't see way up on the top catwalks, that's where we mostly see the birds. I can't remember seeing the male on the lower ones, just the female and we haven't seen her for a very long time.
We checked again today and didn't see a falcon. However, we did see a couple of hawks, some cormorants, two pelicans, lots of ducks, many, many gulls, three swans and two Meadowlarks. Even though we didn't see a falcon, there is lots of food out there for the taking.