Manitoba Peregrines > Selkirk Peregrines
Selkirk - 2015 / Sundance & Paris
??? has me thinking of different areas. :-\
The Peregrine Chick:
Bit of an update on this site ... we aren't sure where Paris might be - might be that she is the unbanded bird currently in rehab - hoping to see if we can compare some photos we have of her from previous years with photos of the bird in care - more news on that when I have it.
As for the bird we saw on our travels - the Selkirk bird that zipped past us wasn't Sundance, it had black band on the "wrong" leg for it to be Sundance. It was a long way away when we saw it, so we have the band colour but no numbers so far. Maybe the next time we take that route out to Selkirk the bird will be in the area and we can try again!
(does that help with your question Moonstar? :-\)
Are the birds that were spotted on the way out to see the Selkirk birds in Winnipeg?
Yup, clears things up for me. Thanks. 😊
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: Kinderchick on May 04, 2015, 22:39 ---So are you saying Paris is now with Daer, TPC? :-\ Sorry if I'm a bit confused.
--- End quote ---
No, Daer from Selkirk is the bird we spotted in Winnipeg. Sundance from Logan is the bird identified out in Selkirk last. Not sure where Paris is, we assume she is okay and still in the Selkirk area with Sundance, but we didn't see her on our last run out there. We're also checking to see if the bird from East Selkirk that is currently being rehabbed might be her, but she seemed bigger than the bird being rehabbed, but we'll be checking to make sure.
Hope that clears things up ...
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