Manitoba Peregrines > Selkirk Peregrines
Selkirk - 2015 / Sundance & Paris
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: gemcitygemini on July 21, 2015, 05:31 --- :) Thanks for the update on the injured bird, TPC. Hopefully enjoying the easy life.
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Its a big adjustment for some birds and this one is unbanded so likely the only human contact it has had has been since it was injured. Some acclimate quickly, others a bit longer, some never really do rather they tolerate it. Don't know about this bird yet, but I will try to keep in touch with the centre to find out how's she's doing as time goes on.
:) Thanks for the update on the injured bird, TPC. Hopefully enjoying the easy life.
The Peregrine Chick:
Haven't heard anything Birdbrain and we haven't seen anything on our regular checks of all the sites we know about and those we think are possibles. Not even random observations of a peregrine or two in the area by our local spotters which is kind of unusual so there may be a real possibility that they didn't settle to nest and may or may not still be in the area. Will post if I hear anything though.
On another note, and I can't remember if I posted this already on another thread, but the bird that was injured near Selkirk isn't releasable according to the vets/rehabbers and fortunately a new home has been found for him/her already.
Driving home from the lake yesterday saw a big bird, possibly a peregrine perched on a road sign along highway 59 close to the East Selkirk turn off. It made me wonder if anyone has seen the peregrines out there and would have an update for us?
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: Moonstar on May 08, 2015, 14:46 --- ??? has me thinking of different areas. :-\
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Sorry Moonstar - different from where?
The birds that we find out this way are not like our Winnipeg pairs, they are all over the place within a very very large area of which Selkirk is the most recognizable landmark they visit.
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