this is long overdue but have been busy.
So far so good At U of A. The juveniles are still here and we try and go down every two days. We were there on Tuesday night and saw all 3 juveniles.
yes, we have 3 juvneilles( all male) A little twist here this year.
Gord picked up Blue girl as she was having trouble with her footing and so she went out to Pembina. Great place for her. She would not have to worry about coming low or hitting a building. NO doubt she could fly but having only been out two days, and slipping off metal ledges, it was better to get her where she could fly
So that left us with Green boy and white . When white fledged, he never looked back. He was small for his age , a runt, but to see him now , you would not know. He was stooping pigeons day3.
They are both strong . Our watchers this year were treated to seeing them chase parents with prey , and retrieve it and carry it.



slideshow of green and white from july26-JUly30 After our official watch is over we continue to keep track. But on August 9, something out of the ordinary happened. Jean phoned and said she had 3 juveniles just outside her window.
We went down and sure enough we had green, white and Yellow( from weber ). they played tag and had a great time.
these are pictures from jean as she sees them form her window

So we continued to monitor. Yellow was at Weber on Aug 10 for about 40 minutes and he ate. and we have not seen him there again. Of course we cannot be there 24 hours a day LOL
And the rest is history. We continue to go to Weber as well as U of a but Yellow has stayed at U of a. A juvenile was heard on cam at Weber on august22, but no one has seen him there. Does not mean that he does not visit there but he had remained at U of A.
yellow at U of A box

That RAdisson and Chase accepted him at such a late date is even more amazing. Radisson does not accept anyone after a few days. Gord is stumped also. We know juveniles will wander but he eats here, he sleeps here, and RAdisson has accepted him. It is one for the books. WE were worried for a bit. And so we monitored very closely.
I will continue this post in another message as it says my message too long LOL