Manitoba Peregrines > Bank of the West, Fargo, North Dakota

Fargo - 2015 / Annie & Miracle

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The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Alison on July 20, 2015, 01:18 ---Photo from the site: he/she is very handsome. 
--- End quote ---

I'll see if I can find out why s/he wasn't banded, have a few contacts down there.
Looking at the feet, my two cents are that it is a female.

An update from the site, dated July 16:

We are happy to let everyone know that our lone chick from this 2015 season seems to be doing well!  (See the picture below)  We have finally been able to work out some of the technical issues we have faced at the end of this season.  The camera will be LIVE for the coming days as we make an effort to troubleshoot some additional items in preparation for next season.

Photo from the site: he/she is very handsome.

The lone chick was not banded. No idea what the reason was, but it is a shame that this was not done. We will never know what happens to him or her in the future, and the history of this juvie will be lost.  :(

"All in the family"!

Dad and Junior/Juniorette


No more news on the banding yet. I was watching this morning and Miracle fed the chick a Sora Rail.

Nom Nom Nom   ;D



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