Papa Soars Again!Before he was taken up to the 18th floor to be released, 19/K was brought outside and taken out of his carrier so that the group of people assembled to watch, along with at least three television stations, could take a look at him close up. From the comments I heard on the live feed, he really impressed people with his beauty.
After a few minutes, he was taken up in the elevator to the 14th floor, and from there to the 18th floor, where he was released by Fontenelle Forest Raptor Recovery. He did not hesitate, and flew strongly around the Capitol several times before heading out of view. It was a beautiful moment to watch.
Papa did a little vocalizing when he was at ground level, but Alley did not appear to be in the vicinity.
Betsy Finch and Joel Jorgensen with 19/K:

19/K flying high above the Capitol: