Author Topic: 2014 - WSA All-stars / More about Hart & Smiley  (Read 7084 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: 2014 - WSA All-stars / More about Hart & Smiley
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2014, 17:56 »
Thank your very much for your very in-depth reply!  I drew it all up on a bit of a diagram to help the kids see all the connections.  They were very intrigued!

Thanks again!

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: 2014 - WSA All-stars / More about Hart & Smiley
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2014, 15:43 »
Now Hart, he is younger, he hatched at the Radisson in 2012.  

photos by PhotosbyDennis - Hart at banding in 2012 and Hart flying overhead in 2014

His parents are Ivy and Princess and this is his first year back, we don't know where he spent last summer, though we suspect it was near a wetland.  Peregrines like ducks and small wading/shore birds so they very much like wetlands and most spend their first couple of years hanging out near them.  

Hart was named for Eva Hart who was a 7 year old girl who survived the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 - since 2012 was the 100th anniversary, we decided to remember the date.  

photo from Wikipedia; Eva is the little girl in the middle, her parents were Benjamin & Esther Hart

Now for the family tree:   Hart's parents are Ivy and Princess - Princess is from Minneapolis.  Ivy's dad was Trey and grand-dad was T-Rex (remember I told you to remember his name!).  Ivy's grandmother was Madame who came from Cedar Rapids Iowa.  Hart had three siblings - McDermot, Fleet and Beatrix.  We don't know where McDermot and Fleet are but Beatrix is the female out in West Winnipeg this year with Beau.  He has other relations who's names you might recognize as well:  Hurricane in Brandon, Radisson in Edmonton and Alley down in Lincoln, Nebraska are all aunts and Ty in Selkirk last year is an uncle.

And now that Smiley has pushed Ivy out of the Radisson territory, Hart has been hanging out with Joli (remember her?).  We will just have to see if they stay together or if Cowboy returns and pushes young Hart out just like he pushed Smiley out last year.  And interestingly, Hart and Joli have sort of related names even though the spelling is different - Jolicoeur was named after a university dean down in North Dakota where she is from - her name means "pretty heart".

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: 2014 - WSA All-stars / More about Hart & Smiley
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2014, 15:42 »
Smiley is from Grand Forks, he hatched there in 2009, he had two sisters, Ethel and Alice - Alice has visited Winnipeg and nested unsuccessfully one year in Brandon.  Smiley's parents are Terminator and Roosevelt.  


photos: as a chick at banding from the Urban Raptor Research website, just after he crashed taking his first flight from Flickr/EGFbaseball & in Winnipeg in 2013 by PhotosbyDennis

Roosevelt is from Fargo and is a brother of Holly and a half-brother of Kate and Jolicoeur.  Holly nested in Brandon for years and is the current Brandon male, Brooklyn's mum.  

Terminator is also one of Holly's kids but older.  Terminator's dad was Zeus and her grandfather was Mufasa who was a captive-bred bird released in Brandon back in the early 1990s.  Terminator's mother was Phoebe who was from the Radisson - her parents were Pop and Maud, the first peregrines to nest in Manitoba after the recovery program began.  One of Phoebe's brothers was T-Rex - remember that name, because here's where there is a connection to Hart.  

Smiley first turned up in the West Winnipeg territory in 2010, then again in 2012 and in 2013 he was dating Jolicoeur (I've mentioned her) before her mate Cowboy turned up.  I should mention that Cowboy is a brother of Zeus, so that makes him Smiley's great-uncle.  After he lost Joli to Cowboy, Smiley spent the rest of last summer hanging out just outside the Radisson territory - he'd missed the nesting season, so no real reason to head off anywhere else and so long as he didn't get too close to the Radisson, Ivy and Princess wouldn't be bothered too much.  Now it looks like he will be the new Radisson male since it looks like Ivy may not come home this year.  

Oh, and Smiley got his name from where he was hatched in Grand Forks.  Terminator and Roosevelt used to nest on a water tower that had a huge smiley face painted on it.  The tower was suppose to be torn down in 2009, but because the peregrines were nesting there, they left it up until after the chicks had fledged (taken their first flights).  And he was name Smiley in honour of the water tower.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: 2014 - WSA All-stars / More about Hart & Smiley
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2014, 15:41 »
Hey All-stars, welcome to the Forum!

Thank you for letting me post the questions you emailed me while the Forum was being repaired - they are great questions and I'm sure other folks would like to read them too!

About Hart and Smiley - nice looking boys and both still in town though Smiley pushed Hart out of the Radisson territory. Now this is where the story gets really convoluted - you may need to draw a diagram in order to keep them all straight.  I'll start with Smiley since he is a bit older than Hart.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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2014 - WSA All-stars / More about Hart & Smiley
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2014, 15:38 »
Hi there,

My class and I have been following the falcon cam for a few years and are eagerly awaiting this year's edition (hopefully it will get back on-line soon!).

We have a couple of questions that have come up from reading the comments on the website.

What can you tell us about Hart and Smiley?  These are both names that are not familiar to us and we are curious about where they may have come from.
Thanks for your help!
the WSA All-stars