Manitoba Peregrines > Bank of the West, Fargo, North Dakota
Fargo - 2014 / Annie & Miracle
Wonderful that you were able to see one of the Fargo chicks in person, sparkster!
In the past few years, I have seen the Calgary chicks & the Ottawa chicks in person.
It is exciting to see in person, birds we have been watching on a webcam from afar. :D
--- Quote from: MayShowers on July 14, 2014, 12:38 ---Audubon Dakota News
All Chicks Fledged!!
11 July 2014: The falcon chicks (eyasses) have all fledged! They can be seen flying around downtown Fargo on a regular basis. Keeping the camera focused on them is nearly impossible at this point! We will do our best to try and get shots of them as we are able. This also means that another season of the Falcon Cam is coming to a close. The camera feed will be turned off on August 1st, if not before. This date is dependent upon our ability to find the birds easily with the camera, but unfortunately, since they are wild animals and go where they please, this date may come sooner! Thanks to all of our wonderful sponsors and viewers who have joined us for another successful season!
--- End quote ---
I checked out the area when passing through Fargo last evening and had the privilege of seeing one of the "kids" perched on the top of a cell phone tower not far from the nest box. I couldn't locate the other two, but checked the webcam later, and saw that all three were preening inside the nest box.
(I was also really excited about the owl that I saw on the roof of a nearby building until I checked it out with binoculars and found that it was a fake! ;D )
Audubon Dakota News
All Chicks Fledged!!
11 July 2014: The falcon chicks (eyasses) have all fledged! They can be seen flying around downtown Fargo on a regular basis. Keeping the camera focused on them is nearly impossible at this point! We will do our best to try and get shots of them as we are able. This also means that another season of the Falcon Cam is coming to a close. The camera feed will be turned off on August 1st, if not before. This date is dependent upon our ability to find the birds easily with the camera, but unfortunately, since they are wild animals and go where they please, this date may come sooner! Thanks to all of our wonderful sponsors and viewers who have joined us for another successful season!
Well, those pictures are totally cute! :-* The "babies" are growing up. Are they wingercizing already?
From earlier today. :)
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