I would like to say a few words here, on the behalf of secrecy.
I think some of you do not understand , that sometimes it is not possible to tell all.
We had this situation in Edmonton, back in 2010. Miss Edmonton nested in a place that could not be disclosed. Peregrines do not always go where we want them. You all know that from West Winnipeg.
The only reason Peter and I knew is because it was us that found her. I notified our biologist and so in everyone's best interests , ( mostly the peregrines and building managers,we had to keep it secret. ). I reported on happenings that year but never where she was. I was very careful about picutres I posted also. Made sure nothing gave away her location.
We would monitor from afar so no one could see us. I remember someone thinking we were undercover police

I am not perfect, but in my monitoring in Edmonton , I sometimes do not even disclose where I see a juvenille, if I think it could be in harms way.
Tracy should not have to defend her actions. she has explained herself and that should be that. she puts in many long hours and goes above and beyond and I think everyone here knows that. Who else would put a tupperware box at a site to protect the wee ones.
As much as I am involved in our Edmonton birds, I do not expect that our biologist should have to share all with me. I am grateful for what he does.
I have not been able to get to this forum much this year, as we have been very busy in Edmonton , but check in when I can.
I find Tracy tries to give as much information as she can and she always tries to answer questions . Most sites do not have their main person interacting like Tracy does. You are very fortunate here .
I will continue to throw my support behind this project.