Author Topic: U of Alberta - 2013 / Chase & Radisson  (Read 71498 times)

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Re: U of Alberta - 2013 / Chase & Radisson
« Reply #124 on: July 31, 2013, 09:47 »
Very sorry to hear about blue girl.  :(

Offline soaring west

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Re: U of Alberta - 2013 / Chase & Radisson
« Reply #123 on: July 31, 2013, 08:29 »
 :'( :'( :'(Sad news here, we lost Blue to the Maz Building. She was coming in low and it is all glass. Bev, is just broken up and needs a break.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2013 / Chase & Radisson
« Reply #122 on: July 30, 2013, 16:04 »
Thanks soaring west!

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Re: U of Alberta - 2013 / Chase & Radisson
« Reply #121 on: July 30, 2013, 12:47 »
Blue girl fledge this morning and did not to bad. And green is doing fine and no word on black.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: U of Alberta - 2013 / Chase & Radisson
« Reply #120 on: July 29, 2013, 22:38 »
Great reports again, sw. Here's hoping "black band" is going to be okay.

Offline soaring west

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Re: U of Alberta - 2013 / Chase & Radisson
« Reply #119 on: July 29, 2013, 18:59 »
This morning at the crack of dawn, I meet up with Peter to do the watch. Now that Green can fly, I went to watch just in case Blue went . Well, just like that off goes Green over our heads and does a bat cake on the college plaza, 3 more feet and she would have made the top. Chase was at the corner of the building, I guess she is a dad`s girl. She slide off and returned back over the parkade and landed on the upper roof just right above the nest. Well , it was time t go to work and leave Peter to wait for Bev.

Offline soaring west

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Re: U of Alberta - 2013 / Chase & Radisson
« Reply #118 on: July 29, 2013, 16:29 »
I am very thankful that this birds have Bev and Peter. Without them around, us newbies would not have know what to do or watch for.

Offline burdi

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Re: U of Alberta - 2013 / Chase & Radisson
« Reply #117 on: July 29, 2013, 13:53 »

Well that was quite an experience for you, soaring!
I’m sure everyone is very grateful for all your help, and happy to hear that all remains well for green band. 
I have been concerned about black ever since he was placed on a nearby roof, but failed to show up at the nest...
I’m thankful he was taken by Gord, and will continue to hope (along with all of you)

Offline soaring west

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Re: U of Alberta - 2013 / Chase & Radisson
« Reply #116 on: July 29, 2013, 11:45 »
Black was taken by Gord. we don`t know.. He was rescued by Peter and Bev. He was found on the buildings overhang above the door. Peter was looking on all the lower roofs with security. Just as he came out someone asked if he was looking for the falcon(bio`s in his hand). He said yes, and they pointed to just above his head, looking down on them was black. Bev, came just at the same time and had the blanket spread out down below in case he fly off. Peter went out on to the roof and it never moved, he had to take off his shirt to pick it up. When he got down and put it into the box and started moving the box opened up and out popped black and he did a ground fly. But Bev to the rescue again and got him back. 

 :)I forgot to thank Rosemary and Janice for their help on Saturday. Janice was first one down the stairs and was looking for Green. Janice came by and did a second look down the busy street.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 12:23 by soaring west »

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Re: U of Alberta - 2013 / Chase & Radisson
« Reply #115 on: July 29, 2013, 11:32 »
Wow! What an interesting & thorough report, sw! Thank you! :) Is "black" okay? Who rescued him again on Saturday & is he in rehab or has he been released again? ???

Offline soaring west

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Re: U of Alberta - 2013 / Chase & Radisson
« Reply #114 on: July 29, 2013, 11:21 »
black was again rescued Saturday . Near the end of the day green slipped on a jump to the netting and landed on the roof ledge and cat walked for Peter and me, finally stopped around 9.15 p.m. On Sunday Mr and MRS Bev needed a morning to sleep in. So, I went early(5a.m.) and found everyone in the same places as we left them. Pretty quiet  around there, until Chase landed on the camera to wake up the sleeping beauties. Then did several fly bys. Green walked to the other end of the building and just stayed put. Chase landed where she first was and fly off. At 6.40p.m. she for the first time since I got there , green flapped her wings twice and off the building she was. Flying high over our heads and towards the college plaza. She was high enough to land on the apt building but could not stick the lands on the balconies( they are curved inwards) and went around the building with Radisson and Chase in tow. Losing much of her height on the second time around , still missed and fell several more stories and  never made either building and landed somewhere in the middle but out of sight. I have never ran that fast in my life. In case it land on the busy street on the side that we could not see. Had to give up and phone Bev and Peter. But , in my haste I forgot the phone number at work. Ran all the way through the hospital to find security to get the phone number. Then relized that I have no money to use the pay phone( ok yes I should have a cell). Back to the top of the parkade with the box, to get the money. And a kind person lent me hers and phoned Peter to give him the bad news that I lost Bev`s bird. So, Peter comes and cool and calm with not a worry in the world, because with a phone call to someone in the apartment building to look down on the lower roofs , she spotted green girl. In the afternoon she fly back to the nest building. :P
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 11:25 by soaring west »

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Re: U of Alberta - 2013 / Chase & Radisson
« Reply #113 on: July 27, 2013, 23:31 »
Glad to hear that "black band" is doing so well.  :D

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Re: U of Alberta - 2013 / Chase & Radisson
« Reply #112 on: July 27, 2013, 18:04 »
Now that's what I call enough excitement for one weekend. Well done Bev. And thanks to you all for your reports.

Offline burdi

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Re: U of Alberta - 2013 / Chase & Radisson
« Reply #111 on: July 27, 2013, 16:12 »

Thank you for the update soaring west. Poor black had quite an upsetting experience on the ground, hope he can overcome and soon be spotted flying. It’s assuring to know you have several watchers out there, and the expert help of Gord if needed. 
Hope they all stay safe, and wish everyone an enjoyable day of peregrine watching!

Offline soaring west

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Re: U of Alberta - 2013 / Chase & Radisson
« Reply #110 on: July 27, 2013, 10:04 »
Burdi, black is doing great, the roof that they left him on, he was still there last night. Which is good since it is windy. Radisson was on a pole above the nest and she could see him. He got feed only after Gord left the area. Gord`s green coat makes them take to the sky screaming. Peter is down there right now looking for black(PG) but until he pops up on to the ledge we all have to wait.