Hi all. Thanks to Elaine for reporting here.
I will start copying my posts from BCATW to here. As this site is home to me also. Been so busy though.
well here is the scoop. RAdisson has indeed been showing the boy the ropes. And TPC, your airfare would have been well worth what we have been seeing.
He finally has the mating down. 'We would just howl , when R assumed the position and he landed beside her. Like now what.
At one point she went to an antennae , as if to say , you have no where else to land here but in the right place

. then there was the time he attempted to land on her and slipped off. that was a leg slapper :)but we felt sorry for him also.
He is slowly learning. The other night when he came over to where R was, she chased him back to box. He mostly roosts on lip of box and he does scrape and he does sniff eggs and the other day, he did lie down by eggs. We have not seen him incubate yet, but i am not always at cam .
He has been bringing in food and as Elaine said, he was bringing it into box and R would go out with out and I am sure show him where she wanted it. Gord, said he did not care where he put it, as long as he kept bringing it.
He came in later than the male in San Jose so he is getting there. We will have to watch clsoely to make sure that when eggs hatch , the chicks are fed well. No worries abut R but we need the food.
Just one thing, as I was reading the posts, when Damon was here , he did equal incubating and feeding. He taught R the ropes . when she first laid eggs it took her awhile to get the incubating down and he did it. He was a great male. We all called him super male. We were in awe of him.
the one we had for 1.5 years was great also. the first year he was here he did not do as much as they were not his eggs, but the next year he incubated as much as R and was a great provider and caregiver of the young ones.
so we wait and see, and we have been monitoring a lot from ground. We do get a female that comes in but not too much trouble, so far. she i s ushered out. I think she is from the HIgh Level.
there were some times when R was off eggs for a longer time than we would have liked but we will see. It was considered pulling the eggs at one point and putting in dummies and incubate these elsewhere, but I said , wait and see, as she has done a great job.
I am going to see what [picutresI have posted and then post a few. Be right back
TPCI am one who does know my password and need it to put your forum on new computer.