Author Topic: Tower Nest - 2012 / ? & ?  (Read 56611 times)

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Offline allikat

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Re: Tower Nest - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #114 on: September 30, 2012, 20:17 »
We went by the Tower site to put the nestbox to sleep and to get some detailled measurements for a nestbox - will be one of our more complex boxes but it's going to be neat to design!  Before we went up to do work we went around looking for either of the resident pair and didn't seen anything.  As we were unloading our equipment, lo and behold, up popped one of the birds.   Despite the presence of Wowser and Dennis' excellent eye, we couldn't get a good look at the bird's leg, though we could see bands on both.  Leaving Wowzer downstairs we included Wanna-Be-Wowzer in with the rest of our gear (Wowzer is very heavy) and we headed up.  Knowing where the bird was we carefully exited onto the roof so as not spook it - we didn't have to worry, the bird had moved into the sun and didn't so much as twitch when we appeared.  Dennis managed to get more photos but it looks like it wasn't until we had finished our work and Dennis was photographing again and then the bird decided to leave and he managed to get most of the band ... and from what I can see of the band, I have little doubt it's Alice - whoo hoo!  That's two years in a row, one with Zeus and one without so as long as she survives the winter and returns, she'll likely be back to the Tower site - and then hopefully she'll have not only a choice of mates but also two nestboxes to chose from.  And yes, someone figured out what the nestbox was for - nice sized scrape right where I'd expect to see one.  Given the amount of time she spent over at the hidey-hold, finding gravel there next year, I don't think she'll have any problem figuring out what its for. 

All in all, a great way to spend our last visit to the Tower site for 2012!

Not sure what to call the hidey-hole - how about the "hide"? It makes me think of the hides biologists use to watch wildlife - and if they nest there, it will definitely "hide" the peregrines from potential predators and bad weather.  Comments?
Why not just continue calling it the hidey-hole...seems fitting to me!  But, that is just an opinion.

Offline RCF

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Re: Tower Nest - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #113 on: September 30, 2012, 15:06 »
We were there around 11am and didn't see any falcons.  Glad that you saw "Alice" and she is still there!  :)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Tower Nest - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #112 on: September 30, 2012, 14:44 »
We went by the Tower site to put the nestbox to sleep and to get some detailled measurements for a nestbox - will be one of our more complex boxes but it's going to be neat to design!  Before we went up to do work we went around looking for either of the resident pair and didn't seen anything.  As we were unloading our equipment, lo and behold, up popped one of the birds.   Despite the presence of Wowser and Dennis' excellent eye, we couldn't get a good look at the bird's leg, though we could see bands on both.  Leaving Wowzer downstairs we included Wanna-Be-Wowzer in with the rest of our gear (Wowzer is very heavy) and we headed up.  Knowing where the bird was we carefully exited onto the roof so as not spook it - we didn't have to worry, the bird had moved into the sun and didn't so much as twitch when we appeared.  Dennis managed to get more photos but it looks like it wasn't until we had finished our work and Dennis was photographing again and then the bird decided to leave and he managed to get most of the band ... and from what I can see of the band, I have little doubt it's Alice - whoo hoo!  That's two years in a row, one with Zeus and one without so as long as she survives the winter and returns, she'll likely be back to the Tower site - and then hopefully she'll have not only a choice of mates but also two nestboxes to chose from.  And yes, someone figured out what the nestbox was for - nice sized scrape right where I'd expect to see one.  Given the amount of time she spent over at the hidey-hold, finding gravel there next year, I don't think she'll have any problem figuring out what its for. 

All in all, a great way to spend our last visit to the Tower site for 2012!

Not sure what to call the hidey-hole - how about the "hide"? It makes me think of the hides biologists use to watch wildlife - and if they nest there, it will definitely "hide" the peregrines from potential predators and bad weather.  Comments?

Offline RCF

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Re: Tower Nest - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #111 on: September 26, 2012, 19:04 »
Well, the Tower birdie is still here.  :)   She was on the north side of the building perched in the cubby hole.......her favorite spot.   8)

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Re: Tower Nest - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #110 on: September 23, 2012, 12:23 »
I checked here a couple of times this week and haven't seen a falcon.  They could be gone but I will check again this week.  One of them was here until September 28th last year.  :)

Offline allikat

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Re: Tower Nest - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #109 on: September 15, 2012, 22:48 »
Great spottin' RCF!!! 

Guess we all have to be prepared and accept that the birds are on the move... until next year!

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Re: Tower Nest - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #108 on: September 15, 2012, 21:44 »
I checked this evening and there is still one falcon at the tower. The light was already fading at 7:15pm (sigh) but I am pretty sure it was the female I saw.

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Re: Tower Nest - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #107 on: September 08, 2012, 17:51 »
We only saw the one falcon today, we are pretty sure it was the female because of the colour on her front. She was out of the wind on the south side of the tower that has the raven's nest.


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Re: Tower Nest - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #106 on: September 02, 2012, 22:31 »
Nice catch with the band RCF - and yes, it definitely could be Alice!  She looks alot less brown than last year and the year before but that could be that the lighting around her as you got her photo.   

And I'm glad you were able to get the picture of her sitting there like that - its been hard to gauge the size of the hidey-hole in relation to a peregrine - particularly an adult female.  And if this is Alice (and I think it probably is in the absence of being able to confirm her band number), correct foot and she does have a dark rusty coloured wash late in the season which extends up into her cheek patch - which is just like this bird and isn't like that for all birds.  If it is Alice, she's a big female and from your photo she would have no problem accessing the hidey-hole if we add a "box" with space below for water drainage and a couple of inches of gravel.

Good catch!  :)

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Tower Nest - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #105 on: September 02, 2012, 21:36 »
Nice to hear they're still around. :)

Offline RCF

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Re: Tower Nest - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #104 on: September 02, 2012, 16:08 »
I was at the Tower site again today and I saw both falcons. One was in the cubby hole on the north side of the building. I actually managed to get band colours and I am inclined to think it is Alice since she was here last year and her band colours are black over red on the left leg. The other one who has a very white breast was perched on one of the towers so probably the male. 

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Re: Tower Nest - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #103 on: September 01, 2012, 17:42 »
We only saw the one falcon today, he/she was perched in the little cubby hole on the north side of the building.  I think this is the hidey-hole TPC is talking about tweaking.  :)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Tower Nest - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #102 on: August 29, 2012, 19:06 »
maybe chicks next year??? a box perhaps

TPC and company installed a box last fall, the falcons never used it as far as I know.  :-\

RCF is right, there is a box not far from where they nested (unsuccessfully) in 2011.  Going to try tweaking their newest little hidey-hole on the side of the building too - they have been so interested in the spot this year, its worth finding a way to make it a little safer for any future eggs/chicks.

Offline RCF

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Re: Tower Nest - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #101 on: August 27, 2012, 17:56 »
maybe chicks next year??? a box perhaps

TPC and company installed a box last fall, the falcons never used it as far as I know.  :-\

Offline bev.

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Re: Tower Nest - 2012 / ? & ?
« Reply #100 on: August 27, 2012, 12:36 »
maybe chicks next year??? a box perhaps