Hmmm, lots of backseat camera drivers here. Also interesting after working for four years to get the cameras up and operating here, it took one year for folks to start complaining. Except for the internet connection this year (which we hope to improve next year) the cameras have been working well.
Maybe it would be best to turn off the cameras as soon as the chicks get out of the nestbox - whichever nestbox is used since only closeup seems to be "good enough". Since we have left the cam on at the Radisson, seemed only right to leave them on in Brandon.
As for controlling the camera not being a rocket science. You are correct. However, it is part of the security arrangements as part of the falcon cam partnership.
Do I sound a little ticked off? Yes, I am. We volunteer to do this, we all have day jobs and can't spend 18 hours a day watching the cameras to make sure they are perfect all the time. We could have just had the fixed camera inside the nestbox (the one we hardly used this year) and not bothered with the remotely controlled system but we wanted to provide the best images we could. Would certainly save the Project time and certainly wouldn't be a drain on Eye-Spy's time and/or generosity.