Why is it when you aren't lookin' for 'em they show up?
Went downtown specifically to get a good look at our beauties only to have people lookin' at me like I was some kinda nutball. Even had a bus driver get off his bus and ask what we were looking at? That was good, did a little edjamacating about peregrines. (He was kinda cute too
I was on the south and east sides of the building and wasn't having much luck. Could only see one of them with it's back to me while it was eating. Couldn't see the other at all. Until it soared past chasing a winged rat, then disappeared again.
When I went to the bus terminal, I spotted them on the north side of the building, but those darned buses kept getting in my way. The nerve of some people.
Will be heading back tomorrow but will go a little later in the day so that maybe they will have finished their lunch by the time I get there.
Will keep you posted.
Have a great evening.