Author Topic: Logan - 2012 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur  (Read 73727 times)

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Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Logan - 2012 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2012, 20:15 »
Very interesting, TPC. Learned something new. Didn't know about "floaters" and certainly didn't know that Trey had been a "floater" for a few years. I don't know why, but I always thought that Trey took over the Radisson nest by fighting for his position in the nestbox and "the best man won". Glad I got that straight. Thanks! :)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Logan - 2012 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2012, 00:23 »
If this non-resident bird has been hanging around for a few days, I was wondering if this is any indication that he/she intends to stay? How long do birds who are just passing through generally hang around, TPC? ???

Sandy stays a month or longer in the fall ... Cowboy and Kate hung around for months after they abandonned their nesting attempt ... Alice used to hang around all summer before she met Zeus.  Not all peregrines are breeding birds, there is always a sizeable population of non-breeding birds that "float" (they are called floaters in fact) - and they don't seem to be in any hurry to set up a territory but the are generally the ones who move in if a resident bird fails to return.  Trey was a floater for a couple of years before taking over the Radisson territory - old enough to breed but didn't instead just hung out downtown (not to close to his parents) until Simba didn't return.

But to answer your question about this bird - it could be just hanging out where the food is plentiful and there are nice places to roost until such time as she decides to move on or is moved on or decides to find a man (by fair means or foul) - two days, two weeks, two months, ten years ... at the moment, there is no resident pair in the area to move him/her along ...

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Logan - 2012 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2012, 20:32 »
If this non-resident bird has been hanging around for a few days, I was wondering if this is any indication that he/she intends to stay? How long do birds who are just passing through generally hang around, TPC? ???

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Re: Logan - 2012 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2012, 14:06 »
Out at lunch time:  he/she is perched up there again today.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Logan - 2012 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2012, 11:49 »

For those who haven't checked out Dennis' photo gallery ( yet ..

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Re: Logan - 2012 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2012, 20:50 »
Got a look at a couple of Dennis' photos and I don't recognize this bird ... and we did some informal measurements relative to the sign etc and we think it is a female - looks longer and broader than photos of Cowboy and others on this same sign.

Hopefully she isn't just passing through and that she'll hang around long enough for us to get a look at the coloured band on her left leg!

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Re: Logan - 2012 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2012, 18:37 »
So far we can confirm only 1 bird in town so far ... its not a Radisson resident bird so it may be hanging out at HSC as its more sheltered than the Hotel and warmer at this time of the year.  Since its not a resident bird, it isn't hormonally compelled to protect/stake a claim at the Radisson ... yet.  There is also more food to eat at HSC, or rather, easier food ;)

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Re: Logan - 2012 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2012, 18:01 »
Are 2 birds here?
He/she was sitting on the letter O of John at 12:20; still on the same spot about 10 minutes ago(2:05).
Any birdie on the nesting ledge downtown during that time?

He/she was still/again at the same spot when I went by at 3:00.  I stayed there watchig the new arrival for 5 minutes, then left while the peregrine was still soaking up the rays.  I drove then to the Radisson - no bird on Trey's platform and didn't see one in the nest area, although I just drove by.  Proves nothing really about whether there's a second one downtown. 
Anyway, it's all getting to be fun again - the season is here!!!

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Re: Logan - 2012 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2012, 14:16 »
Are 2 birds here?
He/she was sitting on the letter O of John at 12:20; still on the same spot about 10 minutes ago(2:05).
Any birdie on the nesting ledge downtown during that time?

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Re: Logan - 2012 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2012, 12:06 »
Little news from Dennis ... he was able to get a look at the HSC bird this morning as he passed through the area and it has a pink anodized band on one leg - that means its from the US Midwest.  He couldn't get a look at the other leg for the coloured band so we have no idea who it is.  Dennis is also of the mind that it could be a female. 

We are pretty confident however that it isn't Sandy or Princess as this bird's breast is much whiter than hers.  At the moment the bird's breast has a rusty wash on it (they get it during/after the breeding season) so it maybe doesn't look quite as white as we make it sound but basically we mean that the white part of the breast (wash or no) goes lower than on other birds.  Sandy and Princess have barring and speckles that come up to what would look like the collarbone area on a human.  Trey's barring was pale spots on his belly and white down to his belly (on a human, white to his navel).

So two mysteries:

1.  Is the HSC bird the same bird Pam photographed yesterday? at a distance and with the light shining on its breast, the wash would not be visible so all we can say is that the bird has more white on its breast than Sandy or Princess or even Jules.

2.  Who is this American bird?  We did have an American male come visit Sandy at the Radisson nestbox last autumn after Ivy and Princess had left.  If it's a male, it could be him.  We have never had a non-Manitoba male nest in the province - non-Manitoba females yes, but not males.  If it's a female, it looks to be a new bird ... mayhaps a relation of Kate's or Sandy's?  Maybe someone from Grand Forks - a kid of Terminator's from Brandon?  Or someone from even further afield?

And yes, Dennis did take a photo, but without that coloured band, we are still stuck with solving the mysteries  :D

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Logan - 2012 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2012, 20:06 »
That's great news, birdnut! ;D I know you will keep us posted! Great news about the hotdog stand being open again, too! Spring really has arrived! LOL!
« Last Edit: March 13, 2012, 20:08 by Kinderchick »

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Re: Logan - 2012 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2012, 15:48 »
Beau and Ivy are the only white-breast resident birds we have at the moment so that could support Pam's impression that the bird she saw at lunch was Ivy ....  All the females in town, including that hussy Sandy, have speckles right up to their chins.

Or it could be someone just passing through ... might even be Cowboy since he knows this site so well, seems to me his breast was pretty white as well ...

Spring is getting interesting  ;)

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Re: Logan - 2012 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2012, 14:05 »
Birdie most definitely a falcon: 
birdie sitting on C in research on the east side of the Buhler building at 12:20 ish

He/she has a very white breast.

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Re: Logan - 2012 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2012, 10:55 »
Photos - every blurry photos ....  :o

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Re: Logan - 2012 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2012, 10:20 »
Spring is offically here  :)- the geese are back, a falcon is back and the hot dog stand is open again.

A birdie was sitting on the letter B on the east side of Buhler yesterday at 4:00p.m.
It had a very white breast and was sitting at an weird angle that I couldn't tell for sure if it was a pigeon or our falcons.  Given the early date, I dismissed it as a pigeon, but with the sighting downtown this morning, maybe it was a falcon.  I have never seen a pigeon sitting on the letters before, only on the roof top.  I will carry my camera with me from now on.