The Kinderchicklets were looking at the both the Radisson nestbox and the Brandon nestbox this morning, Tracy. When we looked at the Radisson nestbox some of them asked, "Where did the chicks go?!" All we could see were some very big birds, with hardly any white downy feathers left anymore!

It was quite a surprise for some of the 'chicklets to see how big they had grown, even just over the weekend, since we had not looked at them since the end of last week.
As for the Brandon chicks, they were thrilled to see the new nestbox and I was able to tell them lots about it since you had posted so much information about it on the Brandon Board last evening. One little boy said, "Wow, that Tracy sure is quick, we just finished collecting our money and she bought a new nestbox with it already!"

LOL! Wasn't it Art Linkletter who said, "Kids say the darndest things!"